Wednesday 22 May 2019

Ten years of WOYWW!

Well I'm not sure where those years have flown to but I am glad that I have been around to share in the fun, friendship and frivolity of our little Wednesday crafty get together!

CROP 10 on June 1st will be a good day to celebrate the anniversary - if you haven't signed up yet, please let us know this week as we need numbers for food etc.

Now I know you will all be dressing up to the nines for CROP 10 BUT please can you not wear stilettoes as the hall has banned them!!! (I doubt many would be wanting to, but, just in case, I thought I should mention it). Dress code - casual, of course.

We are all looking forward to meeting up and it will be lovely to see friends old and new.

So, here is a photo of one of my CROP 10 ATCs. Well it's a tad bigger than an ATC but that is because I wanted to frame a few. I shall be posting one to my PIF and the rest I will save until CROP 10. If I have any left, I will happily send them to anyone who wants one so, I will save them and put on my post for Weds June 5th.

A huge thank you to Julia for starting the fun that is WOYWW and to her back up team too - you know who you are - Jan! We all really appreciate the effort that you have put into keeping the whole thing going and it's really lovely to think that such a simple idea has brought so much love and friendship into so many crafty lives.

Here's to many more happy WOYWWs.

Have a great week.

xx Jo


  1. LOL!! can't remember the time I wore anything remotely stiletto-heeled like! good to mention it though, just in case! Looking forward to seeing you at last! Helen #1

  2. My motto is, if I can't wear my Reebok (tennis shoes), then you shouldn't invite me (grin). I haven't worn anything except these since the late 1980s. I can understand why they don't want them in their hall. Hope you have a great crop. Your ATC is out of this world gorgeous. Happy 10th from # 4.

  3. I hope you have me down in your numbers. I know I was a bit hesitant at the beginning but fingers crossed, accommodation is booked and I will be there plus cake.
    As for stilettos - well, if only ... don't think I could get my feet in them these days even to sit down and look like I had good feet. Not surprised they are banned, they must reek havoc on those floors.
    Looking forward to seeing you again Jo.
    Hugs, Neet 18 xx
    ps your atc's look ever so pretty

  4. Hi Jo x What a stunning felt creation x I adore the flowers, especially the wonderful colours x Have fun at your crop xx

    Having wooden floors at home I also have a ban on stiletto's :-)

    Best wishes
    Annie xx

  5. Happy anniversary, so glad we 'meet' almost every Wednesday - I hope once, in the future (when I win the lottery?) to join the real live crop, it would be so nice to meet you in person! Until then, I feel blessed to be part of this crafty, creative, nice and supporting online tribe! Enjoy your day! Hugs and kisses from the Netherlands. Marit #17

  6. Happy 10th WoywW Annivesary Jo, so glad our path crossed to discover your talents alongside the wonders of Maxine and her fabulous Tilly Tea Dance. What a stunning ATC, i'd be jumping in the air (without stiletto's) saying me me me please to catch one of those but I sadly can not make the meet up.
    Wishing you all a fabulous day.. WoywW Hugs Tracey #9

  7. Damn, I'll have to pack away my Louboutins then if I can't wear them to the Crop....sigh....can I still bring my red patent handbag though?! ;-)
    Love the ATC, you are clever! Really looking forward to seeing you soon,
    Happy 10th WOYWW!
    Hugs LLJ 8 xxx

  8. Hi Jo, stilettos, those were the days! Love your make, and just smiling as I saw Annie is the one sending to you! See you next week, Have a lovely week, Hugs, Shaz #7 X

  9. Mm, stilettos and moi, n’er the twain did or would meet , Jo!
    Went to address the envelope today to you.. and suddenly realised I’d old addy. Addy email had 2015 on it, sooo emailed LLJ as she was up acc to WOYWW post but you were not, she sent it but not in time for our post so it’s tomorrow. I’m going to pray for miracle speedy trip to you. now it’s nearly 10pm here but was 4pm then. Hadn’t done blog post but had ATCs done.

    Must admit that little rosebud ATC is very gorgeous, sooo skilful, Jo .. so grateful to have met you and Annie, Shaz, Jan, Neet, Heather, Christine, Elizabeth, Sarah, Chris, Angela, and soooo many last year at Margaret’s crop. God was indeed gracious I was able to make it. Now that was a miracle.

