Wednesday 15 December 2021


Good morning - Happy WOYWW!

I thought I would start with my Nativity twiddler this week... 

I enjoyed knitting all the little characters and then added a few sheep and palm trees to twiddle.

I think I have 12 mitts to drop off now.

Below are just a few of my Christmas card designs for this year. I like to vary what I do so that it's not too much like a factory roll out. I think I made about 10 of each.

Lastly, I am chuckling at the things I do sometimes.
This crumpled paper was packaging in a big box that came through the post with a gift for a family member. The brown paper looked too good to throw away - a total waste of the earth's resources! So, I ironed the 7 metres x 30cm length ( Yes 7 metres in one parcel). I think Ben will enjoy printing it as Christmas wrapping paper so that it will, at least, get one more use before being re-cycled in the normal way.

Enjoy the next week of Christmas busy-ness.

I think I will make mince pies today - maybe mini ones with an almond topping. Yum!

xx Jo


  1. I absolutely love the nativity twiddler Jo - I think it's my favourite one of the year. Ben will love decorating that paper - great idea! Stay safe and Happy WOYWW. Sarah #4

  2. Really love the Christmas twiddler Jo and your cards are fab. I always save the wrapping paper...but I’ve not ironed any as yet lol
    Annie x

  3. Oh wow, that twiddler is amazing!!! I absolutely love it, a mini work of art xx. I think you’re doing a great thing with the brown paper, less waste and Ben will enjoy printing it up. The little mince pies sound lush, almond really does add to it - yum yum!
    Hugs LLJ 8 xxx

  4. Your nativity twiddler is amazing Jo. All the characters are there and clearly identifiable. I cheer you for reusing the brown paper, not at all for laughing at. 7 metres? Crazy.
    I adore almonds do they sound great.
    Take care, stay safe and happy WOYWW
    Lynnecrafts 3

  5. I too love the twiddler, whoever receives it will too what a lot of paper ! Happy woyww Helen #2

  6. I love your twiddler - it's stunning and a beautiful work of art. Every time you show one I have a new favourite! I was only moaning yesterday about 3 huge long lengths of paper scrunched up with a small, unbreakable item that really didn't need that level of protection - not for one moment did I think to iron it and use it as wrapping paper, but that is a fantastic idea - I buy plain brown paper to print on for gift wrap anyway, so that is exactly what I will do if I ever get any more through the post! Do have a lovely week and enjoy your delicious mince pies - I've just made some orange and cranberry scones - definitely a festive feel in the air!
    Diana xx #12

  7. Hi Jo, I love the Nativity twiddler - it's fabulous! And your cards are gorgeous - I've been admiring the one hanging above our fireplace since it arrived yesterday. Enjoy the baking session - those mini pies sound delicious. Have a lovely week. Hugs, Ellie xx #18

  8. Oh Jo, what a lovely Gran you are. It is a pure act of love that drove you to iron all that paper for your grandson. And the planet! I for one appreciate what you have done.
    What a lovely selection of Christmas cards you have made. Each one a beauty.
    Talking of beauties - that Twiddler!!! Wow, someone is going to be very special who gets that one. What a work of art it's like knitting dolls in miniature for the to go around a Twiddler. Absolutely fantastic!
    Stay safe and well
    Hugs Neet 6 xx

  9. Hi Jo, don't ask where I've been but I've only just got round to opening the laptop. More gorgeous Twiddlers, they are so much fun. I have tones of that wrapping paper and keep telling myself I can do something with it so we'll see. Wishing you a very happy and creative woyww, Angela x14x

  10. Oh I love your your latest twiddler. Great idea with the paper. Happy Angela #11

  11. I must hold my hand up and confess to being an ironer of paper too-my gran always did it and I have carried on the habit. Your nativity twiddler is far and away my favourite of your makes this year-the details are amazing. Happy twiddlingđź’•

  12. Thank for the visit. Lovely little bits you have shared. Love your theme on the twiddle mitts and the Cards are really pretty designs. I to use a lot of the packing papers and thinking I have plenty !! 12 Tornado's hit Iowa, We were fortunate no loss of electricity with the quick cold temps/the top of one corn bin fly to neighbors field, facia on front of house was torn off and lots of branches. But so many lost so much. See you next week, I'm way behind with cards/mailing etc.

  13. Wow..l those are impressive twiddlers Jo....
    And...I really like the stitched pieces of fabric for the cards.... lovely..... clever you....


Thanks for all your comments. I really appreciate your thoughts and ideas.