Wednesday 1 December 2021


 Well here we are on the 1st of December - where did the year go?!

My dear daughter decided to re-vamp her bedroom and wanted new Roman blinds.

As you know, I have made quite a few over the years and I enjoy making them. I do, however, tend to forget just how long they take. I was hoping to finish one so that I could show and tell but that will have to wait till next week now.

So here is my latest twiddler instead.....

I promised you a few Winter/Christmas themed ones so here is Frosty the snowman..

I shall be making a few more once I have finished the blinds, a matching cushion and fancy washing baskety thingy. Never time to be bored in this household.

I hope you haven't been too badly affected by the cold snap. We had a wild, windy night and a bit of frost but otherwise escaped lightly thank goodness.

Have a good week.

xx Jo 


  1. what a fantastic twiddler! Good luck finishing the blinds, what ever would you do without your family asking for makes!! Happy WOYWW Helen #3

  2. Sounds like that daughter of yours is keeping you busy 😀 love the wintery twiddler.
    Annie x

  3. Great twiddler and we had snow here at the weekend. I like roman blinds but have only ever made one! Happy making.

  4. That twiddler is gorgeous, I like the cool greys in it, goes well with the snowmen - I once played Frosty as a solo on the tuba in a band concert, lol! I’d love a tutorial on how to make Roman blinds one day, so much easier to learn from a Master. And are you using a pattern for the washing basket as I have to make something fro Rhys’ room and need inspiration!
    Hugs LLJ 5 xxx

  5. Well that twiddler is just the biz, and so weather appropriate- my word wasn’t it cold! Good luck with the blind making, happy that you enjoy it and of course, with your exacting standards, who else would your daughter ask?!

  6. Great twiddler Jo. Glad you weren’t too troubled by the weather. Our power went off just for a minute but that was all.
    Your daughter’s lucky to have you to make so many things for her.
    Take care and happy WOYWW
    Lynnecrafts 4

  7. Love the frosty colour scheme and how apt at this time of year. We did get some snow, though not much. I want more! Good luck with the Roman blinds - not something I would ever even think of attempting! Happy December xx zsuzsa #18

  8. Fabulous twiddler - I love the colours and the little snowmen. We thankfully didn't get snow down here but it was flipping cold. Good luck with the Roman blinds - I made some Austrian ones years ago, I think that's what they were called, like frilly Roman ones - and swore I'd never make blinds again, they were a nightmare!
    Have a great week,
    Diana xx #15

  9. Gorgeous twiddler! Your daughter is very lucky to have such a talented mother in the sewing department! It’s good when you enjoy making things. Happy WOYWW Angela #13

  10. Beautiful Twiddler, love it to bits. Good luck with the blind, they are lucky to have you. Wishing you a very happy and creative woyww. Hugs, Angela x16x

  11. Great twiddler Jo and so apt given the weather at the weekend. Good luck with the blinds. Stay safe and happy WOYWW. Sarah #3

  12. Your Christmassy twiddler is wonderful, Jo, and you've got me humming 'Frosty the Snowman'! Hope your soon finished with the blinds, etc., and I look forward to seeing them next week. We have had Storm Arwen blowing a hoolie hear and yesterday we had torrential rain but no snow yet. Family living just a few miles inland did get snow. Have a lovely week. Hugs, Ellie, x #21

  13. Did you spot my accidental mistake with 'your' instead of 'you're', ditto 'hear' for 'here'. My dad would be turning in his grave. It wasn't me, honest, it was predictive text's fault! Ellie x

  14. Love love love the snowy twiddler, something about white that still makes it colourful! It sort of lets others colours shine through. Good luck with the blinds! I made some once...yes I did! for the bathroom...many years ago! I'd forgotten! Keep on crafting!Happy late WOYWW!? Stay Safe! ((Lyn)) #25

  15. the Christmas twiddlers are pretty darn amazing....


Thanks for all your comments. I really appreciate your thoughts and ideas.