Wednesday 23 March 2022



Another week - another WOYWWednesday!

These weeks fly by don't they.

I was clearing out a few bits and bobs and came across some big pins.

I had intended making some little fabric brooches ages ago but never got round to it.

So, this week I decided I would make some little brooch/ bag tags/flags to raise funds for the folks who are suffering in the Ukraine War.

I found, amongst my many old pairs of denims, a dark navy pair - perfect for the backing on my little flags. The tiny Ukraine flags are made from a scrap of check fabric from my local footie flags.

The national flower of Ukraine - sunflowers - are needle felted and then the petals are hand stitched around each flower head. I left raw edges for effect and just stitched around to secure the backing with a bright yellow thread. Lastly, I stitched them onto the kilt pin. they are about 7cm x 8 cm.

I thought it looked good hanging on my navy bag....


If anyone wants one. Just let me know. Then, make a donation to any of the funds for Ukraine - Red Cross, DEC, Unicef  etc - tell me that you have done that and then I will pop one in the post for you.
First come first served. 

I do have plenty of denim but no more giant pins - but I do have brooch backs. 
So if you just want a little brooch let me know - I could always run up a few more, if demand was high 😀
I guess every penny counts when things are so desperate out there.

We are so lucky to have peace and glorious Spring weather here.
I am counting my blessings.

xx Jo


  1. How fabulous Annie - they are perfect. Stay safe and Happy WOYWW. Sarah #3

  2. Sorry Jo - don't know where my brain was at this morning. Sarah

  3. what a great idea Jo! they look so bright and cheerful. Happy WOYWW Helen #2

  4. Love them Jo....I’m sure they will sell well.
    Annie x

  5. Those are fantastic and will sell like hotcakes! The little sunflowers are so pretty and the whole design is very pleasing. Every penny counts to helping those poor people, it’s terrible to see all the news and feel so utterly helpless.
    Hugs LLJ 4 xx

  6. Morning Jo. They are great well done! A lovely thought.
    Take care. God bless.
    Margaret #12

  7. Beautiful Ukraine badges Jo! I bet they’ll sell well.
    Every bit of help counts.
    Take care and happy WOYWW
    Lynnecrafts 11

  8. How clever, love them to bits and that's some more left-over stuff used up in a useful way so that gas to be good. Wishing you a very happy and creative woyww, Angela x13x

  9. Surprised there are no takers so I will happily take one off your hands. If however, someone else comes along I will have one without a kilt pin as I am sure I have some kilt pins somewhere. Not sure how many but if I find more than one for myself I will send you some.
    Hugs, Neet 6 xx

  10. Hi Jo, back again. So glad you picked up on the puffs for your twiddles. They make a nice textural element.
    Take care, Lynnecrafts 11

  11. Your Ukrainian decorations are lovely, great idea. Happy WOYWW and have a great week. Angela #7

  12. Lovely little pins and a great idea for support for Ukraine. I also agree with your first statement, how the weeks fly! They fly so quickly, I didn't even post last week. Happy WOYWW! #23

  13. Love these pins and would love one but probably being in Australia makes it prohibitive...
    Glad you have sold all made so far!
    Happy WOYWW!
    Susan #17

  14. Hellooo Jo, playing catch up 😊 looooving your pins and not surprised they've been given forever homes 🥰💛🥰 I'm sat here in disbelief that by the end of the week it will be .... APRIL... how did thst happen 😮 I hope you're having a beautiful week so far, see yooou on Wednesday. Love and hugs Tracy #20 🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰


Thanks for all your comments. I really appreciate your thoughts and ideas.