Wednesday 29 December 2021

WOYWW Happy New Year!


Good morning all!

Another late posting - I don't know where the time goes.

I had a couple of lovely days with Ben here for a sleepover and then all of them for tea last night.

It was great to have them here (we are all testing every 2 days just to be sure we are negative) and we all enjoyed a yummy roast with loads of veg followed by home made bilberry cheesecake.

My only crafting this week has been knitting. 

No twiddlers I am afraid, as I have been making little hoodies for a friend's little girl. 

I've made lots of these over the years as they are cosy and comfy as a pull on. I don't know if the tinies actually use the pocket on the front but it's a nice feature and I bet the older ones love having somewhere to pop there tiny toys and favourite bits and bobs (as long as Mum takes then out before popping in the washer!).

Well that's it - short but sweet.

Happy New Year to you all and maybe we can meet up later in 2022 when this virus clears off!!!

xx Jo


  1. SUch a sweet hoodie Jo - I would love to be able for us all to have a get together again in 2022. Stay safe and Happy WOYWW. Sarah #7

  2. That looks lovely and cosy Jo and ai’m sure the little girl will love the pocket. I’m sure Ben had great fun having a sleepover and it’s such a good memory making experience for him. Best wishes for 2022 to you and your family. X

  3. Cute little hoodie, bet the girl will love it and I always love a pocket so she will too! How lovely to have had the family together, I think as long as you’re careful and test, then we should try and see folks.
    Thanks for the fun and friendship this year, I sincerely hope that we can meet up this year - fingers crossed!!
    Happy New Year!
    Hugs LLJ 2 xxx

  4. what a cute hoodie - so pretty! Glad you got to have Ben for a sleepover and the family for tea. Happy New Year and all good wishes for a much better 2022. Helen #1

  5. Sensible idea to test when meeting up.
    Love the little hoodie - what a fab pattern it is.
    Hope you have a lovely New Year and all the best for 2022. Guess it is in the balance yet again as to when we meet, but better safe than sorry is my motto.
    Hugs & Happy New Year , Neet xx

  6. Lovely girl colors. I am thankful for all the visits with our WOYWW group. Seems we all have a few things in common. I took to outdoor activity, walking and enjoying Sunshine, finding my peace of mind. Now I need to set a few goals for crafting/missed making/using any of my Christmas stash. Wishing you and yours a grand New Year, lots of sunshine and time together. Happy 2022 and thanks for the visits.

  7. Happy WOYWW. You are so clever with your knitting and must be very fast too. Love that hoodie. Happy New Year. Ali x #14

  8. That is a gorgeous Hoodie, bet you enjoy making them too. Happy crafty woyww and hoping for a better New Year. Hugs, Angela x9x

  9. Won’t it be wonderful if we can plan a get together! And never mind the littlies, scaling that hoodie up would be fab, I LOVE a useful pocket! Happy New Year xxx

  10. Hi Jo, love the little hoodie! I would love to knit, but have accepted it is not meant to be, so I will content myself with crocheting. I did manage a scarf and hat for Emily, so at least she has had something to wear from me. We have our 2 grandsons to stay for 2 nights this weekend, isn't it wonderful having grandchildren :-). Thanks for stopping by my blog, it is good to be back, and I really am keeping my fingers crossed we manage a get together this year. Happy New Year, hugs Heather xx #10

  11. What a gorgeous hoodie, lovely and cosy and yes tot he pocket us girls so rarely get decent pockets. Happy New Year BJ#17

  12. That's a lovely hoodie - it would take me months to knit anything like that - that is if someone made a start for me and guided me through it like my mum used to do when I was a teenager LOL. Sending you my very best wishes for 2022! xx zsuzsa #21

  13. Love the hoodie. Thank you for popping by. Hope that 2022 will be a happy snd healthy one. Anne x 18

  14. Good morning Jo...

    just popping by to say Happy New Year to you and your family....

    Same sentiments as most of us.... please let it be a happy and a healthy one .. (especially the healthy part) ... .....

  15. Adorable little hoodie. Wishing you a happy and healthy New Year Angela #15


Thanks for all your comments. I really appreciate your thoughts and ideas.