Wednesday 7 July 2021

Here is a bright, cheery start to my WOYWW post this week.
LLJ asked if I could make a rainbow twiddler for her friend, so here's the result. I hope it's Ok Jan - it's in the post so you maybe have it by now.

Next is my brilliant solution (well I think so) to my red currant jelly straining problem.
I had the mesh jelly bag but no way of suspending it. Then I had a light bulb moment. I had saved a hook/clippy thing that something I bought had been hanging on. It seemed too nice to throw away so I saved it (along with all the other "useful" bits and bobs in my sewing room!)
Here it is suspending my jelly bag from a kitchen cupboard handle. It was the perfect height to strain the juice into a jug. I then made two jars of jelly - one for me and one for Max - the red currants came from her garden.

Lastly, I thought I would share with you just a few photos from my trip to Powis Castle.

That's it for now.
I am sorry that I didn't get around all my desks last week. I will try harder this week.

xx Jo



  1. I’ve got one of those handy hooks....saved Justin case 😂😂😂 love the photos of our holiday house (I wushu.
    Annie x

  2. Happy WOYWW. I love the rainbow twiddler. I have a rainbow themed scrapbook page planned and that photo reminds me to pack my stash needed for a scrapbooking class on Friday morning (which will be a challenge to find what I need from the piles in my craft room!). Powis Castle is a beautiful place. I keep saying to hubby that we must go, as he has never been there. Ali x #12

  3. Now that's a cheery twiddler Jo and what a great way to use that clip, i'm sure it will not be the last time you use it now, I can imagine the jam/jelly will taste delicious. I do love homemade. I'm sure i've visited Powis Castle, there are not many Castles in Wales unseen by our family our children loved to visit them when they were younger.
    Happy WoywW Tracey #9 x

  4. Oh it’s brilliant, thank you SO MUCH!! My friend will love it and has already donated some money as agreed. You’re a star Jo, I really appreciate you making it for Kim. I laughed at your straining device (ooh, now that sounds so wrong…) but it works a treat. I loved making jellies, so much less work than jams for some reason. Chilli jelly was my fav but it stank the house out!!
    Hugs LLJ 1 xxxx
    PS Fab pics of Powis castle, I did enjoy it there in the amazing gardens.

  5. Hi Jo! That is a delightful twiddler for Jan's friend. Ingenious solution to your hanging problem. My mother used to make red currant cordial for us and used a pair of old stockings to strain it LOL - now that I think about it, it wasn't the most hygienic solution, but I'm guessing it was clean and it didn't even occur to me to worry about it back then! Looks like a lovely day out at Powis castle - hey, isn't that Annie's surname? The peacock looks spectacular! Looks like a place we would enjoy visiting, although a tad too far for us for a day-trip, still doable though. Happy WOYWW! xx zsuzsa #22

  6. What a great twiddler . Fab pics of Powis too .. Happy woyww Helen #8

  7. The rainbow twiddler is fab, gorgeous colours and certain to brighten anyone's day. I love the solution to the jelly straining problem - you've brought back a long ago memory of our breakfast bar stools turned upside down with a bowl in the bottom and the cloth bags hanging across the stretchers. I love the photos of Powis castle, it's a stunning place to visit.
    Hope you have a great week,
    Diana xx #17

  8. That's a lovely Twiddler. Good choice for straining your red currants, too. I like jelly much better than jam and this is going to be great.

    Living in the states, we don't see those incredible chimneys from the Powis Castle. I really enjoyed the photos. Happy WOYWW from #2.

  9. Beautiful Twiddle mitt and loving the photos of your day out too. Wishing you a very happy and creative woyww, Angela x18x

  10. Great use of plastic hook, recycling does come in handy sometimes. A beau twiddle mits and some lovely photographs. Happy Angela #3

  11. wow the castle looks amazing, and that peacock is just gorgeous. Happy WOYWW! Elle #24, EOTC

  12. Lovely photos from Powys Castle Jo and such a great idea for suspending your mesh bag. Love the latest twiddle mitt - so bright and cheerful. Stay safe and happy WOYWW. Sarah #6

  13. Hi Jo. Super cheery twiddler muff and brilliant photos. Take care Anne x 29

  14. Lovely bright rainbow twiddler! My gran used to turn a wooden chair uoside down to hang the jelly bag on an wor betide us if we touched it! Enjoy the home made jelly-yum.

  15. lovely photos of your trip to the Castle - love that peacock shot you got.
    the twiddler is fabulous and I a sure its recipient will be totally delighted with it. What gorgeous colours you chose - so bright and pretty.
    Hugs, Neet 11 xx

  16. A nice cheerful colourful rainbow twiddler, Jo! Your jelly straining solution brought back happy memories for me. When I was small, Mum used to make jelly every year, and we had a tall 4-legged round stool in the kitchen. She would turn this upside down and tie the four corners of the cheescloth onto the legs, and put a bowl underneath, supported by the legs of the stool. We were under strict instructions NOT to run in the kitchen and knock it over!!

    I think you could also use your hook contraption for dip-dying yarns - immerse the further end in a bowl of dye and createa lovely ombre effect.

    Happy WOYWW,
    Shoshi x #19

  17. Happy WOYWW, running behind as we took 2 days away. Enjoyed your photos. That Peacock is huge. Your rainbow twiddle mit is adorable. And a great idea for straining. I love jam/jellies and missed making my rhubarb this year Weather froze it off My fav is apple butter, which I buy at orchard in the fall. Enjoy a great weekend.

  18. The rainbow twizzler is great, and what a good use of that clip. Love the photos of Powis. Thanks for sharing. Sorry I'm so late this week - it's chaos here as usual! Happy belated WOYWW. Take care and stay safe. With love & God Bless, Caro xxx (#15)

  19. I am afraid I am very late this week but hope to get around everyone...
    Beautiful photos from Powis!
    Mum used to tie her jelly bag to a drawer in the kitchen. How often did I almost close the drawer!!
    Happy WOYWW!
    Susan #20
    Calling All Crafters! – My Blog!

  20. Oh wow those Alstroemerias are jumping out at me! They have been putting on a show this year. I'm sure your twiddle mitt will go down a storm. Happy Belated WOYWW, love n hugs Cindy xx

  21. Those flowers are lovely! I'm never sure if all this rain helps or drowns them! Mine are looking washed out! The Twiddlers are all fabulous! (I'm looking at all the ones in the post below as well! Sorry I'm so late! Its the cats fault! Stay Safe Happy VERY late last weeks WOYWW ((Lyn)) #4


Thanks for all your comments. I really appreciate your thoughts and ideas.