Wednesday 17 January 2018


Well fancy that - I am on time today and actually posting my WOYWW on Wednesday morning!

Things are on a green theme here today.
The machine threads and embroidery floss are all ready for Tilly Tea Dance to get to work this morning. She will be creating a few more little pictures with free machining and hand embroidery sitting here in my sewing room.

Beside the threads is a little Katie Morag kilt that I made this week. Green tartan is difficult to find so I have used a green tartan/check cotton winceyette for the little dressing up skirt.
It went together well and is cosy too.

I made a little kilt-like flap at the front and embroidered a mock kilt pin in silver thread.
The waist is elasticated so it should fit a 4-5 year old.

This is a tiny hoodie which I knitted for my great nephew's cuddly monkey.
It is dressed in football gear so I thought this would go nicely with it.
I even put the monkey's  name on the back! (Bonkers, I know!) But he will love it.

So that's my crafty activity for this week.
Thanks for all your lovely comments. I will look forward to a good snoop round your desks later.

xx Jo


  1. Hi, Jo... loving that knitted hoodie! have a great week. Helen #1

  2. Oh Jo that hoodie is just perfect and Steve will just love it....thank you sooooo much.
    Annie x

  3. Love the hoodie and the little kilt is so sweet as well. Have a happy week. Anne x #17 ( I think :-)

  4. You are so creative, Jo, and have great patience for the wee makes.The football hoodie is ace-he’ll be looking for one for himself next! Have a lovely day with Ben and Maxine. Catriona

  5. You are thoughtful, the name on that hoodie is the perfect finishing tough which he will love!! And the little Katie MOrag skirt is brilliant too, I bet it's snapped up. The Half Fisherman's Rib is deceptively easy:
    Cast on an odd number of stitches
    Row 1 (and all odd rows) Knit
    Row 2 (and all even rows) *P1, KBL (knit through back of loop) * repeat across row to last stitch, P1
    And that's it! It's brainless crafting to do while not really paying attention - perfect for numbskulls like me!!
    Hugs LLJ 11 xxx

  6. Such a cute cardie for the cuddly monkey; I'm sure your great nephew will love it. I will manage to avoid dressing up for our WBD celebrations this year as I have to go to a meeting in the afternoon lol. Have a good week. Sarah #6/26

  7. Afternoon Jo. That little hoodie is just gorgeous! Well done. That kilt is cute - I'm sure there is a little 5year old somewhere just awaiting that.
    Take care. God bless.
    Margaret #2

  8. Jo, you ALWAYS have some gorgeous goodies to show us all! that is the cutest little skirt/kilt and oh my heavens, I LOVE that little sweater! That will be a proud young man! :) Blessings for the rest of your week and good on you for your early post! LOLOL Felicia #31

  9. Those clothes are so cute. They look like they should be family heirlooms handed down to generations! Have a good week!

    Suzanne #34

  10. What wonderful mini clothes you have made. I love the idea of the kilt pin.
    Hugs, Neet 12 xx

  11. Hi Jo, Oooh! what a lovely selection of greens! Truly one of my favourite colours. Great hoodie for the cuddly monkey, I'm sure the GN loves it! Have a lovely week, Hugs, Shaz #8 XxX

  12. Hi Jo. I so love that little hoody it's so cute. The gree fabric is lovely too. Have a great woyww, Angela x14x

  13. Enjoyed visiting again and want to wish you a Happy New Year!!!

  14. What a gorgeous little hoodie and the name on the back is just perfect. I love the green theme this week, it's fresh and pretty and reminding me Spring is just round the corner (after the snow anyway!).
    Hope you have a great week,
    Diana xx

  15. Happy Belated WOYWW. So much cuteness. You are so clever. Ali x #22

  16. That sweater for your nephews mônkey is so adorable, have a lovely weekend, Vicky#5

  17. Wow, cute little hoodie! I'd love to see it on Kit! Xxx


Thanks for all your comments. I really appreciate your thoughts and ideas.