Thursday 6 January 2011

New header picture

I just loved this photo from Christmas week and decided I would make it my header pic for a few weeks.
I will put my old header pic back eventually because I love the message my little rainbow carries.

I did that yesterday.
Now, today, my view looks very similar - more snow!!!
Wipso says I wished it on us!


  1. Brrrrrr that looks cold :-)
    A x

  2. We haven't had a snow like this in Southeast Missouri for some time...when it comes, I hope is just a beautiful...Shelly

  3. ooooh, it's absolutely beautiful Twiglet...

  4. I can understand why you like it......its so beautiful...lets hope we dont get anymore just yet! lol

  5. Oh my this is a glorious picture. I haven't seen in real life for years now. So thanks so much for making it your header for awhile. #95

  6. That is really beautiful. So serene.

  7. Great picture - remember it for next year's Christmas card perhaps? Or inspiration for a bit of all-white 'dumfing'?

  8. It does look lovely! It must be such a responsibility having control over the weather, lol.

    ** Kate **

  9. Beautiful photograph - well captured!! We have the snow today too (again - boooo!)

    Much love
    Julia x x x

  10. It looks beautiful but I want it gone!

    I couldn't even make it to BC this morning, couldn't get the car out, for a start.

    Heard a woman in the road say "I've got as far as this but I'm leaving the car down here for now".

    If it weren't for the banks everywhere I might try this afternoon.

  11. Simply beautiful!
    Hope your weekend is wonderful~

  12. You've just put it there to tease me haven't you- you know how envious I am of your (snow) piles!

  13. Glad I waited for a few days after WOYWW to see your spectacular photo. How lucky to have such a beautiful view...the mojo will come back, just enjoy the view in the meantime. Hugs

  14. That is a stunning photo! Looks like that here too. I nearly hyperventilated when it all cam back on Saturday but we have Snow Chains now!!! We did get out and we did go to a party and we did make it home at 3am despite the white stuff : )


Thanks for all your comments. I really appreciate your thoughts and ideas.