Wednesday 12 June 2019


Here is my work desk all set up for a bit of brooch making action.
I have cut out and sewn on the pins ready to attach to the fronts when Tilly drops them off.

The lovely Julia pointed out the real purpose for the "giant paper clip" that I showed you last week.
It is, of course, a  clip on drinks holder. So here it is with my glass of fizz at the ready!
Not wanting to get too tiddly, I have also got a mug of coffee in case I need sobering up!

The little bars of choc etc that came with my ATCs last week have also been munched in my sewing room - I can sneak up here and have a little work time treat. Thanks to all - they were much appreciated. My little lavender cushion is tucked into my fabric drawer so that I can admire it each time I delve in for fabric - thanks Elizabeth.

I am still awaiting a little parcel from Shaz in Oz who has posted a few ATCs. I think the journey from the Antipodes has foxed them this time - it seems a long time since Shaz posted them!

Short and sweet this week.

I will try and visit a few desks later.

Have a great week.

xx Jo


  1. now that is a perfect drink to enjoy whilst making brooches! I do hope Shaz's packet arrives soon. I haven't heard that my PIF I sent to Australia has arrived either yet... seems it's a two-way thing! Helen #9

  2. Now that has made me smile - a shelf for a glass of something lovely. I think the JanCave is missing out on something here :-D. I really enjoyed sorting out and displaying all the lovely bits and pieces from the Crop too, such love in small gestures.
    Hugs LLJ 2 xx

  3. Lovely production line going on there today Jo.....all helped along by the glass of fizz of course.
    Annie x

  4. Hi Jo, that clip is a fab idea! Lovely batch of backs for the brooches. Do love mine, I keep it on my backpack! Have a lovely week, Hugs, Shaz #10 X

  5. Aaah, it's a drink holder - how clever! This way the glass doesn't take up space on the desk AND you won't accidentally spill your drink. A nice little brooch factory going on there. International post can take agonizingly long to arrive - I'm pretty sure it used to be quicker a few years ago - who knows why? Have a lovely week, Jo! zsuzsa #20

  6. An here's me thinking the orange thing is some new fangled brooch maker when all the time it is holding your secret tipple. Is it the fizz like we had at the Crop? I have had a bottle since then because you whetted my appetite (not hard to do where Prosecco or Cava is concerned).
    Happy brooch making.
    Hugs and Thanks for the Crop and all the work you put into it
    Neet 1 xx

  7. Looks like quite a process! I bet your brooches are gorgeous!
    Love the large paperclip. I've never seen anything like that before!
    Thanks for popping by and have a wonderful week!
    Carol N #5

  8. A very well deserved glass of fizz from what I have seen Jo what an amazing day you created for everyone at the Anniversary Crop. I'm still playing catch up on it all as I have been away on holiday but I am very envious of all the loveliness displayed, warmth and generosity that Julia started all those years ago. Hoping one day I will make it.. but for now you enjoy that fizz just like the chocolate. WoywW Hugs Tracey #3

  9. You are definitely a double fisted drinker. Of course, you'll need it while tackling that very busy desk and brooches. Happy WOYWW from # 8.

  10. Love the fizz holder for your desk and love the production line in progress. Happy WOYWW. with love & God Bless. Caro (#19) xxx

  11. We had some of those drinks holder for the outside table-wonder where they went? Possibly gave them away in a box of caravan stuff. Loving your production line. Just home now from our wanderings. X

  12. Interesting holder you have there. Hope your happy mail arrives soon. Happy woyww and wishing you a lovely crafty week, Angela x13x

  13. Thanks for reminding me about the edible goodies from the crop Jo, I will collect mine together now as post report treats. Great way to enjoy brooch making, the holder is really useful. Happy WOYWW. Sarah #7

  14. Well, dear Jo your parcel beat mine and mine was posted about mid May I think. This is pretty hopeless.
    I was gobsmacked re your box of goodies and have sent you details in email. Will blog post it all next week.
    Many thanks dear kind Jo, am praying the LORD will richly bless you for kindness.
    Happy belated WOYWW. Thanks for sharing, Shaz in Oz.x #22

    {Wonderful Words of Life - Shaz in Oz}
    {Calligraphy Cards - Shaz in Oz}

  15. Hi Jo, sorry for the late visit- time runs away with me! Love the drinks holder, what a great idea! Nice production line going on, and still all very neat and tidy! I'm off to tidy my desk later. Have a lovely week, Heather xx #12


Thanks for all your comments. I really appreciate your thoughts and ideas.