Sunday 10 April 2011

A splash of colour!

What an amazing weekend of glorious weather!
I just had to share the splash of colour in my garden at the moment.
Above is the Clivia with the view of Roundton behind it.

Next are the anemones - another gorgeous colour that makes the heart sing!

This is what Mum used to call Japonica but really it is Chaenomeles.

And lastly the vivid yellow Mahonia.

I love this time of year - don't you?!!

Oh and by the way - I saw a pair of swallows on a wire as I was ambling around the car boot sale today!


  1. Thank you for sharing such wonderful splashes of Spring colour and a glorious view.
    Clare x

  2. Thanks for sharing the beautiful colours in your garden Jo.
    It certainly does lighten the mood when everything is coming into bloom.

    I should be able to share a few snaps of my garden in a day or two, but I’m just waiting for my flowering cherry to burst into colour, should be any day now.

    My Mahonia is flowering for the first time since I planted it four years ago, so I think I should record that with a photo, don’t you.
    Happy Gardening!


  3. Missed both you and the swallows today! What a wonderful day it has been.

  4. Gorgeous pics sis. We had a wonderful 1st birthday party in the sunshine.....I'm sure we will all sleep well tonight with all the fresh air :-)
    A x

  5. swallows? Hooray! It's spring.

  6. Fabulous photos of such glorious colours - makes your heart sing! Spring must be on the way - yippee!! Di x

  7. Ah yeah, the swallows are starting to appear in the sheds at the farm where Mr D has his workshop. Although your garden is a riot of glorious colour..something the sheds lack!

  8. Oh, wow! You even know the clever! I just say, the pink/orange/yellow flowers!! xxx

  9. it was fabulous weather this week end but back to clouds today I love your pictures thanks for sharing

    Love Dawn xx

  10. A lovely snippet of spring; hope you're not faced with snow again now the weather's turned colder.

  11. You have some beautiful colours in your garden it must be lovely to relax in and be inspired!

    Hugs June

  12. Thank you, thank you, thank you....for some colour! After Portugal....I am feeling a bit down and the colours here are...well.... non existent. The grass is dirty, brownish grey. The snow is still 3 feet deep by my front tree.... beginning to melt out back but now showing me at least one million fir cones on the old dead grass....from the stupid neighbour's tree. Yes..I mean the neighbour is stupid..not the tree.... sigh..... he has two that are next to dead and sprouting millions of cones to try to procreate.... or at least that's my take on it;

    roll on summer.... it will be late May or early June before we have anything flowering... dammit. Oh, well... I better toughen up and act like a Canadian eh?


Thanks for all your comments. I really appreciate your thoughts and ideas.