Wednesday 23 February 2022


Good morning all!

I hope you have survived the gales and are not too badly affected by floods etc.

We are all fine here although Shrewsbury has lots of floods beside the River Severn which flows around the town centre.

This week I have another little twiddler - a Footie themed one this week.

And then, my latest little knittie for my God daughter....

It's knitted in James Brett Marble DK. 

Of course, I always have to try and match sleeves and fronts with this, not quite random, wool. 

I just don't feel happy knitting it straight from the ball and letting it be completely random. I think it looks Ok and it's really cosy and can be "cool tumble-dried" which is not always the case with yarns these days.

So that's my crafty activity to share with you this week.

I have worked on the Mr Saucepan outfit with Ben today - he helped make little pans to stitch onto the waistcoat. I will take a photo of him wearing it when it's finished.

And finally...

This is what I took out of my potato bag today.

I haven't done anything to it.

It just made me smile.

Have a great week.

xx Jo


  1. the twiddler is great for a fan of the right team; I love the footballs. the jumper is gorgeous and the time you've taken to match the "random" front and sleeves is impressive. As for the smiling potato - brilliant! Happy WOYWW Helen # ?

  2. A stunning jumper Jo - the sleeves are really well matched. Fab twiddler too. Look forward to seeing Mr Saucepan in all his glory when the costume is finished too. Stay safe and happy WOYWW. Sarah #?

  3. Love the twiddler and the latest knitty but the happy potato steals the it.
    Annie x

  4. Mr Potato Head lives again, lol! Gorgeous knits again today, love the colours of the jumper and the twiddled! I remember being astounded that you matched the variegation of the yarn, I’d never have thought of doing that ina million years!
    Hugs lol 8 xxx

  5. Happy WOYWW. Your twiddlers always make me smile, as well as that potato! The yarn you used for your god daughter is very pretty. I am excited to see the Mr Saucepan outfit. Ali x #14

  6. Love that potato! Made me smile too. Great twiddler. Happy WOYWW Angela #2

  7. Gorgeous Twiddler - love the little footballs - great to fiddle with.
    What a pretty dress, and it will keep her so nice and snug, can well picture it with a pair of tights underneath. Great knitting.
    Look forward to the new outfit for ben.
    Hugs, Neet 3 xx

  8. Morning Jo your potato head made me smile too as did your lovely knitting projects.
    I’m glad you’ve survived the storms we just lost a bit of guttering off the garage.
    We watched from the comfort of the living room as snow storms, torrential rain and gale force winds visited us over the weekend.
    Needless to say we didn’t go out haha
    Lynn xx #1

  9. Lovely work as always. The potato made me smile. Anne x 16

  10. Oh some pretty yarn projects, and I love your tator !
    He comes up with a few from his garden in the summer that are quite unique. I'm thinking weather all over the world is quite destructive here and there. We still have -25 with winds/ice so here today. The next 3 days are busy with 2 funerals, tax appt/dental appt. Have a great week

  11. Twiddler and cardigan are both gorgeous and that potatoe made me smile as well! Happy WOYWW. Take care & God Bless, Caro xxx (#10)

  12. Hellooo Jo,loooving your twiddler 💕 the cardigan is beeeeautiful a d helloooo Mr Potato 😀❤💕 I don't think I could eat him 😊😘💕 he's a keeper 😁 sending hugs your way Tracy #23 xxxx

  13. Gorgeous knitting and your potato man was really smile worthy, love him. Wishing you a very happy and creative woyww, Angela x5x

  14. You do beautiful work! Fun potato. I had a double one lately. LOL
    Happy day! #24

  15. Well who doesn’t Love a slightly wonky face that potato is a gift! I totally get your problem with a random yarn and even though it might not occur to them I’m pretty sure that your work to match the sleeves to the body will be really appreciated it’s such a pretty pattern perfect for a little girl! Looking forward to seeing Ben in his outfit I must say. The floods look awful but selfishly I’m very glad that you’re all safe and sound.

  16. That’s a lovely twiddler Jo. Well done for matching the sleeves on the random yarn. They look much better. Stay safe from the floods up there.
    Take care
    Lynnecrafts 15

  17. The potato made me smile too!
    Lovely twiddle and knitting too!
    Happy WOYWW!
    Susan #13


Thanks for all your comments. I really appreciate your thoughts and ideas.