Wednesday 22 December 2010

WOYWW just before Christmas!

Here I am, little Scruffy, sitting on the work table, covered in snowflakes, waiting.
I am not sure what I am waiting for but, whatever it is, it's happening on Saturday.
Twiglet popped me on this shiny silver paper with the cosy little fingerless mitts she has just finished making. You know.....she just chopped up a jumper and before I could say "Jack Frost" she had whizzed them up!
I wish she had finished that hot water bottle cover 'cos I could do with that to sit on.
Thank goodness, I cut my little Christmas tree down early. It's grim outside at the moment.
Just look at the frost and snow on those trees.
Twiglet has been feeding some very hungry birds this week.
She has even made me a mince pie or two!

Well, I think I shall go and decorate my tree ready for "the big day"!
Have a wonderful Christmas everyone
and here's hoping 2011 will be a brilliant, happy and healthy New Year for you all!!


  1. Hi Scruffy. Lovely to see you today. I'm guessing Twiglet has been enjoying the Christmas spirit a little too much and is suffering today so she sent you to do her blog :-) Really hope she hasn't gone down with the same bug as me.
    Stay cosy Scruffy and give Twiglet a hug from me.
    A x

  2. hehe...hi Scruffy
    Will it ever stop do you think?
    Took us 40 minutes to get to Val yesterday....great cut thanks Jo for the number
    Hope you all have a wonderful Christmas..cya next year
    Hugs x

  3. Cute story, beautiul snow picture and have a good Christmas.
    Sue xx

  4. scruffy looks lovely, and the view is beautiful.

    Have a great Chrsitmas, be blessed
    from Angela #36

  5. Well Hello there Little Scruffy - don't you just look the Christmas Dandy with all your snowflakes. Guess Twiglet is busy right now which is why you are taking over. Give her a big hug from me and take one for yourself. Merry Christmas to the both of you.

  6. Hey, Scruffy good to meet you!
    Twiglet is obviously already round mine tidying up (thanks!!)
    Have a really lovely Christmas.

  7. What a nice post! Thank you for all your visits to my blog, wishing you a lovely Christmas, health and happiness in 2011!
    Lots of hugs,

  8. Hello Scruffy! You are looking cute! and...OH MY GOSH!! Is that a picture of out side your door? Whatever would I do if we got that much snow??? I wouldn't know what to do with myself! It sure is pretty though :) Merry Christmas!

    Katie (47)

  9. Oh Scruffy you delightful gift you! The weather may be frightful but..yep, you're so delightful! Your view is really spectacular though, whatever the weather. Does the naked hot water bottle mean it's too late? I doubt it knowing Twiglet!

  10. What a beautiful scene, not so pleasant to have to get from place to place though!
    Scruffy looks an angel!
    Happy Christmas!

  11. LOVE the photo you took of what you see from your window to the outside! It's beautiful with all the snow. I'm sure it's more pretty to LOOK at than to BE in though *sigh*

    It's been raining here in southern california NON-STOP! Hate to have to go out and drive in it today :(

    I'm #50 this week. Please stop by and take a look when you get a chance.

    Merry Christmas and a very Happy New Year!!

  12. This is such an adorable post! Merry Christmas to Scruffy AND Twiglet! :-)

  13. Hi Scruffy

    Get another mince pie or two inside you, and you won't be feeling the cold. Tell Twiglet Happy Christmas, and wish her many more lovely things to make in the New Year.

    Bernie #59

  14. Super fab snowman and the mits are kinda cool too, Wishing you Happy WOYWW & Happy Christmas too
    hugs Minxy #4

  15. Beautiful photo. Happy holidays #58

  16. Ah Scruffy, it DOES look delightful. I missed a good one last week, but your on my list so I'll try not to miss again! Have a wonderful day that's coming on Saturday. No doubt yours will be white.

  17. Brrr...we haven't done snow in a long time although we will probably see some over Christmas when we go visiting. Cute little Scruffy. Wonder what he's getting for Christmas?

  18. Lol, doesn't Scruffy realise what'll happen if he parks his bum on a hot water bottle!! Lovely snowy photo too.

    Have a wonderful Christmas,
    Brenda 45

  19. Sweet Scruffy story. Fab snow pictures, wish I could be there to enjoy it.
    Merry Christmas!
    Vicki B #21

  20. And a merry Christmas to you too Scruffy! And to Twiglet as well! Becky #77

  21. Brrrr that view is very beautiful but makes me shiver even more Scruffy :P Lovely to meet you!

    Carmen #80

  22. Merry Christmas and a very Happy New Year to Twiglet and Scruffy !


  23. Burrrrr that looks really cold but such a gorgeous view. Thanks for the peek and sharing.

    Happy Holidays and creative crafting in the New Year.

    Hugs, Marjo #5

  24. Wishing you ALL A MERRY CHRISTMAS and a HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!

  25. Wow,snow snow snow - I'm sure all you want to do is snuggle!

  26. I sure am a sucker for snow photos! We are looking at a reasonably warm Christmas Day...Miss 5 will be excited as "December is Summer" and we haven't had too many hot days so far! Happy WOYWW and Merry Christmas Twiglet and Scruffy!
    Susan xxox #9

  27. Love that snow shot ...we are very brown and sludgy under foot and very freezing at night. Have a wonderful Christmas xx

  28. Hello scruffy, what a cutie. A beautiful view from your window. Have a wonderful christmas.

  29. Thank you for sharing and visiting my blog. :)

    Do you know about my blog candy?

    Merry Christmas!


  30. Ah sweetie pie.... Lovely desk too and what fantastic snow scenes

  31. Aaaaw, wee Scruffy, hope Twiglet gets the hot water bottle cover done for you before Christmas!! LOL
    Merry Christmas to You and Yours, Annette #35

  32. Hello Scruffy - love those gloves - hope you get a cover for your hot water bottle soon - it looks very cold outside. Have a lovely Christmas ~ Nicky 52

  33. Hello Scruffy! You are just too cute! I hope you enjoy the big day on Saturday!
    That view is lovely. like a picture postcard!
    Merry Xmas and have a very crafty New Year!
    xoxo Karen

  34. If I didn't know could be living in Canada...


Thanks for all your comments. I really appreciate your thoughts and ideas.