Wednesday 27 September 2017


Another week - another Wednesday!
Here we are, nearly at the end of September - where does that time go??
This week my workdesk has seen very little action.
Most of my time has been spent organising a little birthday "do" for Ben.

So these WOYWW show and tell photos are from the dining room.

Just a couple of photos of the cake I made for Ben's birthday. I don't think it would make Bake-off standards but he seemed very impressed.

 I think it was the working traffic lights that really sold it!

My only other project (well, apart from knitting teddy clothes of course) is one that I might already be regretting.......

I have fancied making a locker hooked rug for ages. I thought it might be a good way to use up some of my fabric stash oddments etc. I thought a little bath side rug would be simple, washable etc.

I am usually good at picking up something new and giving it a go but this seems far more tricky than the "You tube" videos that I watched!! I think maybe the canvas isn't very good quality as it doesn't seem to hold shape very well.

I am binding the edge first and then weaving across in stripes.

I WILL persevere! So, watch this space.

It's a misty moisty morning here today. Everywhere is looking very Autumnal, the leaves are turning and the last few swallows are heading south.

So, that's it for this week.
Thanks for calling by.
I hope all the WOYWW croppers have a fab time.
Give my love to all - Tilly Tea Dance has sent a little picture for the raffle from us both so I hope you make loads for your charity.

xxx Jo


  1. Oh what a fun cake, I'm sure Ben loved it....and it tasted good too, thanks for sharing it. As for the rug? ....I'm sure you will master it and it might even help to reduce my exploding boxes a bit too if we ever remember to look at what's in there hehehe
    Have a fun week.
    Annie x

  2. That is an amazing cake! Love all the vehicles and diggers on it, my two would have loved that too! That type of mat is called a proggy mat in Newcastle where I was tempted to make one once (but gave up, I'm sorry to say). You're much more resilient than me so I know you'll finish yours.
    Thanks for the raffle prize but I wish you could have been there in person xx
    Hugs LLJ 7 xxx

  3. Morning Jo. that cake is stunning! Working traffic lights!! Amazing. Well done. Hope you get on ok with your rug. I have done a couple of samples of rag rugging - years ago. Seem to remember they took me ages! I'm sure you will manage it, though.
    Sorry you can't join us on Saturday - it would have been so good to meet you. Bless you for sending a little something from yourselves.
    Take care. God bless.
    Margaret #2

  4. Hi Jo, that cake is magical! I'm sure it is up to Bake Off standards and it would certainly earn my great-grandson't approval, especially because of the traffic lights. I've not heard of locker hooked rugs so I look forward to seeing how your project turns out. It's very autumnal here too and apart from the mists that keep coming it's really lovely - it's my favourite time of the year. Looking forward to meeting your sister on Saturday - I'm sure we are going to chat for Britain :) Hugs, Ellie x #21

  5. Fab cake and well up to Bake Off standards in my opinion. Good luck with the rug. Sorry you won't be there Saturday. Sarah #31

  6. the cake looks amazing to me, well done you!! good luck with the rug, that is going to be a labour of love for sure! helen #1

  7. Your cake looks very professional! Awesome! I know nothing about rug-hooking, but I'm sure if you keep at it you will conquer and master it! Have a great week, and thanks for sharing! Lindart #29

  8. Happy WOYWW. I love that cake. Where did you get the working traffic lights from? I made a rag rug many years ago. Satisfying, but slow! Ali x #26

  9. The cake is amazing. I attempted a rug years ago, sad to say I didn't complete it. Anne x #6

  10. O my goodness the cake is amazing... to nice to cut into... I've never made a rug before so looking forward to your progress.... Have a fun week.... May #19

  11. That is an amazing cake, what a lucky boy. Good luck with the rug, rather you than me Lol! Have a very happy woyww and enjoy your crafting, Angela x11x

  12. That cake is magnificent!
    April #20

  13. Wow what a cake bet that was well received. Remember making a rag rug many many many years ago and the base was hessian. The fabric used was old clothes!!! Anickoana #5


Thanks for all your comments. I really appreciate your thoughts and ideas.