Wednesday 5 January 2011

WOYWW - it's me again!

Well folks, it's Scruffy manning the desk on Wednesday again and you have caught me reading Twiglet's new book.
She thinks her friends bought it for her but really they knew I would like to meet a few new friends, so they bought it, so that I could link up with one or two. I am not sure if  I am supposed to email them or check them out on Facebook!! I have noticed one or two interesting characters like sad monkey and the frog. I will have a word with Twiglet and see if she approves of them first of course. It would be nice to meet a few like minds to chat over old times. Perhaps I can invite them round so that you can meet them one Wednesday.

Poor old Twiglet caught the bug that everyone else has. She has been coughing and sneezing for days! I also noticed that it's been very quiet in the sewing room here and I heard her say she has lost her mojo. I have looked everywhere but can't find it so I hope it returns soon. It's just not like Twiglet to sit around looking glum. I wonder if Wipso has found it. "Hey, Wipso have you got Twiglet's mojo? No? And you have lost yours too? What a careless pair you are!!!"

Oh well it looks like I shall have to do the rounds and check out Mr Linky. I noticed that Julia - queen of snoop - won Twiglet's brooch give-away yesterday. Well if anyone deserves a bit of good luck she does! Well done Julia - hope you like it.
Oh and I am supposed to remind you that Wipso and Twiglet (Sisters Crafty Creations) have a sale on in the blog shop. I hope they don't sell all my sock doll friends or I will have noone to play with - well, until I sort out these little mates in my new catalogue - er book!!
OK - back to scanning the pages. See you soon. x x x Scruffy


  1. Looking around the blogs scruffy it appears lots of mojos have gone missing this week....did hear a rumour that a scruffy little character had been seen running off with one....anyone you know?
    Here's hoping Twiglet and I feel better soon so we can start being creative.
    Hugs for you and Twiglet,
    A x

  2. sorry to hear you caught the lurgy, hope you get well soon and hope you track down that elusive mojo.

    caroline #51

  3. Happy New Year....looks an interesting book!
    xoxo Sioux

  4. Hope you're on the mend, so much stuff going about.

  5. Hope you feel better soon, put your feet up with a cuppa and read that lovely looking book! Tracey x

  6. I thought you were smoking when I first looked at your picture then I realised that it was only your scarf Whew! That was a relief!
    Tell Twiglet I hope she's feeling better very soon!
    Happy New Year!
    Chrissie #3

  7. You just keep her company and she'll soon be right as rain. Carolxx

  8. Happy New Year, hope you are feeling better soon and Scruffy gets some new friends! thanks for sharing. No.28

  9. LOL - good luck in finding the missing mojo! Get well soon too x

    Sherry (82)

  10. Hi again Scruffs

    Hope you are getting overtime for all this extra blogging. Rights for socks!

    And if you are looking for mojo, it can usually be found at the bottom of a bag of chocolate...

    Look after those humans of yours and get them well soon.

    Bernie #17

  11. I wonder if Wipso's mojo is in that little box? hee hee

    I do love all the little creatures you make!


  12. Get well soon hun your not the only one who has had thebug we have all had it here over festive period elder daughter caught it on monday very apt as she should have returned to school today!
    Also most peeps loose mojo after having time out from crafting mines still on holiday,trying to get over it by colouring images!
    Keep warm big hugs judex6

  13. Happy New Year. Interesting looking book. Thanks for visiting. Kathleen x

  14. Tell Twiglet I hope she feels better soon, good thing she's got you to man the fort for her.

    Brenda 83

  15. Your new book looks interesting!
    Hope you feel better soon and find your mojo!

  16. Good to see that Twiglet's blog is in good hands - hope she gets better soon, scruffy.

  17. hello my favourite trollop, so glad you are surviving the plague and keeping a good sense of humour, get weller soonest,


  18. Sorry to hear you have been poorly too - hope you feel better soon.
    Happy New Year
    Linby x

  19. Thank you, Scruffy. Make sure that you look after Twiglet. The mojo is in the box.


  20. Hi Scruffy thanks for sharing your employees desk xx

  21. I hope both Twiglet and Wipso are better soon Hugs Pam xx

  22. Oh Scruffy, what a shame Twiglet has got this dreaded cold - hope it is not the flu.
    Keep her rested and warm with lots of drinks and she'll soon be back on her feet helping you to find that Mr Mojo - think they are having a convention somewhere as there seem to be a few of them missing.

