Wednesday 10 July 2019


It is that time again!
I have been busy putting together little inspiration packs for Max to give out on her Tilly Tea Dance workshops. They are very popular so this time I have made 60.

I love sorting through all the lovely bags of "fluff" and yarns to coordinate these little gifts.
It does tend to take over my sewing space until I eventually get them into little cellophane bags.
AND then, I even had time for a bit of yarn dyeing this week.
These worked well and will be useful for some of Tilly's backgrounds.

She has an exhibition starting next week at Shropshire Hills Discovery Centre in Craven Arms so, we will be busy putting a collection of her pictures together this week.

So, that's my craftiness for this week - see you for another trip around the WOYWW desks next week!

xx Jo


  1. love the line full of yarn drying! what gorgeous colours; as are the inspiration packs. Have a good week - sounds as if you'll be busy! Helen #2

  2. I can think of no better thing to see hanging on the washing line.. how lovely. I imagine putting those inspiration packs together can be very therapeutic, what a wonderful gathering of colours. Thanks for sharing WoywW Hugs Tracey#8

  3. Love the colours of the dyed yarn hanging on the line. Good luck to Tilly with her exhibition.

  4. Oooh Jo, I just love these! So pretty, and such gorgeous colours. They look almost good enough to eat! Everyone will love them, I am sure.

    Happy WOYWW,
    Shoshi #9

  5. Blimey, I haven't dyed anything for ages - did you go down the natural plant path or are they just Dylon? The little sample piles are very pretty and worthy of a photo in their own right!
    Hugs LLJ 12 xxx

  6. I just think dying yarn must be a wonderful thing! I love those shades of green hanging on your line! Have a great rest of the week!
    Glenda #16

  7. I thought how nice the little gifts were... and then I came to see the photo of your dyed yarn and I gasped... WOWZAH, such beautiful yarn and those colours, FABULOUS!!! I love the first 'green' (to the left on the photo) so much! Enjoy using the yarn! Happy woyww and a hug from Holland. Marit #18

  8. So lovely to see all the little collections of colour and dying on the washing line....gorgeous colours.
    Annie x

  9. Hi Jo, loving the little piles of fibres! A joy to look at. Love the dyed yarn too, then I'm a sucker for anything green! Have a lovely week, Hugs, Shaz #7 X

  10. Those little inspiration packs are so gorgeous and tempting and I love the dyed yarn. Happy WOYWW. Have a lovely week. With love & God Bless, Caro x (#15)

  11. Love the yarn on your washing line - something for the neighbours to wonder at! The little inspiration packs are gorgeous too. Have a lovely evening and a great week ahead. Hugs, Ellie X #25

  12. WOW! That's a nice lot of fluff and yarns! I love the yarn on the line! Gorgeous!
    Have a great week!
    Carol N #22

  13. Oh the colors you are working with are gorgeous. You have a fun job ! And I love the dyeing of yarn colors also Pretty back yard. Have a great week

  14. How lovely to be dying yarn, and such perfect summery shades of green too. The little inspiration packs are so sweet, they would definitely inspire me to get needle felting!
    Happy WOYWW,
    Diana x #19

  15. Beautiful colours there Jo. I am sure that they will go down really well with Maxine's customers. Happy WOYWW. Sarah #4

  16. Lovely collection of colourful yarn there Jo, very pretty parcels ready fir bagging. And love your clematis Lavender and herbe on your smiles too! Guessing no post from Oz...
    Happy belated WOYWW. Thanks for sharing, Shaz in Oz.x #20

    {Wonderful Words of Life - Shaz in Oz}
    {Calligraphy Cards - Shaz in Oz}


Thanks for all your comments. I really appreciate your thoughts and ideas.