Monday 3 January 2011

Crafty Creations Ist birthday celebrations and "give away" result

Wipso and I are celebrating our blog shop 1st birthday!
We have had a great year of crafting fun together, and thanks to all your encouragement and support, we have had a good response to our shop.
We hope we will be working together to create lots more hand crafted delights in 2011, so we decided to have a New Year sale to celebrate.
If you would like to benefit from our celebration bargains then please pop over to the shop to check them out.  
There is a special sale shelf with greatly reduced items, the rubber stamps are 'buy two packs and choose a third free' and all the remaining items in the shop are being sold at 10% off.  Postage still has to be paid on all purchases but I'm sure you will agree that there are real bargains to be had.


I have drawn my "twixt Xmas/New Year" brooch give away.

And the winner is.........Julia 
(Yahoo - our Queen of blog - well done to you maam!)
So Julia - if you would like to email me (  with your details then I will post it to you asap.

Thanks to all for your lovely comments. You send such positive vibes over the web, I am sure it helps spur us on to bigger and better things.
Now - do help yourselves to a celebration cupcake - make yourself a cuppa and get browsing in the sales!!


  1. Oh my goodness, I just pop in to congratulate you both on the shop anniversary and say something like 'where did that year go'? and REALLY mean it..and I discover a real bonus of a cheerful win..thank you..address coming over!

  2. Happy Anniversary and to many more and a Happy New Year.
    Chris x

  3. Anniversary's to the next 12months
    HAPPY NEW YEAR....hope it's a good one
    Congratulations Julia..lovely broach
    Hugs x

  4. Well ive just made a cuppa took one of your cupcakes and gonna check out your sale...Happy New Year x

  5. I'll just have tea and cake please! ooooh..look at that pink tower of Pisa...yum....

  6. oh, oh.... forgot... and....and.... a Happy New Year...


Thanks for all your comments. I really appreciate your thoughts and ideas.