Wednesday 8 January 2020


Happy Wednesday everyone!
After my slow start to the New Year, I am feeling a bit better but not quite back to my usual bouncy self!
Annie was looking for extra fabric for her Luna Bunny clothes, so I had a good sort through my drawers - always a good idea at this time of year!!
I had lots of pretty little prints which I passed on to her so she can just dip in and share it.

I also found all this gorgeous vintage linen which had been hiding away for years.

I haven't any plans for it just now but if anyone has any ideas do let me know.
I love all the hand stitching - white on white - some of which is probably a hundred years old.
Most of it will have come from car boot sales etc
I really should do something lovely with it - it deserves a second life.

So here's to a creative year ahead then.

I will look forward to checking out more WOYWW desks this year. It's always good to see what our clever, crafty friends have been up too.

xx Jo


  1. Gorgeous finds Jo but some of it is just too lovely to use lol
    Annie x

  2. Am pleased that you’re starting to come right Jo, hope the residuals are easy to shake off. I agree about the linens, they are gorgeous....what about some lovely girly jewellery rolls or boudoir cushions. Add some up to date embroidery to a piece and frame it? Show off the two styles. I dunno, ‘its very difficult to think re-use of such lovely things.

  3. It's funny what a really good search through your stash turns up! Gorgeous fabrics there, I'm so glad you rescued them from landfill, they deserve making into something beautiful. I hope you pick up, I haven't been firing on all cylinders either.
    Hugs LLJ 2 xxx

  4. Hi Jo, what beautiful fabrics. Such a shame to find these older crafts dying out, I agree they need a new lease of life. Have a lovely week, Hugs, Shaz #6 X

  5. How nice of you to share your goodies! I just started a sweet cousin into crafting. I had been saving things when I upgraded and filled her car from one end to the other. Now she is in the process of building a craft desk and she will be on her way. She is still just touching it all and trying to get her bearings.
    Glenda #19

  6. That vintage linen is gorgeous. We found quite a bit in Gran's stash - as far as we can tell she was using some of it as inspiration for her own lace patterns. Hope you are fully recovered soon. Happy WOYWW. I hope you have a lovely week. With love & God Bless, Caro xxx (#11)

  7. These are gorgeous fabrics. I have some antique table clothes and the like but haven't got the heart to do anything with them but it's a shame that they just sit in the drawer so I will be interested to see what you do with them. Wishing you a very happy creative woyww, Angela x8x

  8. Ooh, gorgeous linens - how lovely to find such beauties tucked away. I just love fresh white on white linen - it's so perfect for little lavender bags in late summer when the lavender goes over.
    Hope you have a lovely week,
    Diana x #16

  9. what gorgeous fabrics! I am not sure I could bring myself to use them either, although that's why I'm surrounded by "stuff" ! I hope you find a good use to put them to. Helen #1

  10. Hello Jo. I look forward to seeing what/if you do with the linen - I have some similar. Anne x 22

  11. Beautiful linen Jo, I wouldn't know where to start lol. Hope you are feeling fully fit again soon. Happy WOYWW. Sarah #3

  12. I have been having a sort too, it's amazing what you don't know you have sometimes :) x Angela #27

  13. All I can think of is cushions for the bedroom. Anything girly. Shame I am not a stitcher or I would maybe have lots of ideas. However, what a fabulous find!
    Sorry you are not up to firing on all cylinders and thanks for your good wishes for me. Am now on day three of no pain. Not consecutive days but day three in a week is unheard of - one day is unheard of! Almost broke the mould last night but a quick hw bottle soon put paid to it and all was well. So thanks for the wishes, hope mine work for you.
    Hugs, Neet 4 xx

  14. Hope you are feeling better? Loving the old fabrics, such amazing details. I have seen some of these older fabrics dyed in bright colours and used to cover books, purses etc as a way of upcycling them.

    kyla #14

  15. Oh yes these are gorgeous pieces. I hope you find some good use for recreating with these. I've some I plan to use in special journals for my nieces, hopefully soon. Enjoy


Thanks for all your comments. I really appreciate your thoughts and ideas.