Wednesday 29 December 2010

WOYWW and 'twixt Christmas/New Year give away!

Good morning all!
Scruffy here again!!
Yahoo - the snow has all gone so Twiglet is going to see her poorly little sister Wipso today.
She has left me here, on her table,  guarding her Turkish Delight and browsing some of her crafty Christmas gifts. I don't know what she will be making- I just hope she will share some of the 101 buns if she makes any from that little baking book.
The lace and crochet looks fab doesn't it - Ooo and that little owl notebook - I bet she will have ago at some like that  - she loves owls.
I think she wants to make some little boxes too - I guess that's why she has opened out that folded card so that she can design some of her own.
I have heard that she also had a new sock doll book, so I am hoping she will make some new friends for me! I bet she will have lots more to show you in the New Year.
Well, if she doesn't come back soon, I will be tempted to take a bite out of that chocolate - do you think she will notice?

Oh, I nearly forgot to tell you...
Twiglet says if you are a follower and leave a comment below, she will put your name in the draw for another of her little brooches.

Sister's Crafty Creations will be having a New Year Celebration next week I think, so keep an eye out for that too!!!

Have a great day everyone - now where is this Mr Linky on Julia's blog - I think I have to click something to join in the WOYWW fun... Here I go.......


  1. Looking forward to your visit Jo. Don't forget to wear your mask :-)
    A x

  2. Ohh what a lot of crochet !!

  3. I love that owl notebook! even if it is pink lol love the look of that brooch too!

  4. Oh I'm so sorry to hear that Wipso is still unwell, please pass on a hug and some chicken soup. Your desk shows intent to be busy gal, but I suspect that you may not have all the turkish delight choc by the time you get home....irresistible, even for scruffies!

  5. love the crochet and the notebook. enjoy your turkish delight too

    Hope you have a wonderful new year and see you in 2011
    caroline #50

  6. The lace and crochet look fab - indeed! Happy New Year! S #48

  7. really pretty doilies, and another chance at one of your lovely broaches, wow!
    Be Blessed
    from Angela (54)

  8. Lovely stuff on Twiglet's workdesk, Scruffy --- sure you deserve a bit of choc for keeping guard he he !
    Anne xxx

  9. Well Scruffy you are doing an excellant job of keeping everything safe especially the choccie. Please give Jo a big squodge from me when she gets back home because lovely sisters like Jo are priceless & they deserve hugs too. Sending you & Jo very Best Wishes for the New Year. Happy crafting Gez.xx

  10. So what might you be doing with all that lace and crochet, i have a ton of doilys like that but need inspiration, and with you being the fabric wiz who better to be inspired by.
    Wishing Wipso better and both of you a happy new year x
    hugs Minxy #33

  11. Love the lace and crochet work - beautiful!! The turkish delight looks good too :))

    Happy new year to you.

  12. wow some lovely stuff here from books to lace you will be kept busy.
    Have a very happy healthy crafty new year.
    hugs judex5

  13. Hi Scruffy! Love the crochet. Hope Wipso gets better soon.

  14. I was just looking at your last post with the lovely snow. Gorgeous picture!!
    Happy New Year!
    Carole #62

  15. Scruffy,

    You make a good tour guide and narrator. You obviously found the Linky, something you would NOT have found last week. And that owl book nearly stole the show away from you.

    Please let Twiglet know I hope she had a great Christmas. Little did I realize when I left suddenly last Wednesday that I would not have access to the internet. I didn't even get to wish her a Merry Christmas, and now it's time to send well wishes for an artful and fun filled 2011.

  16. Lots of lovely gifts!

  17. Dear Scruffy

    You're getting to be quite the blogger, aren't you? Do you think Twiglet would let you have a blog of your own?

    Lovely prezzies there - I am particularly taken by the owl notebook and lacey/crochet makes. Thoughtful of Twiglet to leave you some supplies too...

    Will nip over to Wipso and offer some TLC. In the meantime, Happy New Year to you and Twiglet, Scruffy, and don't eat all those sweeties at once.

    Bernie #17

  18. Happy creative crafting in the New Year. Thanks for the peek and sharing, hugs Marjo #10

  19. Love the little owl notebook and turkish delight. yummie. Enjoy your new year.

  20. Yay for chocolate and Turkish delight and lace. Boo for feeling under the weather. Hope Wipso is feeling better soon. Happy New Year!

  21. LOve the Crochet projects so pretty.. and I'm going to tap into that Chocolate too.. Wink* Sorry I'm a week late making my rounds... I hope you had a great Holiday and a fabulous New Year!

    Holly #82/83

  22. Hi Scruffy,
    The owl notebook looks so cute! Hope your chocolate is still on your desk when you get home Jo!
    Happy final WOYWW for 2010 and Happy 2011!
    Susan #13

  23. Sorry to hear that Wipso is still unwell - hope she makes a speedy recovery. Love all the crochet and the owl notebook - thanks for sharing. Wishing you, Scruffy, all his sock pals, Wipso and you all the best for 2011. Elizabeth #57

  24. Do you know, you're probably the only person I know of who likes turkish delight!

    Wishing you all the best for the new year and a special thank you for making me feel so welcome in blogland this year :-)


  25. You did really well, some lovely things to play with, there!

    And things to make...those cakes look good!!

    How amazing it would be to win one of your brooches. They are just heavenly!
    Best wishes for now and next year.

    Sue xxx

  26. Oh I do love the crochet goodies. My girlfriend and I look for great ones at fleamarkets, etc. Always a fun find. Thank you for sharing your great snow shots!! Thanks to Scruffy for being up under the strain of blogging in your absence, lol. #75


Thanks for all your comments. I really appreciate your thoughts and ideas.