Wednesday 24 November 2021


Good morning all!

Nice to be back - I was busy helping Maxine with her Tilly Tea Dance display for the exhibition at Shropshire Hills Discovery Centre in Craven Arms last week.

I thought you would like a nice splash of colour to start your day.

Above are the ten twiddlers that I took for the Dementia team at the hospital last week.

Below is the seaside one in close up...


It's a quick post from me today as I am going to the opticians this morning and I forgot to get this post ready last night.

Have a great week all - hope you are keeping cosy!

xx Jo


  1. Love the twiddlers Jo. Hope all goes well at the opticians later.
    Annie x

  2. Good luck at the opticians Jo. Fab twiddlers. Stay safe and Happy WOYWW. Sarah #17.

  3. Wishing you a good report. I have to renew my driver's license later today and my eyes are giving me fits. No walk ins now all appointments so don't know how this will turn out. Lots of color make those twiddlers fun. Such a great thing you do. Enjoy your week

  4. Congratulations on all those twiddlers, you are a real asset to the patients.
    Have a good visit to the opticians
    Christine #04

  5. Love your twiddlers. Hope everything goes well at the optician. I have just had an email telling me to book an appointment. Happy WOYWW Angela #11

  6. Lovely twiddlers. The seaside one is beautiful - love the lighthouse. Hope all went well at the opticians this morning. I should arrange an appointment - it's well overdue because of the lockdowns, etc. Have a great week and happy WOYWW. Hugs, Ellie x #6

  7. The twiddlers are as always gorgeous. Trying to keep warm , the office is chilly today,, Helen #3

  8. Gosh Twiggers, you must nearly be at your goal number by now? You’re right, together like that the twiddles make a lovely colourful showing, very cheering indeed. So happy to hear that Tilly Tea Dance is busy, picking up where the pandemic forced her to slow down and stop, it’s marvellous.

  9. Gorgeous collection of Twiddlers, love them. Hope the Opticians visit went well, just about to get ready to go myself. Wishing you a very happy and creative woyww, Angela x14x

  10. The twiddlers are all so gorgeous. Happy WOYWW. Take care and stay safe. With love & God Bless, Caro xxx (#13)

  11. They are wonderful Jo, the hospital will be thrilled to have them! I love the seaside one, the stripy lighthouse is genius 😍. Hope the opticians went ok!
    Hugs LLJ 12 xx

  12. Great twiddlers! Love the seaside one!
    Have a great week!
    Carol N #21

  13. Oh they are lovely, the seaside one is gorgeous but i am intrigued by six o'clock, 35 minutes past and ten to. Oh and what is quarter past? Hope all went well at the opticians.
    Hugs, Neet 23 xx

  14. Love all your twiidders, I still twiddle mine and Lady Pam loves hers to bits! (well, not quite!!) Loving the little hand trowl button, I zoomed in to get a better look! Still loving the poppy one from down below.
    Stay Safe! Keep on Crafting. Happy late WOYWW!?((Lyn))#16

  15. I have missed seeing those twiddlers!! Such fun designs! Happy belated WOYWW, stay well, stay safe, Cindyxx


Thanks for all your comments. I really appreciate your thoughts and ideas.