Wednesday 21 March 2012


No frocks this week folks!!!!
I posted my latest parcel of 30 to Louise, yesterday, and I am now busily catching up on all my other little sewing tasks.

 On my table ready to go are about 100 little bunting flags ready to be sewn onto tape. They are for daughter M for a charity event. I think she wants about 30 metres of bunting!!!
In the bottom right corner you can see the set of cards with tiny patchworks which M made me for Mothers Day. I really love them. Thanks M!   She loves being crafty but rarely has time these days.

The pic below is my kitchen unit top, covered in my car boot bargains. Loads of lace and crochet edging, ribbon & braid plus a 3 metre length of pretty fabric. I have been asked to make a few more little dressing up outfits so the fabric will be ideal for princess skirts.

The lace and crochet looked wonderful after it had been soaked, steamed and starched!

Now I just need to think of a few projects to use it all up.

Just noticed today is March 21st - my Grandma's birthday - she lived to be nearly 101 and was a wonderful lady and probably responsible for passing on the "sewing" gene to me and Annie. She was a very skillful seamstress in her time, working as a young woman, with her older sisters, in Shrewsbury in the 1890s.

Thanks to all who popped in and commented on my last WOYWW post. I really appreciate it and it makes all the effort worthwhile.

I hope our good friend and blogging snoop queen Julia is feeling a bit less grumpy today - I had to agree with all she said in her post yesterday and then I thought - "well that's two grumpy old women then!!" So I will pop over and check her out in her Stamping Ground and join in the mad WOYWW blog hop.

Have a great week
x Jo


  1. Make that 3 grumpy old ladies Jo cos I was right up there with her :-) Fab car boot finds this week :-)
    A x

  2. Lovely car boot finds - how pretty all that lace is!
    Have a good (happy!) week, from Helen at 21

  3. i love those patchwork cards! and love the finds too! happy WOYWW!

  4. I don't 'do' car boots, but you've got me thinking that I should, and I'm beginning to twitch that I fancy another sewing machine, it could be a good starting point.

  5. Love the union jack bunting, that is going to look fab x
    Sophie no.88

  6. argghhh bunting ( to me the most boring thing to sew) i nearly sewed through my finger last time so bored was I ,

    hope your 30m spree is easy and enjoyable - and if there is a short cut please spill the beans
    dx @ 74

  7. That bunting will look fab, Have a great week, Hugs May x x x x No9

  8. That's a great haul there. I agreed with the grumpy one too so I think we are in the majority and not old at all ;-)

  9. I dont know where you find the time Jo
    cant wait to see your bunting

    have a happy week xx

  10. Just love that pop of colour from the bunting fabric Jo, and very pretty cards from M. You got some good buys from the boot sale too, all very useful.


  11. I loved the blues and reds for your bunting!! Great combo of patterns. I like the quietness of sewing bunting (unlike Doone!) - it's like meditation! And I don't do car boots but you seem to have the knack of finding some fab stuff :)
    Hugs, LLJ ~68 xx

  12. Hi, love the union jack! And boy that is a lot of Rach xxxx pop over and say hi xxx

  13. great carboot finds,bunting will be superb no doubt :)

  14. Great boot finds. Lovely looking bunting about to be made.

  15. Wonderful lace..and pretty colors in the top photo. Wanted to get a lot of visits in, but our computers are acting up...must be weather related, kinda stormy today. Have a great week and Happy WOYWW. Thanks for stopping by.

  16. No, not grumpy anymore, I think by the time I'd blogged, I realised how ridiculous I was and that puts me back to a good humour. very levelling! M's little patchwork on the cards is a delight, you sure do appreciate something so lovely even more when you know that precious time has been taken, huh! Really like the mix you've cut for the bunting, double cheerful!

  17. I'm a bit late this week - only got to the mid-50s yesterday and doing my best to catch up.

    Beautiful fabrics and lace, what a lucky find. I actually bought some fabric yesterday - first time in years - am going to use some of it for applique in my altered book. Well that's the idea but I will probably just stroke it for a few weeks - and I need to get my sewing machine back, it's been living at my sister's home for the last 10 years. See what you have started now.

    Ann B

  18. Loving that lace - must do a car boot soon - problem is persuading the other half.
    Sorry I am so late - had one or two bloopers with the computer yesterday - all sorted now I think.
    Hugs, Neet #4 xx

  19. HOW much bunting Jo?! Sheesh! Love the lace and all your boot sale finds. Sorry I'm late, but the trousers did get finished! Di xx

  20. What a fab haul - that lace really has cleaned up a treat, hasn't it? I'm sure you'll find something fantastic to use it on!

    Thanks for stopping by...

  21. Fab finds. Thanks for sharing this WOYWW, It's Thursday and I'm still snooping through the list! Take care Zo xx 22

  22. That lace and crochet looks wonderful. You certainly have a good eye for things you can recycle. Thank you for your visit this week and your lovely comment. Have a good week. xx Maggie #5

  23. That lace is 'to die for' - absolutely gorgeous and the union jack fabric - well I just want it! Regards, Anne #66

  24. Wow, what a wonderful lot of finds!!!


  25. wow - you get some decent stuff at your car boots don't you? I've not been to one for ages - and then again, I wasn't crafting when I last went so wasn't looking out for anything as such - but it looks like you've paid a visit to Aladins cave and come up trumps. Well done on the lace - what are you going to do with that then? Interesting.

    Keep up the good work, now you've finished doing the dresses, the world is your playground. Play and enjoy.

    Big hugs

    Paula x x x

  26. Must go to a car boot, haven't been for ages! sorry soooo late but we were dog sitting last week! and I missed a few!
    Happy last weeks woyww


Thanks for all your comments. I really appreciate your thoughts and ideas.