Wednesday 24 March 2021


 Good morning all.

Today I am sharing the little twiddler that Lynn Holland asked me to make for her dear friend who is battling illness. She told me she loved her garden, The Lake District and the coast.

So here she is in her posh pink frock in her garden with a basket of flowers.

On the reverse is a tiny beach and, of course, a rainbow - our symbol of hope.

Lynn loved it so I hope Julia feels the same when she receives it.

Here is my poem which I have penned to go with my "special" twiddlers.

Not exactly Wordsworth but it gets my message across, I think.

I hope you love this twiddle mitt.

I made it just for you.

It will help to keep you smiling

So, this is what you do.


You put your hands inside it

And feel its cosy glow.

You can tell it all your secrets

And no-one else will know.


If you feel sad or angry

Just play with each twiddly bit

Look at all its colours

And every cheery part of it.


If you find it useful

Please will you let me know

I am the twiddle maker

And my name is Twiglet Jo!


And finally. I would just like to say....

Attending Shaz's funeral with Annie on Friday was a very uplifting occasion. We felt we were representing all of her WOYWW friends, many of whom were watching online.  Doug had planned it beautifully down to the last detail. The music, poems and spoken words were perfect and painted a wonderful picture of Shaz and of Doug's love for her. That little glittering star is at peace now but will, I am sure, be in our hearts forever.

xx Jo


  1. Love the twiddler and the poem is perfect. You put into words just how we all felt about Friday. She will always be in our hearts Jo.
    Annie x
    Ps you’re linked

  2. I love your twiddle mitt Jo, with all its amazing details the little sheep and the rainbow as well as the main character. A lovely poem as.
    I’m glad you were able to attend Shaz’s funeral, you’ve written about it beautifully.
    Take care, stay safe and happy WOYWW
    Lynnecrafts 17

  3. So many lovely details on your mitt! They really invite you in to their scenes. I still have your envelope on my desk... It will get posted shortly! Sending Spring blessings, Lisa-Jane #7

  4. The twiddle mitt is gorgeous and the poem is absolutely perfect. I'm sure Lynn's friend will be so pleased to have such a lovely gift.
    Sandra de @23

  5. I am so grateful that you Annie And Doddy managed to get there, in other circumstances, G and I would have been there too but it gave me comfort to know that you were representing the deskers, thank you xxxx. The twiddle mitt is superb, I hope the lady loves it and your poem is fab too!
    So you did entice a lumberjack eh? Lol. It’s amazing how a tree can be dismantled so quickly and competently. G had a very happy afternoon with his chopper (!) splitting logs to season for next winter.
    Hugs LLJ 10 xxx

  6. Hi Jo. That is beautiful. Your poem is perfect. So glad that you, Annie and Diddy were able to represent us all at Shaz's funeral and support Doug. Take care Anne x 26

  7. Super twiddle mitt and I love your poem!
    Happy WOYWW!
    Susan #15

  8. Hi Jo. Love that twiddler! Lots of things to fiddle with, enjoy and remember. These little things certainly keep you busy!!
    Take care. God bless.
    Margaret #2

  9. Not sure why I didn't realise you were physically there .. it was a lovely service though. That is one push mitt . Take care Helen #1

  10. That is just so beautiful Jo! The poem is perfect and I'm only just now beginning to understand that these twiddlers are filled with love and magic! So glad that you and Annie were able to make it to the service and represent the WOYWW community. All the best xx zsuzsa #28

  11. Your twiddle muff is really beautiful Jo and it’s such a personal gift for one friend to give to another. Shaz’ funeral was perfect and I found all the music and readings so moving. Happy knitting.

  12. The twiddle mitt is just gorgeous - Lynn must have been thrilled with it for her friend. I love the poem that wrote to go with them, I think it's perfect and very clever.
    Have a good week,
    Diana xx #24

  13. Another fantastic twiddle mitt Jo and the poem that goes with them is so good. Stay safe and happy WOYWW. Sarah #4

  14. That twiddle mitt is absolutely fantastic - so much special detail. I agree that Shaz' service was absolutely perfect. Happy WOYWW. Take care and stay safe. With love & God Bless, Caro xxx (#17)

  15. Oh Jo I love your poem what a special touch that is, the mitt is fantastic, lovely with it's rainbow and all, you and the family are all so creative, must be grand to have so much inspiration around you. I always enjoy seeing what you've been up to. Happy WoywW Tracey xx

  16. You can't forget someone as special as Shaz. When someone is as special as her her memory lingers on. loving the new mitt and I know who ever receives it will love it too. Take care my friend and have a happy woyww, Angela x19x

  17. You must know I love these by now - they are are just lovely, with a such a lot of thought going in to the. What a lovely verse as well. Have a lovely week, Happy WOYWW, stay well, stay safe, love n hugs Cindy #27xx

  18. Sorry I am so late but back is really really bad plus I have had 267 spam comments to delete since Wednesday. So time consuming, especially when you don't feel like bothering. Someone obviously is targeting me.
    Oh what a gorgeous twiddlemitt and what a fabulous little poem you penned to go with it. I think this has to be one of my favourites with that little figure with her basket and the rainbow nestled in the hillside like that. You are so talented Jo. I hope you have saved the photos of them all and some clever person can line them all up and make a collage of the various designs you have done. Just imagine that!
    Hugs, Neet 5 xx

  19. Love your Friday smile photo! And besides beauty in full color you are great at the poetry. A little late with the visit, but between 2 days of router issues and time away I'm still trying to get printers in sync. Thanks for your visit. Enjoy the weekend.

  20. Hi Jo! Lady Pam loves her twiddle mitt! I'm with her now, and she says it's wonderful, its so great, thank you so very much! I showed her your blog, and she says everything you make is amazing, you are very kind!

  21. oh, yes ps..she loved the poem too! I took a picture of her with her twiddler (after hunting for her hair brush first) and will add it to the next WOYWW. I love the one above, the lady in the pink dress with love hers too! Happy very late woyww! Stay safe((Lyn))#21

  22. Oh, how cute is that! The twiddler and the poem too! I think Wordsworth would be impressed. I can see the Lake District in the twiddler - we had some fabulous holidays up there when I was growing up.

    Happy extremely belated WOYWW - been a busy week.
    Shoshi #22

  23. Hello Jo
    So lovely to see Julia’s twiddle mitt on your blog. I’m posting it off to her this week. I’m back blogging after a little hiatus, so see you at the desks on Wednesday. Thank you once again for your kindness xxx


Thanks for all your comments. I really appreciate your thoughts and ideas.