Friday 12 July 2019

Friday Smile

Just one for you Annie!
This is my Happy Birthday Clematis that you gave me.
Isn't it gorgeous.
Thanks lots.

The others are a delight for the bees at the moment. Hebe and lavender.

xx Jo


  1. Sorry I’m late...I get a double post though, so not really sorry! Gorgeous Clematis, what a sight. And you learn something new everyday...I did not know that was a Hebe. Mind you, I’ve only properly opened my eyes to gardens in the last year, so I’m doing a lot of learning! Love the sight of the little collections of hairy colour you were bagging up for that Tilly Tea Dance, so cheerful all together like that. I can see her eyes twinkling at the thought of that newly dyed yarn too!

  2. The clematis is looking good Jo. I love seeing how the bees and insects enjoy the flowers almost as much as we do.
    Annie x

  3. Gorgeous plants and pleased to see the bees enjoying them so much. I'm not always sure that people realise how important those little guys are so we need to keep them happy and healthy and your plants are helping with that. Happy weekend, Angela xXx

  4. A beautiful Clematis! I love that dark purple colour.
    Your Hebe and Lavender are also gorgeous.
    Keep smiling,

  5. I love the way the bees come to all the purple flowers. The clematis is very pretty, but I love the lavender.
    Happy Friday. Kate x

  6. Your lavender has really attracted the bees. I'm happy to see that, since bees are so scarce in my part of the world. LOVE your clematis. It's beautiful and looks so healthy, too.

    Hope you have a great rest of Friday and a wonderful weekend, Jo.


Thanks for all your comments. I really appreciate your thoughts and ideas.