    Happy WOYWW 10, loads of prayer hugs, Shaz in Oz.x #24

    {Wonderful Words of Life - Shaz in Oz}
    {Calligraphy Cards - Shaz in Oz}

  10. Hi Jo! A wonderful ATC - you must have put so much work into it - and to have done more than one is quite an achievement! I can't imagine any true crafter wearing stilettoes LOL. I wish I could go to the crop, but realistically, I don't think I will be able to make it. There's a very remote chance that I can combine it with a family outing, in which case I would just pop in for 15 minutes to say hello sometime in the afternoon, but it's not very likely. Do take lots of photos, please - I always enjoy looking at them! Happy anniversary! zsuzsa #26

  11. I definitely wouldn’t be wearing stilettos if I was coming to the crop. Give me my flat Mary Jane sandals or biker boots all the time now.
    Happy anniversary and I hope it all goes well. Maybe next year I’ll get there
    Lynn xx

  12. Love the ATC....hope there's one with my name on it :-)
    Annie x

  13. Happy WOYWW Anniversary 10 ! I mentioned to Annie I thought I sent an email on this but don't know. I will be sending 2 to you as I only have your address. Don't worry if yours are committed it's a bit late.
    Have so much enjoyed your blogging. Love the photos family/stitching/etc
    Time has went too fast but so glad I can partake. #18 Best Wishes for a happy day and enjoy the crop I'd love to attend at some point.

  14. I can't walk in stilettos! Love the ATC and look forward to swapping and meeting you at the crop. Happy 10 year WOYWW anniversary. Have a great week. Love & God Bless, Caro x (#27)

  15. Hi Jo, I'm thrilled to be your pif - I love all colours but tend to lean towards warmer ones, anything from earthy colours to hot colours. I would love to send you an ATC in return but don't have your address - I thought I did - so if you'd like to send it me I'll pop one in the post tomorrow.
    Diana x

  16. Happy 10th anniversary, Jo. I think I have already booked for the Crop, but as I am gluten free these days, I will bring my own lunch. Just one query. I wanted to do enough cards for everyone, so some idea of numbers would be very helpful. Looking forward to the day. xxx Maggie (Silvercrafter) #38

  17. I am so looking forward to the crop! I suppose I can manage without wearing stilettos and leopardskin leggings for once!! Your ATC really does look fabulous! Hugs, Chrisx

  18. Gorgeous ATC. I wish I could attend the crop with you all. Happy WOYWW 10 year anniversary. Dorlene #39

  19. Happy 10th WOYWW!!!! Really sorry I won't get to meet you at the crop - my ATC' are already with Shaz & Doug who are bringing them along for me and Julia is playing ATC monitor. One most definitely has your name on so she will hand it over to you at some point if you would like one during your wonderful day. IF you have any left at the end of the day then I would love one but hasten to add no swap back is necessary at all! Love Debbie #25 xXx

  20. Aw, twiggers, such lovely things you say. I had no idea how lovely it would be and certainly no clue as to how long it would last. And it wouldn’t last would it, but for the likes of you...thank you! Lovely lovely atc type piece, my word. Reeeeeaaaaallly looking forward to Crop, although obviously, I have to re-think my entire wardrobe now.

  21. Oh gosh I can't get over a vision of you all at the crop in stilettos!! But you are all crafters so you would all be much more sensible (and comfortable). Sadly I can't make it but I'm sure you will all have a wonderful time. Happy 10th Anniversary, Cindy #44

  22. Best put the stilettos and Tiara away then lol I wish I could still wear heels, even low ones. The ATC is beautiful. Looking forward to meeting you. Anne x #24

  23. Happy 10th WOYWW birthday Jo. Can't wait for the crop, I am sure my Birkenstockes won't cause any damage lol. Your ATCs are gorgeous! See you soon. Sarah #3

  24. Hi Jo sorry I am late visiting. Happy 10th WOYWW anniversary. I can't remember last time I wore stilletoes. Comfort over fashion these days for me. Lovely ATC, looking forward to swapping with you at the Crop. Thanks for stopping by my blog, it will be great to see everyone again at the Crop. This time we have booked a hotel, so can have a leisurely drive home on the Sunday. Have a lovely week, Heather x #30

  25. Hi Jo, Your ATC looks lovely.

    Thank you for stopping by my blog. You didn't put your number, but you are #21.

    Happy 10th Anniversary WOYWW
    Sue 10

  26. Happy 10th- yes where does the time go! I'd love to see photos of the crop! thanks for all the desking friendship through the years

  27. Hi Jo - Happy 10th anniversary - Couldn't comment yesterday as blogger wasn't letting me - bah humbug! - so am trying to get around a few today whilst at least google and blogger are working!!!
    No worries on my account - if I wore stiletto heels I would be a liability on legs! Can't wear heels at all these days!!! Sounds like all is coming together for the crop - looking forward to meeting you again.
    Take care. God bless
    Margaret #5

  28. Amazing! 10 years! Who would have thought? Your ATC is amazing too! So pretty! :^) patsy


Thanks for all your comments. I really appreciate your thoughts and ideas.