Wednesday 26 October 2011


Good morning everyone.
A gloomy grey day here but then it is nearly the end of October - where has this year gone?

Firstly, apologies for not visiting many of you kind folk last week.
I had a very busy crafting week with two little projects that I made for Annie's birthday.
I will add a picture of one of them to the bottom of this post.

My table holds a few other bits and bobs that I have been busy with this week.

We had a dumfing day on fun day Monday.
Follow the link if you want to know more about our "dumfing" activities!
I decided to use up some of my gorgeous re-cycled woollies. So, I cut up some interesting shapes and then embellished them with my "dumfing" machine and then added beads and some machine and hand stitching.
I think they will go in our blog shop but if you are interested in any of them just email me.

In the top right you can see a little wedding card that I have been busy with. The wedding colours are old gold and black so I made a lace trimmed wedding cake with little dumfed flowers. It has the names and date at the bottom.
And lastly in the bottom corner you can see a little cardi that I made using up some of my Crofter wool. Well, that was the idea, BUT then I ran out of wool and ended up buying more so that I could finish it and I now have enough left to knit half of another one!! lol!!

Here is the little picture I made for Annie. It is a collage of her house .
I have made quite a few of these little pictures over the years and really enjoy doing them.
They take ages to prepare and stitch but the effort that went into this one was well worth it for my little sis.

I am nearly up to 100 followers and will soon be doing my 300th post so I am thinking of having a "Give Away" for my lovely followers. Lots of you pop in here and leave such cheery, friendly comments that I thought maybe you would like to join in and try and win one of my collages. What do you think?

If you want to join in the "Give Away" then as long as you are a follower just leave a comment to say that you would like to win a little picture and I will include your name in the draw.

Have a great day all.
Now to join the blog hop  - to Julia's Stamping Ground I go...


  1. Been sat here waiting all morning for you to post your WOYWW [ as if!] Love your brooches Jo and am sure they will fly off the shelves. I'm a follower [prob your first one] and I've left you a comment but there is no need to put me in your draw cos this gorgeous pic is mine....and I will treasure it for ever. Love you lots Jo.
    Biggest hugs,
    A x

  2. I wasn't an official follower I can't believe it (thought I was). Well I follow every Wednesday without fail! The picture for Wispo was amazing so yes please put me in the draw :)

    Just print off the picture at the top of your blog and stick it to the window on cloudy days and it need never be cloudy again ;)

  3. Well unlike Annie who already has one of your gorgeous pictures, I don’t so I would love to go in the draw please. (I've been a follower for ages)

    It must have taken hour putting all that together, a real labour of love but worth every second because the finished results are stunning, with so much detail.
    Love all the little brooches too and the cute cardie. Those babies must be the best dressed in the area!

    Happy sewing!

  4. Your collage is lovely and will be admired by everyone who see's it! Very clever talents you have there. Enjoy WOYWW!

  5. You are very productive Jo - absolutely love the little cardi -- I often get into that 'half a ball' left scenario, but usually with strange ingredients that you only ever need once in a flood! LOVE you collage for Annie, what a gorgeous idea and work of love...

  6. Oh boy, busy as ever Jo! I'd love to join in your draw please - am already a follower of course :) Remember to enter mine (also 300 posts!) - a chance to win a set of Nesties Die cutters in heart shapes for your Cuttlebug. Happy WOYWW. Di xx

  7. congratulations on your milestones - yes, I'm a follower - yes I'd love the chance to win one of your masterpieces!! Have a great day.

  8. I too presumed I was a follower as I do follow... but I AM NOW!!
    I love the pic you made for Annie and would love the chance to win one in celebration of your milestones. Thanks for the chance and have a good week,
    Love JoZarty xxx

  9. I thought I was a follower! but wasn't?! oh well I am now :o) the collage is wonderful, such a perfect gift! love the brooches and little cardy, so cute! would love to be included in the givaway. x

  10. I would love to enter. Your stuff is amazing. I would be proud to own one. I'm sure 8'm a follower but I will check.
    Famfa #30

  11. I laughed when I read the wool saga - how many times have I done that myself?? Your present for Annie is really lovely, all the detail is amazing. How long does it take you to do something like that? I'd very much like to be in with a chance of the picture as well please.
    Hugs, LLJ #43 xx

  12. That collage is absolutely amazing! How cool! Congratulations on hitting 100 followers!!!

  13. Your work is beautiful and takes time, so much craft is rushed these days - and it shows, either in the simplicity, or the 'cheating' ways of making it look as though time has been spent when it's really a quick technique trick,

    that's why I think you are a real Artist.


  14. wow 100 followers and 300 posts, I have some posting to do to catch up!

