Wednesday 30 June 2021


My latest parcel of twiddlers is all ready to go to the hospital.

Here are a few of them....

I found a couple of Annie's tiny bears to stitch into the zippy pockets on one or two - thanks Annie!

I think, along with a couple of sea themed ones that just need finishing off, that makes 90 since January.

I am determined to make it to 100 before  the end of "lockdown" - well hopefully July19th.

This week, whilst knitting, I have mostly been watching Wimbledon and footie. Some great matches.


Thanks Catriona for my ATC and bit of Scottish tartan loveliness!

The Royal Mail had taken a whole month to get the damaged envelope of goodies to Annie.

Well that's it for this week.

Enjoy your week.

xx Jo


  1. I love your Twiddlers. They are adorable and very, very colorful. You are amazing. I can't believe you have made that many so far and I know they are greatly appreciated. Happy WOYWW from # 12.

  2. 100 twiddlemuffs? That’s a brilliant achievement, many congrats. Could it be 101 though? Please can I order a twiddler from you? I showed my friend Kim your amazing creations and she’d like to buy on for a relative. It doesn’t have to be themed but the rainbow ones appeal. I’ll message you direct! I’ve been enjoying the tennis too but it’s the Tour de France that I really enjoy!
    Hugs LLJ 14 xxxx

  3. What an amazing job you have done with those twiddlers Jo I love the idea of putting a bear in the pocket, so many things you could put in them. Words of love and little things to spark a memory, your kindness is ever giving Jo.
    Nice happy mail, love the clean and simple design, my Scottish side would love that tartan heart.
    Happy WoywW Hugs Tracey #1 x

  4. Fabulous twiddler mitts. Thank you so much for your wonderful felted ATC and card. It was so good to finally be able to open all my lovely post. Angela #7

  5. Wow, 100 twiddlers - that's an amazing achievemnt, especially given the incredible attention to detail and the beautiful decoration on each one. I am loving this weeks collection, each one looks so interesting I feel I want to twiddle them myself!
    Hope you have a good week,
    Diana xx #28

  6. What an achievement 100 twiddlers be . Well done you! Have a good week . Helen #11

  7. Jo, I am always amazed at the craftiness that you knitters and sewers put out! You always have a plethora!! How do you continue to come up with new ideas for your twiddlers? I'm afraid the ideas would run out for me unless someone was asking for something specific! My brain only goes so far! LOLOL Such gorgeous work that you are blessing others with! :) Lovely card happy mail! I won't even talk about our mail system over here in the states, it's mostly in the toilet! LOL Blessings for the rest of your week! Felicia #30

  8. Love all the twiddlemitts and you’ll make the total by the date, I’m sure! So glad the mail finally arrived-just Julia’s still AWOL. Happy knitting.

  9. I do love a good grass match. My middle son is a tennis player/coach. Thanks for the creativity to share with others. Robyn 5

  10. A hundred twiddlers won’t that be something. You are he clever lady with a massive heart and imagination. They just keep coming.
    Have a great week Jo
    Lynn xx19

  11. Loving your twiddlers and what a lovely idea to have one of Annie's mini teddies inside the zip pocket. Happy WOYWW. Take care and stay safe, with love & God bless, Caro xxx (#29)

  12. Obviously your twiddlers are my highlight of the week and what a lovely assortment there is today. Some gorgeous colours there and you say there is a zip bit in some of them - and a teddy bear inside. How lovely and what a surprise for those who receive them.
    love the tartan atc.
    Hugs Neet 10 xx

  13. I just love your twiddlers, and you goal of 100 is commendable! July 19 is my hubby's birthday - so I will think of you and your Twiddlers! Have a great week, Lindart #34

  14. wow Jo 90 twiddlers is quite an achievement! and all so imaginative as well. Hope you are enjoying all the sport though personally I can take it or leave it. Have a good week, stay well, stay safe, love n hugs, Cindyxx #18

  15. Spoilt for choice for sport on tv at the moment…Bart is flicking from tennis to cricket and then to football and the Tour. As exciting as it all is, it’s the perfect time for knitting, you’ll reach 100 with no prob, go you!

  16. Happy Belated WOYWW. Nearly 100 Twiddlers - what an achievement. They are all beautiful. Hubby is not a tennis fan, and I am busy with watching the Tour de France and F1 so only watched a few minutes of Wimbledon here and there. I used to play tennis as a teenager. Ali x #15

  17. Fabulous collection Jo - I do hope you hit your target of 100 twiddle mitts. Glad that Catriona's package finally arrived and the contents were undamaged. Happy WOYWW. Sarah #9

  18. That's a great set of Twiddlers, Jo. I am sure the recipients will be doubly delighted to find a tiny bear lurking inside the pocket!

    A lovely tartan ATC. Great stuff.

    Happy belated WOYWW,
    Shoshi x #26

  19. Sorry I'm late this week just got a bit distracted. The Twiddlers are lovely and I know whoever is lucky enough to receive them is going to be so pleased. Have a happy belated woyww, Angela x23x

  20. What a lovely collection of colourful twiddlers!
    Happy WOYWW!
    Stay safe and keep well!
    Susan #24
    Calling All Crafters! – My Blog!

  21. I love the little ber peeking out of the zip!! Happy very late woyww for the week before! ((Lyn))


Thanks for all your comments. I really appreciate your thoughts and ideas.