Wednesday 2 March 2022



Good morning all.

I thought you would like to see the finished Saucepan Man outfit.

All the pans etc are made from shiny, silver fabric. Ben helped me to make the two little pans on the front by gluing fabric to Bisto tins.

The rest are all soft sculpture pan lids/utensils etc. the outfit is topped off with a saucepan hat!

My photo of him from the front wasn't very good so I have left you with a very swish rear view. 

He loved the outfit and said "It's much better than I expected!!"

The photo below is the pack of ten twiddlers all ready to be dropped off at the hospital.

They are cheery aren't they.

So that's me for this week.

I am back on Tilly Tea Dance admin this week so I may be a bit slow with my WOYWW comments.

(nothing new there then).

Have a good week.

xx Jo


  1. Well that was a compliment of sorts I suppose... he does indeed look good (even from the back!) Love the cheery twiddlers. Good luck with the admin! Take care and stay safe. Helen #2

  2. Love the outfit and the twiddlers are just what we need on this dull morning.
    Annie x

  3. Genius costume! You are so clever and inventive and Ben’s praise made me laugh 😁. The twiddles are amazing, so bright and cheerful, no wonder they’re so appreciated.
    Hugs LLJ 5 xx

  4. I love the outfit! I guess Ben’s praise is a comment on how he imagined it, and you’re ever inventive. The twiddler are beautiful.
    Take care and happy WOYWW
    Lynnecrafts 15

  5. Pan Man is terrific! How clever is that. What is it for - anything special? Meaning like a school event?
    Love the twiddlers, such a beautiful array there, must say the middle one with the yacht caught my eye.
    You are so talented.
    hugs, Neet 4 xx

  6. Speed of commenting is not at all the point! I love the saucepan man outfit, bless his heart, he must have been so pleased! I’m a little teeny bit horrified by the picture of him…in my head he’s still a toddler! I think you and he need to record all your makings in a book, you have matching imaginations! The collection of twiddlers looks like a summer bouquet, so cheering!

  7. What a fantastic costume for Ben - I laughed at his compliment, I'd love to know what he was expecting! The twiddlers are gorgeous and I'm certain they will brighten up the day for both the Twiddlers and the non-twiddlers (or should I call them twiddle watchers!).
    Hope you have a good week,
    Diana xx #16

  8. Love the new Twiddlers and the costume is brilliant. Wishing you a very happy woyww, hugs Angela x11x

  9. Hellooo Jo, oh my how cool is that outfit ...looooving and your twiddlers are pure sunshine and a feast for the eyes ... loved by all I`m sure they will be!
    Wishing you a gorgeous week ahead, be safe and well Tracy #21 xxx

  10. Love Ben's outfit Jo - a brilliant job. The twiddlers look fab all clustered together like that - so cheerful. Stay safe and happy WOYWW. Sarah #3

  11. I'm glad I got to see the saucepan outfit! So creative! And so many twiddlers, my word! Have a lovely week, Jo! xx zsuzsa #14

  12. Your twiddlers are so bright and cheerful. I am sure they are loved wherever they go. What a great saucepan outfit! Happy WOYWW Angela #13

  13. I really like the Saucepan Man outfit. Just fantastic! I enjoy seeing your twiddlers, and know they are bringing a lot of joy wherever they go. :) Happy WOYWW. #25

  14. Oh Jo, you gave me a real chuckle with tin pan man. He looks fantastic. What a great job you did.
    He will be the envy of the school. And a big round of applause for your work on the twiddle mitts.
    Have a lovely creative week.
    Lynn xxx 10

  15. Wow, Jo! The Saucepan man outfit is absolutely fabulous. I have to agree with your grandson - it's amazing. I can't believe how much he's grown. Where did the little tot I recall go! The twiddlers are so bright and cheery when seen altogether. Have a wonderful week. Hugs, Ellie x #24

  16. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  17. Love the fantastic saucepan man! What a brilliant idea, I hope there's a prize to be won too! The twiddlers as always, are so colourful, they should brighten up anyone and bring on some sunshine through this grey day! Happy late WOYWW!? Stay safe, keep on crafting! ((Lyn)) 19#


Thanks for all your comments. I really appreciate your thoughts and ideas.