Wednesday 6 April 2011

WOYWW - and signs of Spring!

Well here we are - Wednesday again - it seems to come round even faster these days!!
I hope you are all happy, healthy and busy. Thankfully, I am.

My table has a few things to share with you.
My Hangover and Hangabout are both hanging over my sewing machine and have now been added to our blog shop shelves. Both Wipso and I are busy making a few more of both, so by the time you read this there may be even more in the shop. (Click on the word "Hangover" in the left column in the shop).

So, you can see some lovely tartan and denim that I am going to make a more masculine style Hangover with.
Also, I found a gorgeous, deep pink jumper in a charity shop. It was just calling out to me to hot-wash and felt it. Not sure what I will make with it. Maybe another little outfit for a sock doll and some scented hearts.

The little note book has quotes at the bottom of each page.
I like this one ...

Constant kindness can accomplish much.
As the sun makes ice melt, kindness causes misunderstanding, mistrust, and hostility to evaporate.
Albert Schweitzer
(I am posting it in memory of another Albert - who died 22 years ago on the 5th April and who was the kindest Dad anyone could wish for.

And finally, just a few signs of Spring - hedgerow flowers, snapped on my walk down to our local car boot sale. No bargains but these lovely little violets, blackthorn blossom and primroses made up for it!

Have a great day everyone and I will pop over to Julia's tidy desk and join in with the WOYWW blog hop later.


  1. you have been busy! the flowers are very pretty

  2. Beautiful words Jo and so 'just perfect' for such a special man. He was taken from us far too soon but some folk never have such a wonderful role model in their lives.
    A x

  3. Look forward to seeing what you make with the pink sweater -- love the colour.
    You certainly produce lots of great stuff
    Anne x

  4. Lovely spring photos - thanks for sharing. I love the pink colour of the hangover, looks really well in the photo and glad to see you are doing some Hangabouts - I love mine that Jo made me.
    Pop over and see what I am doing - you will be surprised. #18

  5. Lovely pictures, just love it when spring appears all around us.

    enjoy your day


  6. Hi hun
    gorgeous makes on ya table, luv the flower pics, almost feels like summer here, have good day, thanks for the mooch, happy WOYWW, sue,x(27)

  7. beautiful signs of spring! and I can't wait to see what you do with the pink jumper, I've been meaning to learn to felt that way... I just do needlefelting so far!

  8. Those are lovely words to remind you of your Dad, and beautiful Spring flowers to accompany them.

    The pink jumper looks lovely for felting - can't wait to see what you come up with!

    Bernie x

  9. Gorgeous flower pics, and I love the colours of your hangover!!

  10. Busy and creative as always...

    Love your words - very touching...there's just no one like your own Dad.

    Thanks for sharing your space today. Have a fab week...
    Sarah (sasa at 2)

  11. We are drowning in blackthorn blossom, here. Apparently it is the sign of a harsh winter ahead.
    Sue xx 82

  12. Looks like a very creative desk!!

    Happy Wednesday ;-)

    Greets Marleen

  13. I love the colour of the pink jumper and I look forward to seeing what you do with it. Lots of lovely flower photos, it is so nice to see the plants coming back to life after such a long winter :)
    Have a lovely WOYWW,
    Karen #107

  14. Great new makes ... hope they sell well for you! such cheery photos .. a breath of Spring.
    Lovely memorial tribute to your special dear Dad too.
    Thanks for the ref to my part in the hangabouts! Be sure to call in on my blog to see BaxterMK2!
    Hugs joZarty x

  15. Busy as usual, you two really keep yourselves out of mischief don't you!! Love the Spring flowers, none of that here yet, sob sob! Saw your earlier post that you won a Bug, great stuff! You can get lots of cutting dies for it and I know it will cut felt among others things. love that embossing folder with the houses on it.

    Brenda 98

  16. Nice shade of pink, looking forward to seeing what you do with it. Hugs Pam x

  17. Lovely lovely words for your Dad. Thanks for Sharing and hope you have a happy WOYWW. Caroline (No 31 x)

  18. lovely projects on your desk, and the flowers are so pretty.

    I could use a pockets type of thing for a wheelchair bound friend. If you ever have any inspiration for something that might work ...

  19. Love those chair hangovers such a great idea! Happy WOYWW Hugs Rebekah xx (63)

  20. No no Twiggers - pop over TO TIDY my desk! Oh I guess it's not sooo bad this week! Lovely garden pics.. I have a whole bed crammed with prims, am just loving them.

  21. What beautiful photos of those spring flowers.

  22. WOW busy workspace. Your hangover and hang abouts are very nice. I love all the flowers. Thanks for sharing! Vickie #88

  23. Love the look and sound of that pink jumper for felting. I have made my Monkey now from the brown cardi I felted up a few weeks back on WOYWW. Hugs Mrs A. #67

  24. Great words beautiful flowers..spring id definitely about...look forward to seeing the pink woolly creation
    Hope your having a great week
    Hugs Suz x

  25. Hi Twiglet - lovely words. I was sitting talking about my Dad last night and still miss him over 30 years on. They break the mould don't they when they make such special Dads. I'd love to try felting sometime - so many ideas to try out - and the flowers are beautiful as well as the luscious pink on your desk! Thanks so much for calling by and commenting! Di x #89

  26. this desk shot reminded me that I have been intending for the last (ooh too many) years, to make a cover for my machine, seeing the work draped over yours reminded me that it's something still have not if only I could find time!


  27. Hello Jo!

    Lovely to see your new and future hangovers! I love the funky pink and black fabric, it looks really fab!

    Your photos of spring are just beautiful, I always enjoy you and Annie sharing your photos of nature!

    Am looking forward to seeing what the hot pink jumper will turn into!
    Your sock dollies are great and Im going to need a bride and a bridesmaid next year for when my youngest weds!

    Keryn x

  28. Oh the tartan and denim takes me back (Bay ....!)
    Sorry I am late but had my knee operated on Wednesday but managed to do my post before I went in. Playing catch up now as I cannot do alot - cant even go in my craft room unsupervised at is it upstairs!!


Thanks for all your comments. I really appreciate your thoughts and ideas.