Saturday 12 November 2011

Tiny frocks and more frocks!

Version 1
A tiny frock in cosy Vyella type fabric for baby L.
She thought it was lovely but just a tad too big across her chest so....
Here is
Version 2

Just a tiny bit smaller and with deep pink floral buttons and tiny free machined flowers.
I am sure baby L will quickly grow into Version 1 so nothing is wasted.
I have loads of fabric left and will probably make similar for  Annie's older grandees P & L.

Here are a few more frocks for the "Dress a girl around the world" scheme.
I think I have made 142 now.

They just need a few trimmings so I am taking them down to Annie's.

Adrian from Cari crafts has sent us another fab bag of tiny bits of ribbon/lace and trims so I shall choose a few bits and stitch them on later.
I know a few of you have been using Cari crafts since we blogged about them. If you need crafty bits and bobs then follow the link on my side bar. They have a good range and offer a very fast efficient service.

Right, must get back to my Christmas card making.
(Might blog them next week)
Have a great weekend.
x Jo


  1. Hi Jo. I'm just checking out your latest makes. Lexi will look a real poppet in those dresses so thanks for making them. I'm just removing a couple layers of dust before you get down here....we might find what we are looking for then :-)
    See you later.
    A x

  2. Hi Jo!

    Two gorgeous dresses for your little grand niece! The fabric looks really beautiful.

    And lots of rays of sunshine hanging there ready to head off to Africa, wonderful!

    Have a super weekend!
    Keryn x

  3. Fabulous dresses for Lexi Jo - and my jaw dropped when you wrote that you'd made 142 dresses! Crumbs - you and Annie should get a medal for 'services to sewing' for making all these scrummy little dresses :) Di xx

  4. 142??!!! That is quite amazing. Well done you. & Little L's dress is so very pretty.


Thanks for all your comments. I really appreciate your thoughts and ideas.