Monday 17 January 2011

Pay it forward!

Back in November I signed up to my artist blog friend Julia Crossland's "Pay-it-forward".
Now that my mojo has returned and I have started creating again, I thought it was a good time to pass on this little bit of good will to 3 of you wonderful blogging friends!
It seems to me, to be a brilliant way of spreading a bit of Goodness in the world without expectation of anything in return...just giving for the sake of giving, to make the planet a bit more cheerier (and oh it works, it really does!!)

If you would like to take part, then you need to be one of the first three people to leave me a comment on this post. I will get in touch to ask you to send me your address, and in due course I will post a little something out to you!

The first three people then in turn, will send out a little goodness to three others and so the love and the happiness continues to spread around our little globe!

So - how about it ? Who wants to receive a little something from Sisters Crafty Creations?
Don't forget you will be promising to send something you have made to 3 more lovely folk from our blogging community!
Go on - you know you want to!!!


  1. aww that is very sweet of you! I think this is even more nicer than a "giveaway" I can't believe I'm going to be in that three!

  2. Sounds like fun to me, and we all need a bit of goodness x

  3. Oi you email me your address please xx

  4. Thankyou so so much for my parcel - I love it :) Now to organise my side of the bargain ;)


Thanks for all your comments. I really appreciate your thoughts and ideas.