Wednesday 25 November 2020



Good morning all!

Just a happy, little group of bears to share with you today.

I've no idea what I will do with them so if you have any ideas, then do let me know.

They are about 5 inches tall and would pop in a Christmas stocking, I suppose.

I have also been attempting to make more Christmas cards.

I felt inspired to get my needle felting machine out and had a play with scraps of felted woolly jumper and silk fabrics.

I might be brave enough to show the results next week but I am at the "Mmm, not too sure about that" stage with them.

I am looking forward to coming out of lockdown next week but mostly because I missed my haircut, the day after we went into lockdown, and I feel a bit tatty! 

I hope you are all well.

Looking forward to seeing you on Saturday Dec 5th.

xx Jo


  1. I really love the little teddies Jo. I'm certain they will put a smile on the faces of whoever they go to.
    Annie x
    ps I've linked you x

  2. I can’t imagine for a minute that you look tatty Jo, but I completely understand the feeling. I had a cut in August and haven’t since so feel very much the same....I’m supposed to be growing it out, but man, it’s just a mess. Still, Bart is making my hairdresser some wardrobes at the moment so I might be able to hold them to ransom for an emergency appointment next week! Am loving the little bears, and even if you haven’t a use for them, someone will - I noticed in Tesco on Monday that the food bank donation trollies are starting to have more than food put in them now.

  3. Hope you manage to sort a hair appointment soon Jo. Love the bears! Stay safe and happy WOYWW. Sarah #2

  4. The bears are lovely. You are clever Jo.
    Stay safe
    Lynn 18 xx

  5. Hello Jo. The teddies are so cute. Hope you can get your hair sorted soon. I felt such a mess following 1st Lockdown. Take care. Anne x 14

  6. Awww, the little bears are so cute! A proper little family, someone will adore having them to play with. You can never be tatty, you’re far too gorgeous but I understand the need for a haircut, it’s the one thing I really enjoy having done!!
    Hugs LLJ 7 xxx

  7. Beautiful little bears with such lovely faces. Enjoy your haircut when it comes.

  8. Aw sooo cute Jo, all of them, perfect little stocking stuffers.sorry you’ve missed hair cut feeling tatty no fun! Looking forward to seeing these other makes which am sure are just fine!
    Thanks for sharing, and God bless, Shaz in Oz.x

    {Wonderful Words of Life - Shaz in Oz}
    {Calligraphy Cards - Shaz in Oz}

  9. My hair was meant to be cut last week . So far its coping. The teddies are so cute stay safe helen #3

  10. Hi Jo, love those little teddies. Great stocking fillers that will be well loved.I'm sure you'll make a decision on the felting soon, things often look different a few days later. Have a lovely week, Stay safe, Hugs, Shaz #10 X

  11. Hi Jo. What cute little bears! Well done. I think they will be loved whatever you do with them.
    Take care. God bless.
    Margaret #4

  12. What cute little teddies, and well done on attempting the Christmas cards,

    Take care and stay safe,

    Lilian B # 13

  13. Oh how sweet Jo, I love them all. They'd be on my tree if they were mine, It's full of little handmade things. They'd make nice little extra's on your twiddle mitts or maybe a twiddle blanket.. What ever you decide to do with them they will make someone very very happy.. Thank you for sharing with us.
    Take care & Happy Woyww Tracey #12 x

  14. Ooh! What is a needle felting machine? Is it only for making fabric? The bears are very sweet. A belated happy WOYWW Angela #25

  15. So cute - they have their own little coats! I guess you could just keep them on the mantelpiece for decoration and install a hidden camera to see if they get up to anything at night! We suspect our little Santa walks around the house when we're not looking! Thanks for your visit Jo! Have a happy week! Zsuzsa #29

  16. Oh Jo, I know how you feel with the hair - I look like Rapunzel and not a young one either. I do not suit my hair so long but cannot get to have it cut as yet.
    Love your teddy family but no ideas for you.
    Stay safe and well - Hugs, Neet 11 xx

  17. The bears are just too adorable! Beautiful crafting!

    Chana Malkah #32

  18. Adorable wee teddies, Jo! Each one different. Looking forward to seeing what you've done with your felting machine - do share!

    Happy belated WOYWW,
    Shoshi #9

  19. The teddies are absolutely adorable - I would put them on my mantle piece or hang them on my tree, they are soooooo sweet!
    I know what you mean about the hair feeling tatty, but I've been cutting my own - had three good goes at it since March and it's just about acceptable if I don't go out and don't see anyone!!
    Have a good rest of the week, sorry I'm late visiting, had a heck of a mixed up week,
    Diana xx #21


Thanks for all your comments. I really appreciate your thoughts and ideas.