Wednesday 30 March 2022


Good morning all - Happy WOYWW.

I thought I would share my rainbow twiddler that is half made.

Don't the colours just lift your spirits!

Below are the beautiful flowers and wonderful artwork given to me on Sunday.

My clever daughter gave me the little needle felted picture. (Click on the pic to see it better)

She had made it as part of the workshop she was teaching this week and then finished it off with lovely handstitched flowers. I love it.

And then my grandson gave me this lovely water colour that he had painted of his Mum and his Nanny on either side of him. A very good likeness of all, I think!
That's my show and tell for this week.

Thanks to our lovely WOYWW friends, £75 went to various charities for Ukraine for the kilt pin brooches that  I posted last week. Well done all. We WOYWWers would soon sort the world out given half a chance!

xx Jo



  1. WHat a talented artist your grandson is Jo. Love the flowers and Max's artwork too. The new twiddler is so lovely and zingy. Well done on the fund raising. Stay safe and Happy WOYWW. Sarah #1

  2. Lovely gifts for Mother’s Day Jo. A rainbow always lifts the spirits.
    Annie x

  3. The rainbow is so lovely and bright, but your grandson's water colour stole the day this week! What a talented young man and a gorgeous picture. Happy WOYWW. Take care, with love & God Bless, Caro xxx (#12)

  4. Lovely bright knitting and a lovely gift from Maxine but it is the watercolour by Ben that caught my eye. Wonderful! Simply wonderful.
    Hugs, Neet 6 xx

  5. Yes, we would! WOYWWers would rule the world. I wonder what would happen if every world leader was a woman…. That painting by Ben is brilliant, he’s definitely got a talent there, wonder who he gets that from…. ;-). Well done for raising such a great amount for Ukraine xx
    Hugs LLJ 9 xxx

  6. Well done on the fund raising!
    Love the colours in your twiddler.
    Beautiful flowers and artwork.
    Happy WOYWW!
    Susan #11

  7. Morning Jo. well, let's work my way down your page... Gorgeous rainbow twiddler in the making. How wonderful to see a rainbow with all seven colours!! The vases of flowers are lovely and the artwork beautiful - but your grandson's picture - fabulous! Congrats on the £75 made through those little brooches! Brilliant.
    Take care. God bless.
    Margaret #5

  8. What absolute ⭐treasures you were gifted Jo, such a talented family you have ... adore the felted card and the painting ... wow!!Well done on raising funds,your brooches are gorgeous 💕💛💕 Sending love and hugs your way Tracy #14 xxx

  9. Beautiful flowers- all of them ! Love the drawing too happy woyww Helen #3

  10. Well done on your fundraising. Yes, we’d sort it all out, no trouble!
    Lovely rainbow twiddler. Your daughter’s needle felt is beautiful and Ben’s painting is great.
    Take care and happy WOYWW
    Lynnecrafts 10

  11. You have a very talented family, their gifts are beautiful. The new Twiddler is gorgeous too. Wishing you a very happy and creative woyww. Hugs, Angela x13x

  12. Lovely bright colours on your new twiddler! Your daughter’s picture is gorgeous. Well done on the fund raising. Angela #4

  13. Oh Jo, your post colors here are just what I need to get my mind set in good form. Deary cold and windy here. Was it Mother's Day? Beautiful gifts and happy times Have a great week I always love the felted projects.

  14. Love the rainbow twiddler and the very good painting by your grandson! You;re such a talented family! Keep on Crafting, stay safe, Happy Late WOYWW!? ((Lyn))#21


Thanks for all your comments. I really appreciate your thoughts and ideas.