Thursday 1 March 2012

Dress fest!

Tiny dresses for a little poppet!
Over the last few days I have made 4 little frocks for baby L.

A pretty sun frock.

A cosy pinafore dress - or two.

A little smocked dress.

And a cover up - its only a test really until I get the shape and size right.

I think she will be a smart girl don't you!!

I will be seeing her big cousins on Saturday -
I hope they would like something similar but bigger of course!


  1. Oh how special Jo. You really are a gem.
    A x

  2. Precious They are all lovely What a nice Aunt...

  3. She is going to be one well-dressed babe, that is for sure!

  4. Brilliant Jo - all perfect little makes for Lexi. Di xx

  5. Yum Yum and triple yum - utterly gorgeous and fabulous fabrics...! Sarah at 1 having a late WOYWW peek on Friday!

  6. WOW, I have not seen smocking like that for years, and it is so pretty. You are a very clever lady. Have a good week. xx Maggie #9


Thanks for all your comments. I really appreciate your thoughts and ideas.