Wednesday 19 January 2011

WOYWW after funday Monday!

Good morning all! I do hope the cheery Tuesday sunshine brightened everyone's day. It was a stunning day here although pretty chilly.
Today I am posting early and heading off to Shrewsbury. I think I am on ironing duty before going out for tea with my daughter M.
Funday Monday was the first "Dumfing" day we have had for ages. As you will see from Wipso's blog, she had a very productive time and created another stunning poppy picture.
I was more modest in my approach and made 4 little dumfed card toppers. I stitched them onto a mount and then put them on cards. They are always so handy for birthdays and thank yous.

Our blog shop sale still has one more week to run, then we will be adding our new creations a few at a time to replenish the shop shelves.
Oh yes! And do check out my post below if you would like to join in my "Pay it forward". I only need 3 people so there is just one space left!! Anyone want to join in???

If you want to join the WOYWW mad blog hop then pop over to Julia's blog and follow Mr Linky.
I shall be visiting as many blogs as I can but it may be Thursday before I can get down to it!!
Have a great week!


  1. Your cards look stunning now you have mounted them Jo.
    A x

  2. Those cards look beautiful. Have a great day.

  3. those cards are gorgeous, i think they should be mounted and hung by the person who receives them.

    glad you got your mojo back
    caroline #53

  4. Gorgeous cards Jo...enjoy your day in Shrewsbury
    Hugs x

  5. Hi Twiglet
    I love the creations you have made. I am fascinated by and really interested in the technique.
    I have read Wipso's account of the machine you bought and the process. I so want to have a play.

    I did not send a comment yeterday because I am bit busy at the moment but can join in soon.

    Have a lovely day
    Sue xx 67

  6. Hiya

    oooh those cards are stunning, beautiful work

    Joey xx

  7. What beautiful cards. I'm sure the recipients will be planning on framing those embellishments. Glad you and Wipso had a lovely day, and give young Scruffy a hug from me.

    Bernie x

  8. Fab cards, worth framing! Happy WOYWW!
    joZarty x

  9. Love that word you have created but the cards look even better than the word.
    x Tricia (80)

  10. Looks like you had a very productive day Jo, your cards are beautiful.


  11. Those cards are beautiful, definitely ones to keep and frame and put on the wall! Have a great week! Tracey x

  12. Hi hun
    was lovely to see the sun again 2day, tad nippy but dry, totally gorgeous cards hun,hope you had great day out, have great eve, happy WOYWW sue,x (26)

  13. Those cards are so pretty, but I love the view - where is it?

  14. Very pretty cards Jo and still love your view, although I really do like the white version of it!

    Brenda 100

  15. lovely cards. I would never have thought of using them on cards-what a great idea!


  16. such beautiful, beautiful dumfing :) I love the way you make these flowers

  17. such beautiful, beautiful dumfing :) I love the way you make these flowers

  18. Woo tons look stunning and so useful as you say

  19. Beautiful cards, really lovely. Judith xx

  20. Beautiful cards to collect as a set. A good dumfing day all round.

  21. Great creations, wonderful colors.

    Thanks for the peek and sharing. Happy WOYWW, hugs Marjo #10

  22. You have made some stunning cards! Love them all!

  23. Those toppers are beautiful!
    Tertia 110

  24. Just thought I'd spoil the illusion... No! I have not yet packed. I'm always last minute with that and there's no change this time! I was altering clothes to take today!
    JoZarty x
    Thanks for visiting!

  25. Beautiful cards!

    Thanks for the peek! :D


  26. Those cards look stunning, my favorite is the red one, it just jumps out! Patsy from

  27. Those toppers are beautiful much work to them

  28. Gorgeous cards - deffo need to be displayed in some way so hopefully recipients will comply.
    Oh to be talented in the same areas as you and Wipso and how lovely to have one another to share it all with.

    Enjoy! 27

  29. Your card toppers are awesome. Thanks for sharing.

  30. wow I love the cards, they are fab xx

  31. I think my brain falls to sleep without me knowing. I was here , coz I said about your lovely pic's really gorgeous! Altho I think I spelt gorgeous wrong last time! anyway, now I'm late but never mind!! Have a great weekend
    Happy Woyww

  32. Love your dumfed cards - happy belated WOYWW - been busy at work so had to wait for the weekend for a nose around ~ Nicky 24

  33. Beautiful cards and I love the cushions in the next post! Susan xxox #19


Thanks for all your comments. I really appreciate your thoughts and ideas.