Wednesday 1 November 2017


My work table is empty but, for once, I have a little something crafty to share with you.
Ben wanted a little wolf outfit for Halloween so, Maxine arrived on Friday with a piece of grey fur fabric.
By Saturday it had been transformed into a little hood with wolfy wristlets and leg warmer paws.
It just goes to show what you can do with a bit of time and imagination! I have never made one before but it all fell into place so easily - sometimes I think I am channelling my dressmaker Grandma who could do all sorts of clever stuff.
Here is the boy wearing it.....

He loved it and, of course, Nanny had to go on a wolf hunt to find him in the garden so that he could jump out and scare me!

That's it for this week.
Today I am having a trip to Ikea to buy frames with Tilly Tea Dance!

Have a great week.

x Jo


  1. Simply perfect Jo.....the model is pretty cute too 😀
    Grandma helps me often with my tricky jobs so I’m sure she guided your hand.
    Annie x

  2. What a fabulous outfit! Yes, you are definitely picking up something from your Grandma!
    Good luck with the frames.
    Hugs, Neet 12 xx

  3. What a Supergran you are. Good luck at IKEA-you'll need a van soon for all Tilly Tea Dance's frames! You have jst jogged my memory about some plain frames that I bought ages ago to decorate for the hallway. Mst add to me to-do list-lol. Catriona

  4. Hello Jo. That is brilliant. My creative talent ( not as great as your's and Annie's ) comes from my Grandma. I try to pass on to my grandchildren. I need a visit to Ikea. Anne x #16

  5. Morning Jo. Well done Grandma!! Just what a grandson ordered...
    Take care. God bless.
    Margaret #3

  6. What a wonderful outfit and a very clever grandmother.
    sandra de

  7. What an adorable little outfit - and a gorgeous picture of Ben wearing it. You very clever Grandma!
    Hope you have a great week and enjoy your Ikea trip,
    Diana #14 x

  8. Genius!! Isn't it amazing how some sewing projects just fall into place easily and others...well, it's like getting blood out of a stone! So glad this one went brilliantly, Ben looks great! He made me smile :-D As did your pic on FB at Mark's party.....channeling your inner diva huh?!
    Hugs LLJ 13 xxxx

  9. Jo, that outfit is fabulous; you are so clever! Your grandson obviously approved of it too looking at the picture of him modelling it. Happy WOYWW Sarah #23

  10. Just an adorable photo of Ben. A very cute wolf too. You are blessed to have him so close to you. I miss my 6 so much and all the fun things with them just get bypassed. I wanted them to come for harvest time to enjoy what grandpa does in the field, but the weather made it all happen during the week when they are in school. Just too far away for a day visit. Thanks for sharing the fun. Have a great week.

  11. Was never any good at costumes for my two, but fortunately had a mother who was great.
    Love the wolf one though.
    Anickoana #8

  12. Hi Jo, my hasn't Ben grown up so fast! You did a great job with his costume there, looks really good. I bet you don't come out of IKEA with just frames though, lol. Have a lovely week, Hugs, Shaz #6 XxX

  13. Jo that outfit is just crazy cute! I KNOW he loved it! Looks like you both had fun on that wolf hunt! Blessings for your rest of the week! Felicia, #30

  14. what an amazing outfit! Well done.. Helen #4

  15. Hello, it is so nice to meet you. The wolf costume is fab! Very scary wolf claws hehe

    Have a lovely week
    Ellie #35

  16. Wow such a great outfit! Take care Zo xx 26

  17. Hi Jo, great outfit! I hope you weren't scared too much! Have a lovely week Heather #7

  18. I'm late, so any warnings about Ikea won't be any help to you now! I wonder if you found things you can't live without. I always manage to, it's a real problem!! I can't quite get my head around the fact that you found the wold head idea relatively easy - good grief! It looks amazing, I wonder how long it will be before Ben takes it off!

  19. Love the wolf outfit - how clever are you. I'm afraid I wouldn't have made such a good job and the photo of Ben is fabulous. Hugs, Ellie xx


Thanks for all your comments. I really appreciate your thoughts and ideas.