Wednesday 22 March 2017


This week I have been mostly painting little frames with chalk paint for Tilly Tea Dance, mounting little sheepy pics for same clever artist or looking after Ben - for same clever artist!!
AND in my spare time I have relaxed by knitting a few more twiddle mitts and a little pair of pink ballet leg warmers,  going to a charity concert at Theatre Severn (lots of brilliant local dancers and singers) and dining out for a Sunday lunch.

So really the only thing to share with my WOYWW friends  is the knitty lovliness in my half finished twiddle mitts.

OR alternatively you can peruse all the crafty stuff filling my table and waiting to be organised and put away in cupboards - enjoy!!

I don't know where the weeks go - I missed last weeks WOYWW completely.
Have a great week.

xx Jo


  1. The twiddle mitts are looking good and the table full of stash looks colourful. Love the latest pendants.
    Annie x

  2. Love the pendants. That wool certainly looks interesting too. Sarah #26

  3. You have been a busy bee! The twiddle muffs are great for so many reasons - a good cause and it uses up stash :-D. Hope you and the tribe are keeping well!
    Hugs, LLJ 3 xxx

  4. Smashing projects, how I envy knitters their talent

    Happy WOYWW


  5. Yes- where do the weeks go! love the fiery goodness on your "desks"
    robyn 1

  6. Hi Jo. No, I don't know where the weeks go either... if anyone out there has any ideas.... Look at all that lovely stash - those wool tops are just fabulous - those scrummy colours - like candy!
    You have been one busy lady helping prepare all those lovely things.
    Well done.
    Take care. God bless.
    Margaret #6

  7. Lovely knitting. Love the stash waiting to be put away. Sort of looks like a place in my house.

    Happy WOYWW
    Sharon k #34

  8. You are such a busy lady helping out your talented daughter but I suspect it is Ben who is the biggest draw - am I sort of right?
    Love your twiddles.
    Hugs, Neet 8 xx

  9. Great workdesk xx Jan (41)

  10. Me again! You are a bad influence....and I like it :-D

  11. Hi Jo, the twiddle muffs are fantastic and I'm sure they will be well loved by the recipients. Both you and your very clever artist seem to be incredibly busy but I'm sure looking after Ben is a pleasure anyway. Have a great week. Hugs, Elizabeth x #30

  12. you pack such a lot in! great desk; glad you didn't miss another week! Helen #2

  13. Hi Jo, always lovely to see the gorgeous items on your desk! Have a great week, Hugs, Shaz #5 XxXx

  14. The twiddle mitts are looking fab - I've recently found a shop in our local village that takes them so I'm going to have a go at making one, it may take months as I'm a slow knitter! I love the little necklaces with poppies on them - just delightful.
    Have a good week,
    Diana x #19


Thanks for all your comments. I really appreciate your thoughts and ideas.