Wednesday 29 February 2012

WOYWW - hearts galore!

Sorry folks my room looks even worse than last week! So, just a quick peek at some of my car boot bargains on my table.

I tidied some of the bags etc and then started all over again - this time helping daughter M with some of her "heart" cushions.
She sold all the beautiful, grey, velour cushions that she made before Christmas and decided she would re-stock with creams and beiges this time.

They are gorgeous little cushions - the small ones are about 10" square and the larger ones are 14" square.  I think she is hoping to sell the large ones of £17.50 and the small ones for £14.50. They all have a little zip across the back and are filled with polyester filling. Each one has a little Tilly Tea Dance label. I guess she will load them up to her Etsy shop - Tilly Tea Dance - if they don't sell before then!!!

As you will see from my post below - I had a happy time clearing some of our dress fabric by cutting out 25 more little frocks ready to sew.
BUT - this week I am making a little smocked dress for my twin great niece baby L. I love smocking and did loads when I was much younger. I find it quite theraputic.
Pretty isn't it....

Short and sweet again this week - I really do need to tidy that room don't I?

Have a great week and enjoy your blog hop - I will see lots of your desks later!
Now to hop to Aunty Julia's desk and see what she has been up to this week.

Have fun.
x Jo


  1. Those cushions are just gorgeous Jo and that little dress is going to be just perfect. Thanks so much.
    A x

  2. Is it boot sale season already? Great bargains.

    ** Kate **

  3. Must visit some car-boot sales. :) Love your cushions.

  4. Love the smocking on the dress and those cushions are gorgeous (Hazel, WOYWW #5) x

  5. Love those cushions the hearts are Fabulous, Have a great week! Hugs May x x x

  6. The cushions are absolutely gorgeous!im sure they will sell no problem.That dress is just so cute!Have fab wednesday and creative week
    hugs judex10

  7. Love your booty but adore that little smocked dress. I love to smock and had almost forgotten about it. The cushions are very stylish so no wonder they sell for M.
    Love JoZarty x

  8. Lovely buttons - vintage or purchased? I never took to smocking, but loved wearing as a child.

  9. I learned how to smock at school for my 'O' level but don't think I have used it since. Your little dress is beautiful as are your daughter's cushions - clearly a very talented family.
    Have a great week.
    Ann B
    My blog candy ends Thursday if you are interested

  10. Those cushions are gorgeous! Happy Wednesday to you, enjoy your snoop around the oh so creative desks and take care. Zo xx 83

  11. Sweet little cushions. I'm sure the neutral colors are hot sellers since they will go so well with most anything. Such a precious little smocked dress!

  12. Hi Jo,

    Love M's cushions, very stylish so I can see why the first set sold quickly!

    I just love the smocking youve shown, I dont think Ive ever tried it but like you I think it is beautiful. Definitely a trend that Id love to see come back for baby clothes.

    Keryn x

  13. I love the color on the of that dress! It is darling! The new pillows are great too. I am sure that they will fly off the shelves in no time! Have a great WOYWW! -Amanda 80

  14. what a cute dress,happy crafting,x

  15. Those cushions and dresses are gorgeous - very talented :) Thanks for stopping by my blog.

  16. Fab bargains. I don't think I have done smocking since I was at school. Yours look great.
    Happy WOYWW

  17. The little smocking dress looks so sweet. Love your daughter's cushions too.

    Thanks for already visiting me :)

    Sherry - WOYWW #6

  18. Smocking that taked me back ...I was taught it at school ...probably the last time I did it too.
    Looks like great car boot bargains xx

  19. The little smocked dress is beautiful. I love the effect it gives. And I love the colors.
    Man you keep soooo busy.
    The button pillows are so sweet, great gift ideas. Enjoy your week and Happy WOYWW

  20. Aw Jo, I learned to do stocking for O Level needlework and still love it, Miss D had a few special dresses when I controlled what she wore! The cushions are beautiful and I see no problem with your desk, it would take moments to tidy..not a problem at all! congrats on the little dresses for Africa too, really amazing and generous work.

  21. I am SO impressed with all those dresses. Not sure you will EVER call it quits. Gotta love the smocks in the post above, too. I would have been here earlier, but I got caught in a tornado early Wed morning. Here's to a belated WOYWW from #3.

  22. Hi Jo, gosh that smocking took me back ... I have 2 younger sisters and my mother used to hand smock our dresses when we were little. I cheated when it came to making dresses for my own daughter using the embroidery stitches on my sewing machine instead. The little dresses you've made for baby L are just so sweet. I didn't participate in WOYWW this week - I wasn't too well at the time but well enough to catch up now. Hope you're enjoying the weekend. Elizabeth x

  23. Running late this week... Love your photos. :) Stunning creations!

    Happy WOYWW!



Thanks for all your comments. I really appreciate your thoughts and ideas.