Wednesday 24 May 2017

WOYWW - 8th anniversary.

These are my little dumfling ATCs celebrating 8 years of WOYWW friendship.

My camera is still playing up - and I think it is something to do with auto-focus. The top picture looks much sharper than than the one below it.
But not to worry. My little ATCs are all packed up ready to go to the kind folks who said they would like one. Annie and I are posting ours together tomorrow.
So, all that's left to say is,  a big thank you for the fun and friendship we have all enjoyed over the last eight years and let's hope for many, many more! A special thanks to Julia and also Jan who have kept WOYWW going through a difficult time. We all appreciate everything you do to keep us together.

Love to all.

x Jo


  1. your atcs, (blurry or not) look fantastic, you are so gifted. Happy WOYWW Helen #2

  2. Those are some incredible ATCs. You made some very beautiful and colorful ones. Happy 8th Anniversary from # 1.

  3. OMG your ATCs are amazing!! Especially the are so talented! Thanks for the shout-out, I've really enjoyed being part of it all and meeting up with you was wonderful. I hope we do again sometime!
    Hugs, LLJ 10 xxx

  4. Good morning Jo. Those ATCs are just lovely. Well done. Golly, I wish I had been around when you offered to swap with folk...
    Take care. God bless.
    Margaret #6

  5. How lovely to see them all spread out like that....and one of them has my name on it :-)
    Happy 8th anniversary Jo.
    Annie x

  6. Hello Jo, they look gorgeous. Such talent, I'm afraid mine are very dull in comparison. i will post mine to you to Annie along with hers, Happy 8th WOYWWAnne x #27 ( at the moment :-) )

  7. Oh bother I guess I am a bit late for a SWAP now. I hadn't made anything this time last week so couldn't really commit, but have to say your ATCs are brilliant gorgeousness. BJ#19

  8. The ATCs all look great to me! Happy WOYWW 8th anniversary. Sarah#27

  9. Wow, your ATC's are stunning - I love the soft, calm summery colours of the pinks and blues but I also LOVE the vibrant sunflowers. Absolutely beautiful.
    Have a great week and Happy WOYWW Anniversary!
    Diana x #24

  10. Hi Jo, indeed, Julia has been a blessing to us all, she's responsible for so many friendships. Love the ATC's-they are gorgeous. You may be right about the auto focus, I find mine will do that sometimes, i usually press the Macro button setting to get decent shots. Have a lovely week, Love and hugs,Shaz #7 XxX

  11. my teddy bear and atc dumfings are treasured more than you can imagine thank you for 8 years of friendship whether I participate of not, For me you are one of many woyww anchors... much love doone @23

  12. Thanks so much for sharing all these years Jo, your desk and happy 8th birthday of WOYWW!

    Oh JO, I do love your dumfings and have two of yours on this week's desk. I was going to be really good and have my atc board sorted but of course its still not done like a whole lot of other things.. one day.

    We can really say WOW to eight whole years, eh? Of fun, friendship and learning!!

    Happy 8th WOYWW!
    Shaz in Oz.x #32

    {Shaz in Oz – Calligraphy Cards}

  13. lovely colors and design on your ATC. I am excited to receive one. When you mail it include Annie and Your NEW addresses, mine is the same, no changes.
    Enjoy a wonderful weekend. We have a Holiday Monday, Memorial Day a tribute to our Veterans of War. Thanks for being a good friend thru our blogging.

  14. I love how textured your trading cards are they colors look gorgeous too! ~Stacy #42

  15. My goodness! All that close work in such a small space - and every one unique! Charming!
    Rose of Rose's Art Garden #50

  16. Wonderful ATCs! Lovely to see them.

    Happy WOYWW anniversary
    Sharon K #37

  17. Happy 8th! you always inspire me!
    robyn 13

  18. Such beautiful ATCs - ashamed to admit I have only made one ATC this time! Trying to get around as many desks as I can! Chrisx 48

  19. Lovely ATCs! Maybe I will join in on the 9th anniversary - I never seem to have things together enough to participate! Maybe I should start now. . .!! Happy WOYWW Anniversary! Lindart #51

  20. Hi Jo, Happy 8th WOYWW anniversary! We are so lucky to be part of such a friendly and caring community as WOYWW and may it continue indefinitely too! Love your dumfing ATCs - so different from anything I can make. Have a lovely week. Hugs, Elizabeth x #45/46

  21. Aw Jo, you say the loveliest things. And, if I take my reading glasses off, the ATCs are in perfect focus for me!! Win win win win win!

  22. Happy 8th Anniversary! I love your ATC's. Have a great week.
    -K #39

  23. Lovely ATCs! I haven't been around for a while but I think I am back now full time! Would you want to swap ATC with me? I must say I love all your arty dumfling stuff! Thank you for all your kind comments - sometimes I don't answer as I am just always running out of time! But I am grateful!
    Love and hugs,

  24. Awww! I'm too late! I was only recently showing off your ATC from last year... never mind, I'll get in early next year!!! Love the pink and blue ones .... well, I would wouldn't I? lol
    Have a good week

  25. Hi Jo. I'm late this week, had visitors but I'm here now and happy to say that one of those beauties has my name on it. Happy belated 8th WOYWW anniversary, Angela x17x

  26. Hi Jo WOW your ATC's look fantastic as always. I'd love to swap but alas I'm sure they all have lucky owners love the sunflower ones :)
    Happy 8th WOYWW and I've a new WOYWW #8 Blog button up now
    hugs Nikki last place

  27. great looking ATC! I have Annie's address and will be sending the two of you an ATC in the same post as soon as I get them done! It has been a fun 8 years...has gone by so fast! Happy WOYWW 8th Anniversary! It has been a lot of fun blog hopping with this group! Hope you have a great week. Thanks for stopping by and visiting my desk and garden earlier! Vickie #55

  28. They look absolutely fabulous and I regard your dumping act's as collector items. always a pleasure to swap with you gals.
    sandra de @27

  29. I got a yellow one I got a yellow one! Thanks Jo, such a bright sunny flower for me to look at, love your dumffed atc's.
    Off to sit in the sunshine in a mo, work will go on longer as I am having the craft room painted afterwards - may as well.
    Thanks for visiting me and Happy 8th Anniversary - Hugs, Neet xx

  30. lovely ATCs, very summery with the sunflowers and the ocean, happy belated WOYWW, Vicky

  31. What a brilliant table of creativity.
    I love the ATC's- stunning!
    Have a super week.
    Katie #44 xx


Thanks for all your comments. I really appreciate your thoughts and ideas.