Wednesday 19 June 2019


My left over CROP 10 ATCs have been re-purposed into little dumfling cards. I just chopped off the text and mounted them on linen in a 3 fold card. They will make nice little Thank You cards I think.

These are few of Tilly Tea Dance's latest needle felted pictures that I have mounted and framed for her. She is having an exhibition at the Shropshire Hills Discovery Centre, Craven Arms soon and is busy stocking up. These tiny ones are perfect for a little gift but she now needs to make a few large felted pictures.

My other little job is to stitch name labels on Ben's school uniform - I can't believe how fast the last 5 years have flown. He is really looking forward to going with all his pre-school buddies and has a couple of visits this month.

So that's it for this week.

Thanks Shaz for your ATC which came via Annie - I don't know how we missed out on the day!
I have put all my ATCs in a picture frame in my sewing room. They really are lovely.

See you next week.

xx Jo


  1. your re-purposed atcs are gorgeous! I hope the exhibition goes well, I am sure it will! Have a great week. Helen #1

  2. Love the cards and am sure you will put them to good use...that is when we have harvested the plants on my blog and used the results [Julia's comment :-) ].
    Annie x

  3. Give over. You are winding us up. Ben is not ready for school yet, surely! I cannot believe that five years have gone by since you first introduced us to him. WOW!
    Love the way you have changed the left over atc's into little cards, and the framing of Maxine's work is beautiful. Good luck Maxine (although she doesn't need it, her work is fabulous)
    Hugs, Neet 7 xx

  4. Hi Jo. I assume your last comment re ATCs and Shaz is Shaz Silverwolf and that mine are stil AWOL which is extremely poor after more than a month now. Quite perplexing and so very disappointing.
    I sent two separately to Heather and to Diana and havent heard what happened there either, neither has said thanks so guessing no show ☹️
    Love dumfing cards they’re really wonderful idea indeed! Love my dumfing!
    Cute Tilly’s work too I pray her show really goes off well, loving my sheeps still.
    Happy WOYWW. Thanks for sharing, Shaz in Oz.x #6

    {Wonderful Words of Life - Shaz in Oz}
    {Calligraphy Cards - Shaz in Oz}

  5. I love thise little frames, Jo. Looking forward to seeing what the bigger pieces will be.

  6. What a great idea to repurpose the left over ATCs Jo. Hope Maxine's exhibition goes well and that Ben enjoys his new experiences! Happy WOYWW. Sarah #3

  7. What lovely cards! And oh the joys of sewing in name labels... I don't envy you :)
    Happy WOYWW!
    Claire no 2

  8. Gorgeous cards from those ATCs and I love the little frames. Happy WOYWW. With Love & God Bless, Caro x (#10)

  9. Now that’s a nice way to enjoy your ATCs....I may well do something similar once this extension has finished and I can assess the extent of my wall space. Five?! are you sure? is he ready for school? I don’t think I’m ready for him to go! What a trouper you are with the name tapes, I seriously think I’d rather stick pins in my eyes. Mum’s stuff has to be named too, but I’ve resorted to iron on labels. So far so good.

  10. Hello Jo, I like how you've re-purposed your ATCs - they make the most perfect little cards. And the needle felted pictures are gorgeous - the sheep are really cute. I can't believe your grandson is going to school already - where have the years gone. Have a great week. Hugs, Ellie x #24

  11. Hello Jo. I can't believe your grandson is five!!! Where does the time go. Love what you have done with the ATC's. They are so pretty. Anne x #18

  12. Hi Jo, Our youngest grandson will start school in September - I can't believe it either! The repurposed ATCs look great - you are correct, they will make lovely thank you cards. I think I will frame my ATCs so I can see them all every time I am in my craft room. I hope Maxine's exhibition goes well. Have a lovely week, Heather xx #11

  13. Loving how you've used the ATCs, great cards. Wishing you a happy woyww, Angela x15x

  14. Wow! I never thought to convert an ATC to a card. Beautiful! Dorlene #26

  15. Thanks for stopping by. Your cards turned out precious and the needle felted pictures ae lovely. Hope she has a great show. Great idea on framing the ATC's I have a small wire gate to use with a clothes pin or a metal clip just haven't reached the spot to get the nail in the wall to hang it. Storms coming in later so have to get a few groceries and gas in the car. Enjoy a great weekend.


Thanks for all your comments. I really appreciate your thoughts and ideas.