Wednesday 15 January 2020


Good morning - another WOYWWednesday has whizzed round!

This week I have been making my annual fund raisers - Katie Morag outfits for World Book Day. I popped them on ebay and any funds raised will go to our local cancer charity.
The jumper already has bids on it so that's good.

The little skirt is made to look like a little kilt in cosy brushed cotton.

Hopefully, I am back to full bounce this week!!
I have more energy and even managed a 4 mile walk around Attingham park on Sunday.

I am rushing to get organised today - Tilly is coming to do some wet felting and I have Ben later after school.

I hope you are all well and not too blown away by the storms over the last few days.

xx Jo


  1. Glad to hear that you feel back to it, be mindful of sleep amounts though, no late nights if you’re back to busy days!! I sound like my mother. I love the Katie Morag clothes, it’s such a fab idea!

  2. I'm loving the finished jumper really don't waste any time do you? That would take me months to knit....if I ever finished it lol
    Annie x #9
    ps I have found a piece of washed denim I can use thanks x

  3. So glad you are beginning to feel more like yourself. This virus or whatever it is seems to be hanging on in lots of people.
    The clothes you have made are lovely, the jumper is so pretty with that lovely yolk on it - they should do well.
    Take care and don't overdo it.
    Hugs, Neet xx 6

  4. Aww, the Katie Morag kit is sooo cute, no wonder they'll whizz off the shelf! I'm glad you're feeling better now, these bugs are vicious.
    Hugs LLJ 8 xxx

  5. Glad to hear that you are improving - take care and don't over do it. These things seem to take a long time to get over. Loving the Katie Morag outfits. Happy WOYWW. Have a lovely week, with love & God Bless, Caro xxx (#5)

  6. Hello! I could not knit to save my life! That jumper is gorgeous.

  7. Loving the jumper and skirt, and well done on your walk,

    Lilian B # 7

  8. Love the Katie Morag outfit-we once had a visit from Mhairi Hedderwick and she was such fun. I’m going to try and send you a photo of something I did with some old linen for a friend. Happy day with Maxine and Ben.

  9. Katie Morag is coming round quick! Glad you are feeling better too. Helen #1

  10. Lovely jumper, glad you are feeling better Happy WOYWW x Angela #22

  11. Good to hear you are feeling better but be careful not to overdo things. These winter illnesses can take a lot out you. Predictably I love the Katie Morag outfit - it's so sweet. Hope it raises lots for your cause. Have a great week. Hugs, Ellie x #18

  12. Some nice projects for charity. Good to hear you are enjoying the out doors. Here it is just too much wind for me. Really brings back all the sinus issues. But rest has helped a lot and I've got energy !! Have a great weekend and enjoy those times with Ben. I miss my grands being closer in distance. All growing too fast.

  13. Love the Katie Morag oufit, especially that gorgeous jumper - I'm not familiar with the character so had to google it. Some lucky little girl is going to be the envy of her classmates on World Book Day (and beyond!).
    Amelia (24)

  14. The jumper is lovely, gorgeous design. No crafting has taken place where I am I'm pleased to say. Sending you lots of crafty woyww wishes, Angela x3x

  15. Glad you're feeling a bit brighter Jo. I am hoping the rain stops before I have to go out for the walk to the post office. The KM outfits are cute and are sure to raise plenty form charity. Happy WOYWW. Sarah #2

  16. It’s good to here you’re upto a four mile walk, that really is something. Well done you.
    I wish I could fit into that outfit it’s gorgeous.
    Lynn xx 10


Thanks for all your comments. I really appreciate your thoughts and ideas.