Wednesday 15 November 2017


Good morning all!
I can't believe I missed last weeks WOYWW.
I came to the computer to do my post only to realise it was Thursday!!!!

So this week I am determined not to miss it!

It has to be a quickie as I have loads of work to do.
I spent all day yesterday sewing a moses basket cover so now I have to catch up on everything else.
I will post the basket cover next week.
In the meantime here's this week's makes.
They all sold quickly at the Bog Centre where Maxine sells some of her pictures.
Hopefully it will have made a few pennies for their funds.

 Terry's chocolate orange Christmas puds - I made ten and popped the chocs inside too.
These are little lavender dollies - cute but a bit time consuming. (Pattern by Dollytime)

Well that's it for this week.
Thanks for calling by.

Hope you are well and keeping wrapped up warmly - it's been decidedly chilly down here for a few days.

xx Jo


  1. Love the little lavender dollies and can see why they sold so quickly. Hope they made lots of money.
    Annie x

  2. You have great parience, Jo. I can see where your lovely daughter got her talent from? Patterns look amazing-thanks for the link..

  3. Happy WOYWW. Loving your knitted creations. Those lavender dollies are so cute - and yes, they do look fiddly. Ali x #22

  4. You have way more patience than me!! Those little dollies are just gorgeous but I know I'd never make them - too fiddly for my fat fingers! The Christmas puds are such a good seller, my Knit group has made a thousand smaller versions (that hold one Ferrero Rocher) to sell them in our local hospital in Dec. They're hoping to raise funds for the breast care unit. Hope you're keeping well, lovely gal.
    Hugs LLJ 15 xxxx

  5. Hi Jo, love the little dolls, what a lovely change for Lavender drawer scents! Cool chocolate oranges too. Have a lovely week, Hugs, Shaz #6 XxX

  6. Hi Jo, I wondered where you'd got to last week. Love the cute Lavender dolls, no wonder all your items sell well. Happy WOYWW Sarah #10

  7. Ha ha, glad I'm not the only one whose done that! I love the chocolate oranges/christmas puds, they look fab and fairly do-able, but the gorgeous dollies just look impossibly tricky!
    Hope you have a good week
    Diana #17 xx

  8. Those christmas puddings are awfully cute! Happy WOYWW! xox Cheetarah #28

  9. Jo, those Christmas puds are the cutest and so are the dollies! I wouldn't have the patience for the dollies but they are still cute! LOL Here's to big wooly blankets..stay warm! :) Felicia, #26

  10. Hey Jo!
    They are soo Cute, love the pudds and the lavender dolls.
    Have a great week!
    Ellie #19

  11. I like the Christmas puds, they are so cute but the lavender dollies are just the best. They look wonderful Jo.
    Hugs, Neet xx 5

  12. Your dolls and Christmas puddings are so cute! What talent! Have a great week.

    Suzanne #31

  13. Hi Jo. Love the dollies but the puddings are my favourite, like the sound of those. Have a great woyww, Angela x11x

  14. those chocolate orange puds look fab! Helen #1

  15. Hi Jo. I'm amazingly late visiting this week - but working my way through the list!! Cute little Christmas puddings - and the dolls are adorable - but yes, somewhat time consuming, I imagine.
    Take care. God bless.
    Margaret #2

  16. Sorry I'm late.LOVE love love the little dollies, but i can totally see the work in them. Bet they sold really well. And the choc orange puddings are wonderful, I can think of a couple of people who would benefit from them! You seem incredibly busy. I was really chuffed that you had a bit of fun day with Annie last week.

  17. Cute projects, Twiglet! Glad you got your days straight. Missed you last week. Creative Blessings! Kelly #29

  18. Thanks Jo for your lovely comment re my Christmas makes. I am looking forward to the buzz of the sale tomorrow. Proceed for all the smaller items go to the church and our group but I keep the proceeds of the bigger items and they will be donated to a lovely woman who is raising funds for IVF as she is desperate to have a baby. Hope we do well for her.
    Love your puds and the tiny dolls are exquisite. I must email the website for the future.
    So glad you are enjoying your little grandson. They are precious. I'll see mine next week in Germany when I go and leave DH home alone! Their flight was cancelled in Sept so haven't seen them since end of May so it's a quicky before Christmas to bridge the gap.
    Lots of love Jo x


Thanks for all your comments. I really appreciate your thoughts and ideas.