Wednesday 31 May 2017


Thank you to all the lovely WOYWWers who have sent ATCs to me - some are still with Annie so I will put them all on next week's WOYWW post. It is so lovely to see what you have all done and each one is a little treasure. I made sunflowers and sea pinks for my ATCs - you can see them here. They were just little dumflings and I even made a couple more over the weekend so if you didn't get one and would really like one then leave a comment below.

It was so nice to have anniversary comments from so many of our WOYWW buddies - we only know each other because of our Wednesday snoop but we feel we know you well and love to see and hear what you get up to.

Today is another day of crafty fun with Maxine and Ben. We made a scarecrow over the weekend when he was here for a sleep over. He dashed out into the garden today and came running back saying "Nanny the scarecrow is moving!" Of course, it was just the breeze making it sway around but it certainly looked very real! Isn't life fun when you are two and three quarters.

Well that's it for today.
Have a great week and enjoy the lovely weather.

x Jo


  1. Fab photo of Ben. Looks like he's very proud of his scarecrow.
    Annie x

  2. What a handsome little group of men folk you have at the bottom of your garden. Absolutely loving how your ATC's are looking can't wait for the mail :) Have a lovely week.
    sandra de @5

  3. Thank you Jo for the lovely ATC it's proudly displayed in my craft room for all to see alongside Annie's. My previous ones are also on display and are often admired.
    It will soon be the Whitworth scarecrow festival near me. Do you remember the year I did a giant Doodly bird sat on the wall of our garden. He frightened me to death everytime I saw him haha
    Lynn xx 2

  4. Goodness but Ben is shooting up! He looks rightly proud of his scarecrow :-D. Thanks again for the gorgeous ATC, it'll be decorating my new shelves in the craft room (when I can find where I packed the blu-tac that it, lol!!)
    Hugs, LLJ 18 xxx

  5. Lovely photo of the little one and the super scarecrow Gorgeous fabric ATC's Have a happy creative week ahead May #19

  6. Great picture of Ben and his scarecrow. As he's shooting up so fast, he'll be able to dress his fabric friend in his old clothes! Gorgeous fabric ATCs; so unusual. Happy WOYWW Sarah #22

  7. Oh Jo - am I too late to request a dumfing? will of course send you something in return.. will send you my addie in the hope that I can be a proud owner of another one of your wonderful creations ( previous dumfings in careful storage but will eventually be on proud display) , Doone @27

  8. They grow up so fast don't they! I love the scarecrow coming alive, they are so innocent and literal at that age - it made me laugh!
    Have a great week,
    Diana x #23

  9. Hi Jo, I can't believe that Ben is almost three already. How did that happen??? He's looking big and the scarecrow is a triumph - especially if he believes it can move :) Your ATCs are lovely - I especially like the seashore one you sent me so thank you very much. Have a great week and enjoy your day of crafty fun. Hugs, Elizabeth x #33

  10. I missed the anniversary this year :( I adore your Dumflings - you are SO clever! Have a fab week . Soojay xx 28

  11. Hi Jo. Lovely photo of Ben and his scarecrow - loved the fact that the scarecrow was moving!! Enjoy time with your sis when you can explore all the ATCs and cards.
    Take care. God bless.
    Margaret #9

  12. wow, Ben is so cute! love your group of atcs - thank you so much for sending one to me. I will make sure I get more done next year. Helen #5

  13. very cute scarecrow! Isn't life magical for little ones! Thanks for sharing, Lindart #41

  14. I would love to be two and three quarters again and having fun with scarecrows. What a lovely life!!!!
    Thank you so much for my love ATC, it is really beautiful and I will treasure it.
    Have a good week
    Hugs Lisax #26

  15. Ben looks very proud of his creation... and not frightened of it at all :)
    Have a Wonderful Wednesday!
    Bubbles #31

  16. Hi Jo, I missed the Anniversary last week - flu and technical difficulties! But I did some ATCs which I would love to swap if you have any spares. That pretty little blue with the pink flowers is just superb!
    RosA #29

  17. Hi Jo, I missed the Anniversary last week - flu and technical difficulties! But I did some ATCs which I would love to swap if you have any spares. That pretty little blue with the pink flowers is just superb!
    RosA #29

  18. is it fun when you have the time to do things with little ones. Love the scarecrow but I wouldn't want to scare the birds in my garden !!!! Anickoana #6

  19. Thank you so much for my sunflower. It was a lovely surprise. Kate xx

  20. Hi Jo, sorry I'm late. I seem to be apologising for this on a regular basis at the moment. Thank you so much for the gorgeous ATC, love it to bits. Happy crafty belated woyww, Angela x21x


Thanks for all your comments. I really appreciate your thoughts and ideas.