Thursday 23 December 2010

Happy Christmas!

I just had to share this beautiful, snowy scene with you all.
Wishing everyone a merry Christmas
and a happy and healthy New Year!


  1. It is untouched and beautiful. A peaceful and glorious Christmas card scene!! Thank you for showing.
    Sue xxx

  2. Yes, that's what Christmas should look like. Grey skies and windy here today but the roads I need to travel on are free of snow so I'm not complaining.
    Have a wonderful Christmas!

  3. wow, that is beautiful.

    We have blue skies here today but no snow, lol.

    have a lovely christmas

    caroline #63

  4. Stunning pic Jo. And a very happy Christmas to you too :-)
    A x

  5. A beautiful white Christmas picture.
    Wishing you and yours a wonderful Christmas and a very happy new year.

  6. Thank you - that could be a calendar photo it's so bright with such blue sky!
    Happy Christmas to you and all your family xx

  7. What a view, beautiful photo!
    Just posted details of how to make the fabric buckets if you'd like them
    Hope you had a lovely Christmas,
    JoZarty x

  8. Beautiful! Happy Christmas to you, too - and a very Merry New Year!

  9. Oh how gorgeous!!
    I'm in Texas and its really rare for it to snow. Last year was an exception with 17 inches in one 24 hour period. It was gone in three days but it was lovely while it lasted.

  10. beautiful snowy scene.Happy christmas and new year to u and ur family


Thanks for all your comments. I really appreciate your thoughts and ideas.