  23. Happy New Year - and I hope you will feel better soon.

  24. Awwww Wishing Twiglet well real soon, a super fun post. Joey xx

  25. I'm sure it'll just take a few days or perhaps even a week or so...but, after the big festive and silly season... we all need a rest... don't worry, you'll find it soon..... in the meantime...get some rest...feel better....

    hugs, V.

  26. That mojo is lurking around here somewhere, I just know it is. Probably just waiting until you feel a little better so she can come out and play. I guess that would be moja - mojo is a "he" right? Either way, hope you are up to snuff soon.

  27. Hope you are feeling better soon. We both had this over Christmas and still have hacking coughs left. Flo lives in our house. I always go with all her suggestions (Go with the flow. Get it!)

  28. Wow, Scruffy. You picked some pretty sick people to hang around this week. But I like the book you are reading and I'm sure it will help Twiglet and Wipso to get their mojo back. I know mine has sure gone by the wayside. Happy WOYWW from #16 this week.

  29. What I want to know is where are all the socks going to come from for your new creations. I know, you will have a drawer full of odd ones, I know I do!
    Have fun!
    Sue xx 50

  30. It’s a good job that Twiglet has someone as capable as you Scruffy to leave in charge of her blog.

    I hope she’s on the mend soon and that her mojo returns quickly….there’s nothing worse than when that goes missing!


  31. Ah I see both of the sisters have been attacked by the bug so Scruffy had to do the post! I hope you get well soon and HAPPY NEW YEAR! Be healthy, happy and crafty! Mr. Mojo is such a naughty boy!!!! Just takes off !!! (and spends time with other women!!!) :-)
    Lots of hugs,

  32. Hope she feels better very soon Scruffy. Nice new book, maybe you will get some friends in the near future.

  33. Oh my another sickee, how terrible for you. Scruffy is taking good care of you I hope. I heard him said he wouldn't mind another playmate or two. Wish I could look through the book. #95

  34. I think all these lost mojo's must be having a party somewhere!!!
    I hope Twiglet is feeling better very soon so that she feels more creative and can you tell her that her new Blog header is just stunning!! I love it.
    Hugs Lisax

  35. Ok, I am from accross the pond, what the heck is I am clueless.

    Thanks for the peek and sharing. Hugs, Marjo #23

  36. Hi..hope you're feeling better as 2011 progresses
    One FABULOUS photograph as your header...stunning
    Hugs Suz x
    ps did l say HAPPY NEW YEAR yet?
    memory going l think! lol

  37. Gosh Scruffy - perhaps Twiglet's mojo is missing because she has no stray socks...and I sure can help out there! I suspect it's more becasue she and Wipso have been so out htough, once she starts, there'll be no stopping her and your choices from the book will be patient!

  38. Happy New Year and happy First Blogshop Birthday . Loved the cake pic .
    Love the sock toys you make.
    hope you're feelig better
    Anne x

  39. hope Twiglet is feeling better by now. that is a really nice picture in your header! happy WOYWW!

  40. Thank you for keeping us updated Scruffy! Please tell Twiglet that I hope she is better very soon!
    I look forward to meeting more of your friends Scruffy!
    xoxo Karen

  41. Oh I caught the bug and am home with a bad cough. Can't go to my craft room :^( but just lie in bed. Good thing our internet is working or I'll be really miserable!
    Patsy from


Thanks for all your comments. I really appreciate your thoughts and ideas.