Wednesday 18 November 2020


 Good morning all!

This week I am sharing a few more twiddle muffs with my WOYWW friends and anyone else who pops in to see what I am up to.

The very lovely LLJ gave me a big bagful of chunky yarn which I have been putting to good use in making some Christmas/Winter themed Twiddlers.

I shall pop them up to the hospital once, or should I say "if" lockdown ends.

I thought they might cheer someone over the festive period - especially if they have to stay in hospital with few visitors.

And then, I found a lovely pattern...

I made one of the little bears - she is about 5 inches tall and has been standing guard by my sewing machine. 

Admittedly it hasn't seen much action. My latest attempt at making a Christmas card was a near failure when I managed to stitch a little collage to the front of a CLOSED card, rendering card and almost the collage useless!! Brain fade due to lack of real creativity in lockdown, I think.

I won't give up! I keep dabbling and one day I WILL come up with some worthwhile cards but I may be at it for some time. lol.

I hope you are all keeping safe and well. There still seems to be far too much Covid going round.

All we can do is follow the rules.

xx Jo


  1. Love the latest twiddlers Jo. I'm really chuckling at the pair of us with our lack of Christmas's really not like us is it?
    Stay safe.
    Love you lots,
    ps I've linked you x

  2. I need to get my act together and start thinking and doing some Christmas cards. It's worrying how fast the time is going and how I lack motivation.
    Love the latest Twiddlemitts - hope you get to deliver them as they will be so loved.
    Hugs, Neet 10 xx

  3. They are fabulous, they look like a must have thing, but that's probably just me at the moment, as time seems to be going so fast I know I won't have any left to do all the things on my bucket list! Love the teddy...I can knit...simple things...Will look this one up!
    Stay safe and have a really crafty week, good luck on the Christmas cards. Happy WOYWW?! ((Lyn))#12

  4. Loving the twiddles but oops about the card. That's the sort of thing I'd do . Stay safe Helen #1

  5. I so love the twiddlers I would like some gloves just like them they are so gorgeous. Nice little bear. I wonder if it might be safer to sew the fabric onto a piece of card and then attach that to the card blank. This might work for you rather than sewing it directly onto the card blank. Just a thought. Sending woyww hugs, Angela x14x

  6. Yay, I’m so glad that the yarn is getting used rather than being sat in my cupboard! The twiddlemuffs are fab, I do love it when you run with a theme, they look great and will be loved by someone. That little teddy is rather gorgeous, was it fiddly to make? I’ll have to have a look at the link to the pattern.
    Hugs LLJ 7 xxx

  7. What a cute little bear and a lovely idea to donate the muffs to the hospital - they'll probably quarantine them for a few days though, just to be sure. I even quarantine my mail! Thanks for stopping by Jo - I hope to see you on Zoom! xx zsuzsa #20

  8. You’re right Jo, too much Covid, and it gets closer. It used to be that I knew someone who knew someone who’s relative had it. Now I actually know people who have it and it seems entirely random and from asymptomatic carriers. It’s not helped by this strange, weak semi lockdown and the fact that a lot of people seem to think that they aren’t at risk. I have no idea why. I’m pretty sure it’s this that’s making us all hold back on the celebratory preparations, because we don’t quite know where we’ll all be in terms of lockdown etc. I predict that we need to shake off the guilt of looking forward to it and get gently on with making it special. Seems we all have time!

  9. The twiddlers are gorgeous, and I love the little bear. Happy WOYWW. Take care and stay safe. With love & God Bless. Caro xxx (#13)

  10. Jo, I love your holiday twiddlers!! They look so yummy and wintery!! Our hospitals are closed at various spots as well, but we are at least allowed to drop things off! I hope so for you so that someone will be blessed with those treasures!! Your little critter is too cute as well!! Oh my goodness your stitching/card woes sounds definitely like something I would do....don't even let me near a sewing machine! LOL All will sort out for you however, I JUST KNOW IT!!! Blessings for your rest of the week, Felicia #32

  11. Hi Jo. The twiddle muffs are great, especially love the festive ones. The Teddy is oh so sweet! Take care. Anne x 16

  12. Hi Jo, your twiddle muffs are lovely and very seasonal - I think someone is going to really treasure them. And the wee teddy makes an adorable guard for your machine. Hope you and your family are all okay. Have a good week. Hugs, Ellie x #27

  13. Love that little teddy , love your twiddle mitts too, was just thinking I could do with a pair of fingerless gloves. - my hands are starting to suffer with the cold. I did have a purple pair, but I can only find one ! Angela #33

  14. Love the bear and the twiddle mits Jo. Hope the brain fade goes as your collaged card sounds a great idea. Stay safe and happy WOYWW. Sarah #2

  15. Lovely thoughtful twiddlemitts as always Jo. Your little knitted bear is so cute. I really must find my Christmas mojo too as it seems to have fizzled out. Keep safe.

  16. Loving the twiddle muffs and know they will be very well received, What a cute bear,

    Take care and stay safe,

    Lilian B #15

  17. I've been struggling to get going on cards too, just colouring xmas stamped images at the moment, hoping to be smacked in the face with inspiration.
    I love the xmas twiddlers and the little bear is so adorable.
    Ellie #8

  18. Love your twiddlers and what a super little bear!
    Sorry I am late again...
    Happy WOYWW!
    Susan Renshaw #23
    Calling All Crafters! – My Blog!


Thanks for all your comments. I really appreciate your thoughts and ideas.