Wednesday 12 January 2011

WOYWW and the return of Mojo!

Welcome all you kind, thoughtful WOYWWers!!
The Mojo has returned!!  Thank you to everyone who left such lovely messages on my blog last week.
Yes, I am feeling fine again, thank goodness. Back to my usual bouncy self, full of energy again and raring to get on with a few crafty jobs.

 Over the weekend, I eased myself gently into my craftiness thanks to my daughter M. She left a bag of bits and bobs for me to store when she moved house (about 3 years ago!). I unearthed it and tipped out the contents. It was a wonderful little treasure trove of tiny silk paintings and card toppers that she had made.
So, I set to and mounted them all.
What a fab collection of cards we now have to share between us.

Then, I decided to make a little collage, to mount in a card, for my niece who has just moved house. She chose Friday when she had to cope with 4 inches of snow! So, I made a little house in the snow with a tiny tree in the garden. Strangely, her new home does have a little fir tree in the garden.

Now, who is this handsome young man admiring himself in the mirror? I noticed him showing off when I was down at Wipso's today. Mr Tumble is a firm favourite with lots of tinies. Little P. loves hers and sits him on the settee beside her as she watches his programme. I can see why. He is such a cuddly, little rag doll. Another of Wipso's fab creations!
So, what next for craftiness....
Well I have 2 hats to finish and then I am going to get my sock doll book out, to create a friend for Scruffy.
Have a great week - I will pop over to Julia's blog and link up with some of you later today.


  1. Fab post Jo. So much creativeness going on in your world and it all looks so much better in real life :-)
    A x

  2. Wow, I want a Mr Tumble too. He's such a good little

    Lots of creativity goin on! Thanks for the peek and sharing, hugs Marjo #23 Happy WOYWW

  3. My you've been busy... fabulous work!
    Daisy loved Mr Tumble... in fact I put him on her huge birthday card which we sent to the BBC and was shown on her 2nd birthday last June!
    I love the house is the's simply stunning!

  4. wow you are industrious, love the fabric collage card xx

  5. Hi hun
    glad to hear you are feeling better, fabulous card, luv your Mr Tumble, have great day, happy WOYWW, sue,x (25)

  6. This card for the new home is absolutely fabulous. Long may your niece's chimney smoke!
    I would keep that card in the kitchen cupboard with the salt and bread we use to offer. Or have it framed and put on display. Just so so lovely!

  7. Your house collage is fabulous and perfectly matches your header picture! Your niece will love will be giving her a piece of art made with such skill, care and attention..she will keep it forever.
    Sue xx67

  8. You have been busy! Hugs Pam x

  9. sorry you weren't well and lost your mojo - I wasn't visiting any blogs over the hols so I missed your post - lovely to see all your creativity back in full flow!

  10. What an adorable new blog photo!! and Mr Tumble looks good with you too!

  11. Well I’m glad your Mojo has returned and the silk painted cards are great. I’ve dabbled with silk painting but didn’t manage to turn out anything that beautiful.

    Fab new home card too....very apt!


  12. Great to hear more cheery news that you are feeling better. Beautiful header photo too and let's hope you'll be showing us daffodils soon like a certain person very close to you!
    JoZarty x

  13. Glad to hear you're back on form!

    The mounted silk cards are beautiful!

    Your stitched new home card is FANTASTIC!! I'd have to frame that if it given to me, so beautiful!

    Sherry (103)

  14. Absolutely love the ickle house in the snow, just adorable :D
    Happy Wednesday
    Minxy #2

  15. what a lovely little house in the snow. Love your header with the snowy white pic too.

  16. Glad to hear you're feeling full of the joys again even if it is still winter. What a lovely collection of cards you've made.


  17. Re the colour of my hall.... it's Dulux Apricot White. We got it for the living room and at first we kept thinking we'd left a light on as it gave a light sunny glow. Hence we chose it again for the hall!
    joZarty x

  18. So many cards in so little time! I am amazed.
    Happy WOYWW
    Tertia 93

  19. love those the house with snow - fab
    Sarah - Stressed Stamper #28

  20. wow, your mojo really has returned! Thanks for sharing and happy WOYWW

  21. That is great the collage card x

  22. Hi Twiglet it is me again. Love your header picture by the way. The stamp of the bird looks very like a bullfinch, doesn't it. It is a Prima stamp and from America so it could be anything.
    Glad you liked the canvasses.
    Sue xx 67

  23. Nice to have you back Jo, LOVE the new header photo, totally gorgeous. As are those cards you've made, especially love the purple one with the hearts and the City of David (I take it to be that anyway!) Christmas card.

    Brenda 99

  24. Glad you got your mojo back, those cards look so pretty! Mr Tumble looks a happy fella! Have a great week. Tracey x

  25. I love your header photo!
    th cottage in the snow collage is so cute too, glad you are feeling better.

  26. Wow glad you are feeling better - love the cards you have mounted and the new home card - Mr Tumbles is so cute ~ Nicky 45

  27. No Scruffy today is he sulking cos Mr Tumble has arrived?
    Love your little house collage.
    Hugs Mrs A. #98

  28. Love that collage and Mr Tumble is so cute. Thanks for sharing and glad you are feeling much better. 134

  29. what a bunch of beautiful cards ... and ... now that you have your creative juices flowing're just too darn perky for me...hehhehe...

  30. Thanks for passing by my place and love your creative little pile of goodies lovely colours ( and Mr Tumble is soo cute).. till next time,
    God bless,
    Shaz in Oz.x

  31. beautiful cards. Thanks for sharing.

  32. I'm so glad you're feeling much better and back to lovely craftiness again. Those cards are beautiful and I love the little house in the snow. Typical that it snows for a house move,could there be anything worse. I hope she's settled in well.
    Hugs Lisa (114)

  33. how did I miss you yesterday? don't I follow you?

    how odd - will check and click follow,


  34. love the card collection they are delightful

  35. I love those silk painted cards, very pretty.

  36. Love that little yellow haired man!! So cute. The collage card is fab!

  37. what a fab collage card
    glad you got your mojo back - have you seen mine?
    nice to meet you

  38. How lovely to have your mojo back! mine is still partially missing but I can feel it fighting to come out some time soon! Love the cards you have made especially the moving house one. Thanks for sharing. No. 29

  39. Glad that you are feeling better! And obviously all your energy has come back! Look at all those cards! They are lovely! Mr Tumble certainly is a cutie!
    xoxo Karen


Thanks for all your comments. I really appreciate your thoughts and ideas.