Wednesday 7 February 2018


Just a quick post today!

I have had that nasty winter bug that everyone seems to have had, so have missed out on my WOYWW posts for a week or two.
Yesterday I felt well enough to finish off the little twiddle mitt I have made for a friend who has had a brain injury. I thought it might help get coordination back so I have added a zip, poppers, buttons and lots of textures.

Also on my table are some of the items that I have mounted and framed for Tilly Tea Dance.
She is busy re-stocking all the local shops that sell her artwork, so I am on hand to help out!

Well that's it for this week.
Hoping you are all feeling well and for those - like my little sis -  who are still struggling with this nasty bug - Get Well Soon!

xx Jo


  1. Hi Jo, glad you are starting to get over the bug, hope your sister feels better soon too. I do love her work! Those twiddle mitts of yours are a great idea. Have a better week. Sarah #23

  2. I'm glad you're feeling better - goodness, it laid me out for 4-5 weeks. A little light crafting is a good idea, shows you're on the mend!
    Hugs LLJ 15 xxx

  3. I love the twiddle mitt Jo as I’m sure our little friend will....let’s hope it helps on her road to recovery. It’s so glad to know you’re well recovering now....let’s hope I can shake it off soon too.
    Annie x

  4. "twiddle mitt" is a new word to me (I am Dutch) but I understand what it is and that is soooo clever and sweet of you to make for your friend!!! Happy woyww, warm hug from Holland. Marit #26

  5. Jo, I hope you get back to full status soon! We've all had it here in the states as well! Love the mitts. The colors and textures are yum! And I always love when you share your daughter's felt artwork! She is so talented! Again, feel better soon! Blessings, Felicia #32

  6. HI Jo, that is a fab idea, I'm sure it will be a great help. Those blasted bugs are everywhere, aren't they? I don't think I know anyone who hasn't had one or another. Love Tillys pictures too. Have a lovely week, hugs, Shaz #11 XxX

  7. So good to pop by, it's been a few weeks. We were gone a lot and now with our winter weather arriving later than usual we are HOME. I love it. I don't know about twittle mits, but I love the idea. Yours are really beautiful, so many fun layers. Wish your friend well and you in getting over winter bugs. Enjoy a good week Oh yes I love your daughters designs..see on FB, nice to see young ones enjoy things they love.

  8. Oh poor you, it’s been a horrid bug and you’ve done well to avoid it thus far, I’d say. Hope you’re back to full strength very fast now. You must be really proud at how well Maxine is doing, really it’s been wonderful to watch the butterfly emerge! The twiddle mitt is a great thing for your friend, I really hope he/she has a positive recovery.

  9. So far I've managed to avoid the bug and hope yours clears up soon. Have a great woyww, Angela x17x

  10. Hi Jo. Glad you are feeling better. What a lovely thought to make a twiddle mitt for your friend. I hope it aids her (or his) recovery. Have a lovely week Heather #28

  11. Sorry to hear you had this terrible cold/flu whatever it is but so glad you are on the right side now.
    Lovely crafting, glad you were up to it.
    Hugs, Neet 1 xx (been asleep all day - jet lag and this darned cold)

  12. Aw those little sheep are just the cutest love the two Tenby ones not at bottom, are they magnets, they’re adorable.
    Love the idea too of the mitt to get movement back what a great idea...hope your recovery if full steam ahead, Jo.
    Thanks for sharing your inspiration!
    Shaz in Oz.x #9

    {Calligraphy Cards - Shaz in Oz}


Thanks for all your comments. I really appreciate your thoughts and ideas.