Wednesday 29 March 2017


Better late than never in joining my WOYWW friends around the globe.

My weeks seem to get ever more hectic but I am not complaining - it's fun and I enjoy every minute.
This week has been taken up with more picture and pendant mounting for Tilly Tea Dance.
My table has a beautiful little wet felted piece sitting patiently on my machine waiting for Tilly to work on it with free machining to create a background piece for her pictures.

She has also rounded up some of her pendants ready for a quick sale on Etsy.
If you want to see more of her work click here..  Tilly Tea Dance on Etsy 

My day has been spent having fun with Ben - his latest phrase is .. "First things first, nanny!"
He is like blotting paper and soaks up everything that is said to him, so I guess, when he has wanted to do something, I have said just that to him!
Here he is debating potato planting with Grandad...

 Well that's it for this week.
Thanks to all who visited and left lovely comments last week - I am sorry if I didn't manage to get to see your desk. I will try harder this week.

Have a great week.

x Jo


  1. Tilly is doing so well eh? It's good to see a young crafter being so successful. The picture of Ben and his grandad made me smile!
    Hugs, LLJ 8 xxx

  2. Hi Jo, that piece on your machine looks really interesting and that's before your daughter works her magic. Tots are wonderful little mimics and it is so funny the way they pick up the things we say. Have a great week. Elizabeth x #26

  3. My caption for the pic just has to be.....I bet I can pee higher up the fence than you Grandad. Sorry I just couldn't resist.
    Annie x

  4. What a lovely large piece of felt for Tilly to weave her magic on - it looks pretty fab now and that's before she's even started! I hope she does well on Etsy, I've just had a peep and love her little sheep pendants and brooches - especially the little daisy brooch - so adorable.
    Have a great week,
    Diana #14 x

  5. glad Tilly is doing so well. I won't say what it looks like "Grandad" is doing stood like that... little ears may be listening after all....Seems like Annie thought the same! Have a fab week. Helen #1

  6. Hi Jo. Licking my lips here as I look at that piece of felting... want to get onto it and work it. Ooops! Great photo of granddad and Ben. Trust they actually got the potatoes planted!
    Take care. God bless.
    Margaret #29

  7. Potato planting is very serious work! Your little grandson is so cute. Whenever my daughter would start saying phrases like that I would think back to see if I had said it before, and then I would catch myself saying it afterwards! She used to say "actually" a lot, and then I realized I said it a lot too! Thanks for sharing, Lindart, #35

  8. Those pendants of Tilly's look great. Ben is certainly a cutie too. Hope the potato planting went well. Sarah #13

  9. Lovely things on your blog - including a little boy who is growing up so quickly.
    Hugs, Neet xx

  10. Life does get busy.... great pic of the men in your life.
    sandra de @16

  11. Haha I thought grandad looked he was having a pee as well. Trust Annie to notice haha.
    Lots of beautiful Tilly work to see.
    Lynn 7 xx


Thanks for all your comments. I really appreciate your thoughts and ideas.