Wednesday 28 March 2012

WOYWW - fabric fest

Lots to snoop around on my untidy table and in just one corner of my sewing room today.
A real fabric fest this week too.
I have been busy with little "princess" dressing up skirts and cloaks and a knight's tabard. The gorgeous wool is for little shrugs - another little bargain.

I was given a bag of fabric so I took it out into the sunshine to sort, air and generally freshen up. Looks like lots of interesting bits and bobs there!
It included vintage patchwork, velvet and even a pair of Laura Ashley curtains.

  AND lastly the little "hang over" I was asked to make. I love the blue flowery fabric and I think I have enough left over for one more - so, another little sewing job !!!!

It all keeps me out of mischief.
Like I have time for that!!
We are off to garden for daughter M today - well its another glorious day - what else would we want to do!!!
I will try to get over to see all your desks later. I am sure Julia will have lots to share with us over at her Stamping Ground today.
Have a good week!
x Jo


  1. WOW you look like you have some lovely pieces of fabrics in your bag and I love your make, what a clever idea :)

    Have a great WOYWW and a fab week, Luv Karen

  2. The fabrics look brill Jo. I'm sure you will make use of most of that. Hope you have a great day in the sunshine today.
    A x

  3. Do those "hang overs" actually work? I had one similar to that one time that you were supposed to be able to put your remote control in. I couldn't get it to work properly. I do love the fabric choices you made, though. And of course, I'm a real fabric buff, so loved the snoop. Happy WOYWW from #3.

  4. Super fabrics Jo - and that hangover looks the real biz! Happy WOYWW! Di xx

  5. Jo you can come garden for me anyday .I should have garedn party you all come do some gardening i shall provide refreshments sounds good yes?Have fab time this weather is just glorious!Have fab wedensday and creative week hugs judex 67

  6. Hi Twiglet, looks like you are going to be busy for a while. I love the pretty little bucket. Have fun and a fab WOYWW from Helen 111

  7. Enjoy your day in the sunshine :o) It's glorious here too.

    Fiona xx #100

  8. Looks like you have enough fabric to work with this season. Good idea to unpack them in the garden, especially when the weather is so beautiful. Love the small bag you've made. It looks so cleverly. Have a happy WOYWW. xFranka

  9. Great stash of fabric and I wonder what it will all end up as? Great colour choice for your HangAbout! Did you see the owl sewing case on LLj's post today? It is fab!
    Love joZarty x

  10. Some gorgeous fabrics there, bet you'll enjoy sewing with them. Take care & enjoy this weeks snoop of WOYWW desks. Zo xx 77

  11. Happy WOYWW! Hopping around trying to get to more this week. Loved seeing all the lovely fabric and the "hang over" is great idea

  12. lots of awesome colorful fabrics there Jo! Love that little hangy thing you made. That would be awesome for a sewer or someone infirm! Hope you have a great week and thanks for sharing! Vickie #138

  13. I love the "hangover" - what a clever idea. Thanks for sharing.

    Jumbleberries xx

  14. I really wish everyone could see it in real time, my thingy oops hangover is gorgeous, thank you so much, I received it yesterday and I love it, I have put it on my blog so everyone can see. Love all that fabric, I love touching and feeling, but I'm afraid sewing is not for me, I can just about sew a card but it takes me an hour to swap over cottons etc as I need the instructions lol. Thanks again. Happy woyww :-) Kezzy x

  15. That hangover container is very neat. Lots of great bits of fabric you have there, that ought to keep you out of trouble for a bit.

  16. ...thats a whole lota fabric and great idea to air in the sunshine...great idea with the hanging basket...Mel :)

  17. Lovely lots of fabric, that'll keep you busy for a while!! The sunshine has made everyone feel better, I think :)
    Hugs, LLJ #74 xx

  18. Whoa, I've never seen a hangover before, what a fun thing!


  19. I Love the hang over, only, If I filled it with 'stuff' I'm sure it would fall off!
    Happy WOYWW

  20. Exciting finds. Love the little hang over..!! better than the morning after. I wish I had some of your energy. Lots to do with errand again this week but while I was waiting to day, I got to do a little rummaging at a small shop..Great fun. Happy WOYWW..

  21. Oh, brings up the topic, can I order a hang-over please. I'll drop you an e-mail. Bags you are given, are always great fun you never know what you might find.

  22. That's a clever little basket, I never saw that idea before. Doesn't get in the way on the floor and can go anywhere. Excellent idea! Barb #170

  23. Love all the fab fabrics. You coordinate colors like I do with paper. If there is a pattern for the "hangover" I'd love to see it. Not for me of course (no-sew-gal) but, for my friend who could make one for me... hint hint.
    Have a great week!

  24. I think your going to be busy with all that fabric.
    That hang-over is the best hang-over to have ;D
    Thanks for letting me take a peek...
    Have a great week Neesie #31

  25. How exciting to get a surprise bag of fabric! I don't do much sewing but I loooove fabric! I always hope to make funny little stuffed toys out of it! :^) patsy

  26. how nice to get some fabric for free! specially since you're so good with sewing. i have a lot, all waiting for THE day i will finally use them

  27. I bet those little ones have the best dressing up box in the area Jo!
    I had my mum’s wedding dress to play with when I was little. Naturally it got ruined over time and now I look back and wish I still had it but you can’t turn back time and at least I have happy memories of hours of fun and feeling like a princess.

    Thanks for stopping by this week.
    Happy Crafting!

  28. Love your hangover. Hope you enjoyed the garden

  29. What an awesome hangover caddy, I have never seen one of those before, wouldn't mind one either, sure would come in handy around here.

    Happy crafting

  30. Lovely lush fabrics and what a pretty hangabout you have made. Love it.
    Hugs, Neet #5 (who has candy on her blog) xx

  31. your finished storage is fab
    have a great week :)
    happy woyww

  32. I bet you had so much fun going through all that material....and I hope your DD is greatful for the loan of your gardening talents lol . xx

  33. All that lovely fabric.. I gave up sewing because I just kept buying more and more lovely fabric.. Hmmm, funny I still have that problem with paper!

  34. Love the hangover, never seen one of them before. Fabulous x
    Sophie no.183

  35. Fabric Fest! Sounds great! I love gifts like that where you can't wait to dig in and see what's there! Have fun using it all
    Suzanne at 87 (late!)

  36. Hi Jo, late again but trying hard to get round as many WOYWWers as possible today. Love all the fabric in your photos and you as though you've had an incredibly busy week. Hope your weekend was more restful :) Elizabeth x #145

  37. What a lovely lot of fabrics you got - I bet you can make a lot out of those! The hanging basket is amazing - I should have one of those in my craftroom - ha, ha pink would be the preferable color!
    Lots of hugs,


Thanks for all your comments. I really appreciate your thoughts and ideas.