Wednesday 29 May 2019

WOYWW CROP 10 week!

Well only 3 sleeps until our WOYWW CROP 10 get together!
We are looking forward to meeting up with everyone and I promise we will take a few photos and share them next week so those of you who can't make it can join in the fun.

I couldn't resist taking this photo and thought today would be a good day to share it.
Don't they look lovely all together in a big group!

I know it's an idea I have used before but, no two pictures are the same and I had lot's of fun making them.
I will take them all to the crop and then share the remainder next week. I know Shaz in Oz will be getting one so I will post mine and anyone else who is sending to her can pop them in my envelope at the crop if you wish. (Shaz in Oz - I hope that leg is healing well by now!)

Diana (velvetmoth) was my PIF so I parcelled up one of my little dumflings for her. Very kindly she sent me this gorgeous ATC and lovely bits and bobs. What a lovely bunch of crafty buddies our WOYWWers are!

I might just have to have a go with the pretty items and see what I can come up with. As you know, I am not a paper crafter but, I feel inspired to try as Diana's artwork is always so beautiful.

So, that's it for this week.

See you soon!!

xx Jo


  1. You have received some gorgeous atcs and I love the pic of yours all together. See you Saturday, woo hoo Helen #3

  2. Hello Jo. Beautiful ATC's by all. Diana's work is amazing! See you soon. Anne x#9

  3. I am getting very excited for Saturday too Jo. What beautiful ATCs you have created. Diana's work is spectacular and always inspirational. See you soon. Happy WOYWW. Sarah #12

  4. Diana has certainly scored with her atc and envelope. Beautiful work.
    Love your atc's and so looking forward to getting one. You always make such beautiful atc's for us all to admire and keep.
    Must pop an atc for Shaz in the envelope - what a lovely idea - saves me sending hers in the post now. (Just had a quote for getting rid of moths in our utility room - £720 - ouch!)
    Hugs, Neet 5 xx
    (se you Saturday - thanks for all the work you are putting into the day)

  5. Love the display of your pretty.
    Annie x

  6. Your ATCs look like a big bunch of flowers all put together like that! And I adored Diana's ATC/envelope/bits too, her work is so gorgeous. I'm really looking forward to seeing you on Sat - we'll be there at 9 to help set up etc. Our cottage is only about 20 mins away!
    Hugs LLJ 8 xxx

  7. Hi Jo, I agree, Diana's is a real star ATC & envelope, it's amazing. Loving yours too- they must have taken a lot of hours of work. Darn, I posted mine to Shaz on Sunday, lol.See you Saturday, Have a lovely week, Hugs, Shaz #7 X

  8. Ooh all those little dumfling ATC's are gorgeous - thank you so much for mine, I'm thrilled with it and I can't get over how much work must have gone in to each one, it must have been one heck of a marathon making all those.
    Hope you have a smashing time at the crop - I'll be thinking of you all and wishing I was there!
    Diana x #18

  9. Your ATCs are so beautiful. They are fabulous. Diana's ATC is gorgeous, and even though you don't make paper crafts, you can sew them to fabric.

    Have a super time at the crop. I know it will be fun. Please take lots of photos so I can be there in spirit. Happy WOYWW from #1.

  10. So much work must have gone into those beautiful ATCs! It's wonderful to see them all together, though I'm pretty sure they're spectacular individually as well! I'm a lucky recipient of one of Diana's masterpieces too. Have fun at the crop - it would be lovely to meet everyone - so many people seem to be going - but I'm still not sure if I can make it. If I do turn up, it would be just for a quick meet and greet then onto sightseeing in Shrewsbury with my family - that's only way I can hitch a ride! zsuzsa #23

  11. ATCs look beautiful. I am so looking forward to meeting you all on Saturday. Three more sleeps.

  12. I love your Dumfling ATCs and am so looking forward to meeting everyone on Saturday.Happy WOYWW! Love & God Bless, Caro x (#15)

  13. Hi Jo. The ATCs look great, brilliant colours! Thanks to you and Annie for organising the Crop. Your efforts and hard work are much appreciated. Will be great to see you again, I'm so looking forward to it. Have a lovely week Heather x #11

  14. Yah, if you can’t get inspiration from Diana, there’s no chance! Your florals are do you part with them. So so excited to see you at the weekend. X

  15. Hi Jo, gorgeous ATCs. Lucky you for receiving that gorgeous gift from Diana, it's brilliant. Hope your weekend is full of fun and you have a happy creative woyww, Angela x17x

  16. Sounds like you are all going to have a great time on Saturday love all your pieses and the artwork from Diana

    Lilian B #13

  17. These all look fabulous - I'm so lucky to have one of these beauties! Thank you so much for today- the food was fabulous! Hug,Chrisx

  18. Hi Jo, thanks for your kindness I’m hoping praying those ATCs made it in time, such a blessing everything went off so well ..
    areally great testament to your hard work and Annie’s ... and I also received one of Diana’s stunning ATCs as I was her PiF.

    Yours look simply amazing little beauties, thanks for offer to others to put some in with yours, too. VERY KIND.
    My leg is healing and was able to walk today albeit around shops without a stick at all, am not brilliant but most definitely on the mend. Very grateful .

    Very late at calling .. but happy belated WOYWW. Thanks for sharing your desk, Shaz in Oz.x #24

    {Wonderful Words of Life - Shaz in Oz}
    {Calligraphy Cards - Shaz in Oz}


Thanks for all your comments. I really appreciate your thoughts and ideas.