  15. Your collage is amazing as usual! You really have to put up some pictures or a tutorial abt how to make it, not so we can make our own (I doubt I have the tenacity!) but because it's intriguing. Pls count me in for your treasure of a giveaway! Like many I wasn't a follower because I come by for a visit through WOYWW but I am now! Thanks for sharing your joy! Patsy from

  16. LOVE your collages and I love those little dresses below too - is it an easy pattern as my baby girl would love something like this in the warmer weather (I think we DO get some sometimes!) And yes please to the draw if you do one and yes please to a "how to" too. Its not something I could do but I'm in awe of how you do it!

  17. The collage is beautiful thankyou for sharing. Annex

  18. Mmmmm thought I was follower but am thinking now I'm not. Will remedy that. Love the collage and would love one but it's probably not very fair to include me when I've only just become a follower. Anne x

  19. Thank you so much for taking the trouble to lave a look at Debbie's blog and to leave her a message. She is over the moon that others might want to look at what she is doing and to leave her a message. We just need to sort out why she does not seem to be able to leave comments.

  20. I was so sure I was already a follower ...but I wasn't when I checked...ooops ...I am NOW though xx.
    You are so clever ...your collages are brilliant fact all the things you and your sister ... and offsprings create, are amazing ...such a talented family ...would I want a picture created by you??? ....H*** pleeeease enter my name in your draw. xx

  21. Gorgeous project! Love all the wonderful colors. Thanks for the peek and sharing, xoxo Marjo

  22. I've had some frustrating times trying to leave comments and visit sites.
    I have enjoyed the Little House work you sent to me. It is such intricut details and beautiful colors.
    You always have fun things going on. We have had WONDERFUL FALL WEATHER YET.
    Enjoy the week.

  23. What wonderful broaches and the collage picture is goreous. Thanks for sharing.

  24. Great embroidered pictures Jo...fantastic as always
    Hugs x

  25. I thought I was a follower too, but I just have you in my Google reader, along with the other WOYWW'ers that I visit regularly :o)
    So productive as always. I love the little 'dumfings' you've made.

  26. Love that crofters wool Jo, a little winter hat from the left over ball would be great and a pair of mittens too! That should use it up. I'd already seen your amazing present for Annie on her blog, totally beautiful, you must have the patience of a Saint!

    Brenda 84

  27. I'm going to say Hi and HAPPY WOYWW, but don't worry about putting me in the draw - I've already got a "lovely" from you guys, so I'll happily relinquish the next treasure to someone else...

    Thanks for stopping by!

  28. I saw your lovely lickle picture on your li'l sister's blog. It is gorgeous. And what wouldn't I give to have a picture like that? I hope those cupcakes weren't stale as I just had the one with the yellow rose on for my lunch!! LOL!!

  29. Goodness me, I can't get on line properly for a week or so and all sorts of things happen when I'm not looking! Love the collage, very clever and HUGELY time consuming I should think, clever you. And more little dresses you're so good. I love reading about your crafting antics.
    What on earth is a cuttlebug machine?! Love the name if not what it does - make pretty flowers I guess!

  30. Looks you are very busy. Love these beautiful recycle-woollies and these cup-cakes from your older post - yummie!!! Thanks for visiting me. Bye, Franka

  31. Love the knitted cardi colours. Maybe you could knit a hat and mittens to go with it with the left over wool. Hugs Mrs A.

  32. love your brooches, as always.
    thanks for popping by earlier
    caroline #58

  33. I'm here!!! AT LAST ... able to pop along and leave comments! Thank you SO much for visiting me and leaving me a message ... gave me the encouragement to carry on. Hope to WOYWW for the first time next week so keep your fingers crossed for me. x

  34. Hi there Twiglet - you are having fun - and found the post on Dumfing very enlightening - dumfing sounds really fun - if one has the right machine! and you are having so much fun!! thanks for popping over and happy WOYWW,Shaz in oz.x

  35. The little house is lovely! And I know how hard it is to visit everyone for WOYWW-look how late I am! lol

  36. yes, yes, yes, i would like to win one of your amazing collages!

  37. Oooo can I join in please, although my house isn't very exciting :)
    twiggy x

  38. I would love to join in Jo. Your art work is amazing!
    Susan xxox

  39. Well, I am not at all surprised that Annie loved her picture so much as it just oozes love from her Big Sis! It is just stunning!

    Id love to be in with a chance of winning one but to be honest the outside of our house is really nothing at all special and so it would be a waste :( Its just magnolia render! This was just my little 2 up 2 down after my divorce and I never imagined Id still be here today but never mind! I love the insides though!

    Keryn x

  40. I'd love a picture of my French house...keeping my fingers crossed.


Thanks for all your comments. I really appreciate your thoughts and ideas.