Wednesday 20 September 2017


Knitting for Teddies again!

A quick post as I have a busy day with Ben today.

Last week I posted some of my little knitties but didn't really explain what they were for.
My sister in law has knitted teddies for Birmingham Children's hospital and I volunteered to knit a few clothes for the teds.

Hence this week there is a neat little jumper with a scarf and pompoms and a pretty little pink outfit with matching cowl and knickers!
Also note - new reading glasses - they feel a bit weird but certainly helped with close work and needle threading.

Apologies for the blurry photos - I used my phone and I think I was too close.
Note to self - I need a new camera!

Below is the tiny one inch pompom maker - perfect for dollies/teds clothes and soooo quick!

So, that's it for this week.

I hope you are all well and managing to fit in a bit of crafting time - I will be round to check out your WOYWW later!

xx Jo


  1. I love the latest knits wish my hands would let me knit but hey ho that's life eh? I'm sure there will be lots of happy little ones out there wanting those for their teddies.
    Annie x

  2. Morning Jo. Brilliant - well done. That inch sized pompom maker is a great idea!!
    Take care. God bless.
    Margaret #4

  3. Hi Jo, love those cute teddy outfits. I can't see much amiss with the photos, but then I do wear varifocals! Glad you are getting on with your new glasses. Happy WOYWW Sarah #18

  4. What fab clothes - your knitting is a credit to you.
    Hugs, Neet 7 xx

  5. I bet those teddies will be the first to go, those clothes are fantastic - you have such an eye for detail! That is the teensiest pom pom maker I've seen yet, lol :-D
    Hugs LLJ 8 xxx

  6. Beautiful little items and truly wonderful for your volunteering. You will enjoy that pom maker, my mother use to use one and made a lot of doll clothes. Have a wonderful week.

  7. Such adorable clothing!!! Happy WOYWW xo Cheetarah #21

  8. Oh, boy, ...I wish I had known when I was doing little bears that you knitted in miniature....I'd have been sending measurements for some sweaters and hats for some of my guys.....

  9. Gorgeous knitting Jo, they are so sweet. Have a great crafty woyww, Angela x17x

  10. Beautiful makes-you have such patience, Jo. McFelty will soon be on his way to his new home in Scotland-so excited! Catriona

  11. what cute outfits! hope you adjust to your reading glasses soon. I use mine like a good girl at work then tend to forget when I get home so I am now squinting somewhat!! Helen #1

  12. They are lovely. My son 9 now 41) was admitted to B'ham Children's Hospital aged 6 weeks so it has a special place in my heart. Anne x #31

  13. HI Jo, love the Teddy outfits. And a 1" pom pom maker- my that must be so fiddly¬ Have a lovely week, Hugs, Shaz #2 XxX

  14. Hi Jo. Lucky teddies with such gorgeous outfits. Now I am a grandma I would love to be able to knit but my talents do not stretch that far! Have a lovely week Heather #32

  15. Those teddy clothes are delightful!! Must be so much fun ti make! Thanks for your earlier visit, have a great week! Lindart #25


Thanks for all your comments. I really appreciate your thoughts and ideas.