Sunday 23 October 2011

Happy Birthday Annie!!

My little sister is celebrating her ** birthday today!!
So I just thought I should offer everyone a celebration cupcake.

I popped down to see her and take her card and pressies.
She loved them and will probably post them on her blog when she has a spare moment.

This afternoon she will be surrounded by family - I do  hope someone takes a birthday pic of her and her 5 grand children!!

Happy Birthday Annie - have a fab day! x Jo


  1. Hope you all had a wonderful day
    Hugs xx
    ps yummy looking cup cakes...I've just finished painting and made 12 chocolate ones, ooops only 8 left lol...think l'm turning into a cook hehe x

  2. Thanks for letting the secret out of the bag :-)
    A x

  3. Yummmy cupcakes - hope Annie had a great day. No doubt she did! Di xx

  4. shouldn't that be 3 stars for a 3 star lady?

    We use sloes to make wine, we need a few more than enough for two bottles of gin.

  5. I was quite sure I had joined your Followers, but it seems I was wrong. That collage picture is really clever and I am sure it will be treasured.


Thanks for all your comments. I really appreciate your thoughts and ideas.