Friday 17 December 2010

Brooch give-away result!!

Thanks to all my followers - old and new - who joined in my first Christmas give-away!

I popped all the names in a dish and picked out the winner........
Hope you like the view too!!
And the winner is..........


Congratulations Jude and I notice you were one of the early birds on Wednesday too.
So, if you send me your name and address, I will pop it in the post asap.

We have snow again today and its pretty grim. The view below should look like the one on my header!!!
Oh well - the shortest day in 4 days time - hopefully we will have seen the last of the snow and can look forward to Spring (ever the optimist)!
And just to prove me wrong, as I was finishing this post and pulling the name from the dish, the sun began to shine and the whole world is a nicer place!!!!


  1. What a difference an hour makes with the view from your window :-) Congrats to Jude.
    A x

  2. Hi Twiglet - thanks for commenting on my post about the 'flu! I'm much better now, and to top it all I sold one of the flower brooches!
    Love your rainbow header!

  3. I think you're just showing off with your fantastic view- lucky you! Send the snow my way if you're fed up with it, I just can't get enough of it and would love to get snowed in if only for a day.

  4. You have an amazing view. It's incredible how much the sun transforms everything from bleakness to hope again! We've had another sprinkle of snow overnight but not too deep, just enough to look pretty! xx

  5. Congrats to Jude...

    and.... looks like the winter days I love. Brilliant blue skies ...sunshine...and lots of lovely white snow! Perfect. I love winter.

    The only thing I don't like about it is... some days when I absolutely have to make a trek somewhere and the driving is dangerous.... but, mostly.... I prefer to stay home not often do I have to go somewhere when I don't feel like it. It's only when some fool gets an appointment all wrong or an emergency happens..and it can't be avoided.

  6. Wow what a view....and congrats Jude you have a lovely brooch on the way.

  7. Jude is so lucky to have your fab brooch. Like Wipso, you have nice writing too.
    Sue xxx

  8. How pretty your hills look with sun on the snow - coming from the city I can never get enough of this beautiful landscape of ours. We are so lucky!

  9. It really is a lovely view Twiglet, but I so prefer the greens and sunshine to the white and sunshine! Lucky Jude!

  10. Twiglet
    I must be thicker than normal in this weather.
    I can't find your email address.
    Mine is on my profile, so perhaps you could email me and then I'd email you my address back?

    Sorry, we're frozen solid here, my brain is simply not working.

  11. Such a beautiful post, lovely snowy piccies

    I hope you have a lovely Christmas
    Best wishes


Thanks for all your comments. I really appreciate your thoughts and ideas.